View Full Version : Sick of feeling like this!!

Leonie Campbell
06-14-2014, 10:37 PM
Want to introduce myself! I suffer from health anxiety where I just stress and worry about my health. Been having panic attacks daily and feel anxious all the time! My heart rate is always in its 60's and for some reason I get anxious and panic that it's too slow... As I don't really exercise so I think how could my heart be slower!?
Now I have a constant heavy feeling in my chest and I hyperventilate thinking I'll stop breathing! My back is so tight especially all around my ribs feel tight and so do my pec muscles... Can that cause you to feel like your chest is tight?? I had a baby 5 weeks ago and in the last week my whole body hurt I'm lifting him and carrying a capsule a big so not sure if I'm worry over nothing!! When I was pregnant my anxiety disappeared now it's back.. :-(( just want to feel normal again!! I know when I get anxious cause I get this tingling sensation in different parts of my body?!
Can anyone relate or just reassure me!

Matthew Caleb
06-23-2014, 07:23 PM
Yes my chest has pressure and my fingers start tingling and lose feeling when I start having anxiety attacks. These are common symptoms. I'm new to this forum and am new to having anxiety issues too

06-25-2014, 07:48 AM
Hey.. Welcome to the forum! actually welcome to you both haha!:) I worry a lot about hr and that... Sometimes ill lie there and think 'omg its too slow' ill panic and it will shoot right up! I dont know if you get that but its all just anxiety.. I also can get tightness in the chest, chest pain, tingling in my shoulders, hand etc. Im too scared to get checked up so i wont haha! But ive been reassured that it is ALL anxiety.. And honestly all that you are feeling are all signs of anxiety! So try not to stress? I know its so hard to do! Haha! Hope you are okay though other than that!