View Full Version : Fear of something unknown happening to me.. Is it panic..?

06-16-2014, 08:56 AM
Hey everyone...

So I was doing a lot better, was trying to fight and deal the symptoms.. but all of the sudden I have started feeling a weird thing again.. My first bad panic case was few months ago, and I literally felt a lot of things at that time...like something is happening to me. Now I have again started to worry that something unknown is happening to me..like something happening to my head, or me loosing my control, my mind sort of become blanks or stuck for sometime.. If I dont push myself out of it my heart starts pounding. I fear having such a panic attack again like I had few months ago.. I dont know how to describe.. Actually nothing is happening to me, but i start feeling something is happening to me..and I start feeling really strange..

I dont wanna tremble and be in that panic state again.. What to do... :( Is it me panicking again.? Any tips to deal with such panic... ??? Am on remeron 15 mg...its been almost 2 months now since am on it.. I am worried now..of worrying again.. :(

Take care..

Stay blessed...

06-16-2014, 09:34 AM
Hey everyone...

So I was doing a lot better, was trying to fight and deal the symptoms.. but all of the sudden I have started feeling a weird thing again.. My first bad panic case was few months ago, and I literally felt a lot of things at that time...like something is happening to me. Now I have again started to worry that something unknown is happening to me..like something happening to my head, or me loosing my control, my mind sort of become blanks or stuck for sometime.. If I dont push myself out of it my heart starts pounding. I fear having such a panic attack again like I had few months ago.. I dont know how to describe.. Actually nothing is happening to me, but i start feeling something is happening to me..and I start feeling really strange..

I dont wanna tremble and be in that panic state again.. What to do... :( Is it me panicking again.? Any tips to deal with such panic... ??? Am on remeron 15 mg...its been almost 2 months now since am on it.. I am worried now..of worrying again.. :(

Take care..

Stay blessed...

You are blessed. Rather, you are a blessing.

Your body is in a heightened state, consistantly. Even when relaxed, so to speak, watching tv, etc, your chemical levels are elevated still, surpressed to a degree by the meds. Now, should you excite yourself a bit, by an emotion, you go over the edge, because you are already at breaking point. It is consciously available for you to study (the reason), maybe a work issue, a marital or relationship/family issue, a frustration issue of an event ongoing. While small and would not have affected you in the past, this now puts you over the cliff. Trace back to how you have been feeling (festering over) in the past week about a life issue and you find the inception of the attack.

Secondly, the attack a few months ago is trauma related, and dates back. (The first attack, the prime attack), and that as well had its trigger-event. Either way, you are to look way back now, and go forward to find the trauma(s) that the incipient emotion is attached to, do you understand? That is the cause of all of it.

You may find unfulfillment, lack of expression both creatively in some art, and verbal hesitance due to over sensitivity or repressive beliefs for example. There is energy there, the lack of movement causes the trembleing, you see? Its your work to do.

06-16-2014, 10:11 AM
You are very right.. The first attack was a trauma itself..and this is what I fear all the time.., now how to let myself know that am gonna be okay.. it wont happen again.. ??

I dont know how to explain.. but this fear is of something happening to me which isnt actually happening..how to tell myself am okay ..and fine.. i wont go crazy or something bad wont happen to me..I was feeling a lot better this month..but suddenly I have started feeling this unknown fear inside...It can be related to female hormones as well... but i just dont know what to do .. Hope I get back to where i was and keep fighting it from within..

06-16-2014, 10:40 AM
You are very right.. The first attack was a trauma itself..and this is what I fear all the time.., now how to let myself know that am gonna be okay.. it wont happen again.. ??

I dont know how to explain.. but this fear is of something happening to me which isnt actually happening..how to tell myself am okay ..and fine.. i wont go crazy or something bad wont happen to me..I was feeling a lot better this month..but suddenly I have started feeling this unknown fear inside...It can be related to female hormones as well... but i just dont know what to do .. Hope I get back to where i was and keep fighting it from within..

No, the first trauma was way before the first attack, we are not talking about the trauma of the attack. We are talking about your life trauma, loss, growing up, you must go there for your answers, and heal whats unresolved giving you the illusion of panic in the current time. Do you understand?

Secondly, this is not an enemy, period. Fighting it, in your terms, would be like waiving a sword to the air saying "air! I will find and kill you" it is illusive in a sense that you buried the hurts, and so the demons you fight are the symptoms.

Now go inside (your head), and recapitulate your days until you find the trauma-memory. The source. Look at loss, in your life, look at death, look at spiritual loss (soul mate). You must release these emotions, at least honor them, recognize and bring them back. We get loss, in your story, look there. Possibly a domineering figurehead, one that stripped you of self-reliance. Maybe alive, but dead to you, in those terms.

That is all for now.