View Full Version : afternoons

06-15-2014, 04:26 PM
Hey everyone (:
Just wanted to ask a quesion. Does anyone feel anxious during a specific time of day?
Like for me, during the afternoon, around 1pm-6pm, I feel really nauseous and thats when I get mild to moderate anxiety.
Ive felt this way, about the afternoons, since I can remember. I think it might be the color of the sun ( like a deep/intense orange ) that makes me feel this way but im not sure.
I just dread the afternoons.

06-15-2014, 05:28 PM
It's night time for me as that's when I feel most alone. My husband will be lying next to me, my son in the next room and I feel really afraid and alone. I think it's because the nights are so long and end up feeling anxious about what the next day will bring too.

06-15-2014, 08:55 PM
Nights are worse for me. During the day I am focused on other things, but in the evenings when things are less structured, I get more anxious. I think it depends on what you're doing during that part of the day. What are you doing in the afternoons? Are you around other people or by yourself, focused or unfocused?

06-16-2014, 10:36 AM
Mornings are worse for me! Especially when you're tired. My anxiety seems to dissipate the later it gets.

06-16-2014, 12:22 PM
I think it depends on what you're doing during that part of the day. What are you doing in the afternoons? Are you around other people or by yourself, focused or unfocused?

Well during the afternoon I dont really do anything..especially since im on summer break from school. But ive ALWAYS hated the afternoon. Other people say it could be depressed but I dont feel depressed ... idk