View Full Version : Questions about shortness of breath

06-16-2014, 09:34 AM
(Warning: Long post!) Hi! I've been having constant shortness of breath for a few months now along with a lot of other symptoms. It started as this mild feeling of something in my throat that was keeping enough air from getting in, but in early April it got really bad. The "shortness of breath" type of feeling varies. Sometimes it feels like I can't get enough air or like my chest is tight. Sometimes it feels like I'm breathing too deeply and quickly. Sometimes it feels like my lungs are unstable and I'm about to hyperventilate, and yet sometimes I'll be feeling perfectly fine and then suddenly I'll have a lot of trouble breathing and it feels like I'm a step away from gasping for air. It's really scary. The worst it was was the other morning. I had been feeling like my lungs were unstable and I was going to hyperventilate again, which turned into this feeling of sort of being suffocated. I was sitting in the school auditorium and then suddenly I actually couldn't breathe for a few seconds! It felt like the air was being squeezed out of my lungs and like I really was being suffocated. This happened again a few minutes later, but not as bad. I can't sleep at night because I have trouble breathing. It's terrible! I can only remember one time that I slept well in the past month 1/2. I'm so scared that I'll stop breathing forever and die. I've been to the doctor 3 times for this, and each time they've told me it's anxiety. However, I just can't bring myself to believe that because it feels too horrible to be anxiety, and it's been getting worse. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to die because of trouble breathing. My mom sometimes tells me it might be allergies, which for some reason really scares me, maybe because it means we're not sure what's causing this. But I know it can't be allergies because allergies can't feel this bad! Also, the shortness of breath is worse at night. Sometimes at night I feel like I'll stop breathing.So, my first question is- Does this sound like anxiety to you? And how do I feel better, or preferrably get instant relief, because I'm sick of this and i just want to live normally! I want to get a good night's rest for once!
My next question is- can anxiety make you feel like you are suffocating through your nose or have sinus pressure? Sometimes it feels kind of like there is a layer of plastic wrap over my nostrils, like I'm suffocating. And then the other day I suddenly got really dizzy and then I got intense sinus pressure. It was really scary. I was thinking "I hope my lungs aren't next! I hope my lungs aren't next!" but soon it went away.
Lastly, will you be annoyed if ask a lot of questions about physical symptoms very often? It seems like I always have a new symptom every day and I get really scared about them and want to make sure they're anxiety caused and not cancer or something. I think my psychologist mother (bless her) is tired of me asking "Is this from anxiety?" and now says yes so I won't freak out, and I'm pretty sure Ask.com is sick of me as well.
P.S. Is it possible to stop breathing and die from anxiety?

06-16-2014, 10:16 AM
(Warning: Long post!) Hi! I've been having constant shortness of breath for a few months now along with a lot of other symptoms. It started as this mild feeling of something in my throat that was keeping enough air from getting in, but in early April it got really bad. The "shortness of breath" type of feeling varies. Sometimes it feels like I can't get enough air or like my chest is tight. Sometimes it feels like I'm breathing too deeply and quickly. Sometimes it feels like my lungs are unstable and I'm about to hyperventilate, and yet sometimes I'll be feeling perfectly fine and then suddenly I'll have a lot of trouble breathing and it feels like I'm a step away from gasping for air. It's really scary. The worst it was was the other morning. I had been feeling like my lungs were unstable and I was going to hyperventilate again, which turned into this feeling of sort of being suffocated. I was sitting in the school auditorium and then suddenly I actually couldn't breathe for a few seconds! It felt like the air was being squeezed out of my lungs and like I really was being suffocated. This happened again a few minutes later, but not as bad. I can't sleep at night because I have trouble breathing. It's terrible! I can only remember one time that I slept well in the past month 1/2. I'm so scared that I'll stop breathing forever and die. I've been to the doctor 3 times for this, and each time they've told me it's anxiety. However, I just can't bring myself to believe that because it feels too horrible to be anxiety, and it's been getting worse. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to die because of trouble breathing. My mom sometimes tells me it might be allergies, which for some reason really scares me, maybe because it means we're not sure what's causing this. But I know it can't be allergies because allergies can't feel this bad! Also, the shortness of breath is worse at night. Sometimes at night I feel like I'll stop breathing.So, my first question is- Does this sound like anxiety to you? And how do I feel better, or preferrably get instant relief, because I'm sick of this and i just want to live normally! I want to get a good night's rest for once!
My next question is- can anxiety make you feel like you are suffocating through your nose or have sinus pressure? Sometimes it feels kind of like there is a layer of plastic wrap over my nostrils, like I'm suffocating. And then the other day I suddenly got really dizzy and then I got intense sinus pressure. It was really scary. I was thinking "I hope my lungs aren't next! I hope my lungs aren't next!" but soon it went away.
Lastly, will you be annoyed if ask a lot of questions about physical symptoms very often? It seems like I always have a new symptom every day and I get really scared about them and want to make sure they're anxiety caused and not cancer or something. I think my psychologist mother (bless her) is tired of me asking "Is this from anxiety?" and now says yes so I won't freak out, and I'm pretty sure Ask.com is sick of me as well.
P.S. Is it possible to stop breathing and die from anxiety?

Now, your mother is partially right. Start with the reduction, elimination of mucus producing foods. Switch to leafy greens, vegetables, fruit, nuts, fish.....eliminate fried foods, processed cheeses, ice cream, cakes, mayonnaise, eggs, creamy salad dressings, yogurts, dairy, replace milk with almond milk. Eliminate chemical rich foods such as chips, except organic/baked. Cut out the phosphates (labeled) and MSG.

Your body has high acidic content, coupled with the stomach over producing more in conjunction with stress. Return more to a PH balance a little over alkeline with green and whole food. Take fish oils and B12.

It is of no concern pollen or flowers, for it is food related. Exercise, keep a fit weight.

To deal with the anxiety, firstly eliminate some physiological symptoms that prevent you from concentration on anything other than the health of the body itself.

Now, spiritually the significance of the symptoms are of a great weight (you are troubled). The troubled thoughts exist, and existed before the onset of anything physical. This is for you to work out, and lift the burdon since you are young, but none can be done while under the weight of impending doom. So ease that first. Get the respiratory system in order.

Show your mother this post, and bring it to the doctor or nutritionist if you wish. However we see it as a conflict in the psyche, and a body reaction to what you put in it/around it.

06-16-2014, 11:06 AM
Thank you so much for your advice. :-)

06-16-2014, 10:15 PM
Thank you so much for your advice. :-)

Read this about breathing mechanics: