View Full Version : memory loss and having trouble with words

05-26-2008, 09:38 PM
Hi there I know this probably sounds :o stupid, but I have a few problems that really bug me, i have trouble remembering things that i have done recently and I easily forget words. Also when i talk i easily get words muddled up and cant seem to find the right words. I am really starting to freak out cause I think I might have dementia or Alzeihmers or something like that. i read an article the other day about Alzeihmers is becoming more common in people in their 30's. I am 34. It scared the shit out of me!! Can someone tell me if they have the same problems? :o

05-27-2008, 01:00 AM
Memory loss, having problems with choosing words, and stumbling with your speech are all VERY common anxiety symptoms.

05-27-2008, 07:49 PM
This is very common for me. Often I get so worked up during work that I can't even answer a simple yes or no question without stammering.

05-27-2008, 09:36 PM
It happens to me especially when I am speaking infront of a group or when I am speaking to someone with a very strong intimidating personality.

Sometimes I feel like it makes me look like I'm not telling the truth, so I guess I would make a terrible witness.