View Full Version : My family drives me crazy

06-13-2014, 02:57 PM
As if things arent bad enough I have to deal with hurting my family. I cant stop being depressed and anxious, in the click of a finger like they think i can. Tonight my mum and sister sat CRYING saying how annoying i was, rude, depressed, and if i loved them i wouldnt be so anxious etc. Like. for. god. sake
Then they say i do nothing for them im like lets count.
1. I stay alive for you
2. I hide my issues from you, to save you even more stress.
3. I am as polite as i know how to be
4.Im working on recovery for you.
5.I am under so much damn stress for you
6.I dont cut for you.

Its tireing. Realy tireing.

06-13-2014, 11:40 PM
Do you keep a diary or journal? And Youtube guided meditation. Set small goals for yourself. Even if it's one thing a day, completing it will help your self esteem. You need to clear your mind of any negative thoughts.. the meditation helps with that. As for family, it's hard for people to understand if they haven't dealt with it themselves. Find people who understand and can guide you through. You'll get better though. If you fall 100 times, get up 101.

Irish Sammie
06-14-2014, 03:28 PM
Hey Maddie,

I know it's hard for family members to understand. I'm in a similar situation at the moment myself. You can't force them to understand how you feel as I've found that either they "get" it , or they don't. My parents don't really get it, even though I've told them. A lot of my anxiety comes from them which doesn't help, but my current situation doesn't allow me to be far away from them. When you were writing about the things you do for "them", it's really not about them at all. You should be wanting to do these things for you, and not them. If you feel like you're doing them a favour by acting in a certain way, well then you're not really working on yourself, but merely convincing yourself that you are.

If it helps at all, sit your mother down, one on one and tell her honestly how you feel. You might have already done this, but if you've not it will answer a lot of questions she's having in her own mind. It's often in the "not knowing" that gets us all frustrated whatever the situation is.