View Full Version : An invaluable source that's helped me hugely. Please get these...

Irish Sammie
06-13-2014, 05:31 AM
Hey guys,

I've read both "Essential Help for your Nerves" and "Self-Help for your nerves" by the late Dr.Claire Weekes. These have just been amazing books to read and anyone with any sort of panic/anxiety disorder MUST read these books. I'm sure she has been mentioned before, but it's always good to mention these as reminders. Many of you who are bewildered by your symptoms, or just have no clue where to turn to for your next step of recovery, these books will help.

You can get them both on Amazon UK or America:







For me, half of the battle is knowing what is going on, so you can apply the right mindset towards it in order to start the healing process. I've learned so much from reading these books, it's no wonder she's cured 1000's of people worldwide. She wrote these books originally back in the 70's, so there are some old fashioned reference points, but they're still completely applicable today. Everything that is mentioned in both books should fully relate to you and it gives you helpful tools for you to work with on a daily basis, retraining the way you think and then applying them to real world scenarios. If you use the information provided in these books, combine it with sheer determination, you'll stand a much likelier chance of ridding yourself of this condition. I appreciate what she provides in this book; showing you the pitfalls and what to avoid. The mistakes people make thinking they're doing the right thing, when infact they're being counterproductive and only furthering their suffering. I've read other anxiety based books, but none of them are as humble or as knowledgeable as hers.

I could go on and on about her but I won't. If you're curious get these books. I doubt you'll be disappointed. :)

*As a side note: I'm someone who bores very easily, thus I can't sit down and read a book for too long because my mind starts to wander. For the past 10 years I've been like this and I just don't bother with lengthy reading sessions anymore. These two are the first books in 10 years I've read through and through about 5 times now and I still don't get bored of them.

06-13-2014, 06:20 AM
Really? Might give these a go, once i get my allowance ;) thanks

06-13-2014, 01:41 PM
[QUOTE="Irish Sammie;187204"]Hey guys, I've read both "Essential Help for your Nerves" and "Self-Help for your nerves" by the late Dr.Claire Weekes. These have just been amazing books to read and anyone with any sort of panic/anxiety disorder MUST read these books. I'm sure she has been mentioned before, but it's always good to mention these as reminders. Many of you who are bewildered by your symptoms, or just have no clue where to turn to for your next step of recovery, these books will help. You can get them both on Amazon UK or America: Europe: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Essential-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcome/dp/0722540132/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402658400&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=essential+nervers http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_y America: http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcome/dp/0722540132/ref=la_B001HOT92I_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1402658537&sr=1-5 http://www.amazon.com/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=la_B001HOT92I_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1402658537&sr=1-6 For me, half of the battle is knowing what is going on, so you can apply the right mindset towards it in order to start the healing process. I've learned so much from reading these books, it's no wonder she's cured 1000's of people worldwide. She wrote these books originally back in the 70's, so there are some old fashioned reference points, but they're still completely applicable today. Everything that is mentioned in both books should fully relate to you and it gives you helpful tools for you to work with on a daily basis, retraining the way you think and then applying them to real world scenarios. If you use the information provided in these books, combine it with sheer determination, you'll stand a much likelier chance of ridding yourself of this condition. I appreciate what she provides in this book; showing you the pitfalls and what to avoid. The mistakes people make thinking they're doing the right thing, when infact they're being counterproductive and only furthering their suffering. I've read other anxiety based books, but none of them are as humble or as knowledgeable as hers. I could go on and on about her but I won't. If you're curious get these books. I doubt you'll be disappointed. :) *As a side note: I'm someone who bores very easily, thus I can't sit down and read a book for too long because my mind starts to wander. For the past 10 years I've been like this and I just don't bother with lengthy reading sessions anymore. These two are the first books in 10 years I've read through and through about 5 times now and I still don't get bored of them.[/QUOTE

This is funny! I was just coming on here (haven't been for awhile) to tell folks about Dr. Claire Weekes book, "Hope and Help For Your Nerves". It's helped me SO much! I'm not completely cured yet but I'm dealing so much better and have hope for the first time in ten years! I'll look into the ones you mention too.
I have to say to anyone out there reading this, please go to Amazon and buy it. It really does help! :-)

Irish Sammie
06-13-2014, 05:51 PM
[QUOTE="Irish Sammie;187204"]Hey guys, I've read both "Essential Help for your Nerves" and "Self-Help for your nerves" by the late Dr.Claire Weekes. These have just been amazing books to read and anyone with any sort of panic/anxiety disorder MUST read these books. I'm sure she has been mentioned before, but it's always good to mention these as reminders. Many of you who are bewildered by your symptoms, or just have no clue where to turn to for your next step of recovery, these books will help. You can get them both on Amazon UK or America: Europe: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Essential-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcome/dp/0722540132/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402658400&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=essential+nervers http://www.amazon.co.uk/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_y America: http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcome/dp/0722540132/ref=la_B001HOT92I_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1402658537&sr=1-5 http://www.amazon.com/Self-Help-Your-Nerves-Overcoming/dp/0722531559/ref=la_B001HOT92I_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1402658537&sr=1-6 For me, half of the battle is knowing what is going on, so you can apply the right mindset towards it in order to start the healing process. I've learned so much from reading these books, it's no wonder she's cured 1000's of people worldwide. She wrote these books originally back in the 70's, so there are some old fashioned reference points, but they're still completely applicable today. Everything that is mentioned in both books should fully relate to you and it gives you helpful tools for you to work with on a daily basis, retraining the way you think and then applying them to real world scenarios. If you use the information provided in these books, combine it with sheer determination, you'll stand a much likelier chance of ridding yourself of this condition. I appreciate what she provides in this book; showing you the pitfalls and what to avoid. The mistakes people make thinking they're doing the right thing, when infact they're being counterproductive and only furthering their suffering. I've read other anxiety based books, but none of them are as humble or as knowledgeable as hers. I could go on and on about her but I won't. If you're curious get these books. I doubt you'll be disappointed. :) *As a side note: I'm someone who bores very easily, thus I can't sit down and read a book for too long because my mind starts to wander. For the past 10 years I've been like this and I just don't bother with lengthy reading sessions anymore. These two are the first books in 10 years I've read through and through about 5 times now and I still don't get bored of them.[/QUOTE

This is funny! I was just coming on here (haven't been for awhile) to tell folks about Dr. Claire Weekes book, "Hope and Help For Your Nerves". It's helped me SO much! I'm not completely cured yet but I'm dealing so much better and have hope for the first time in ten years! I'll look into the ones you mention too.
I have to say to anyone out there reading this, please go to Amazon and buy it. It really does help! :-)

I'm glad you're using her as a resource too. Did you find yourself just nodding along with what she was saying? even things she mentions that you could never find yourself saying to someone because it makes you sound crazy? When that's written in a book, you get a huge surge of relief that whatever crazy thought you had, it's completely credible at the end of the day and not something that you think is strange.

I'm far from being cured as you still have to do the work at the end of the day, but the way she writes things makes you think that you wrote it yourself given the intricate detail she goes into. You'd never think you'd hear anyone say the things she says, BUT yourself!

Another aspect I enjoy about the book, is the case files she includes of nameless clients she has treated. There's such honesty in how she goes about dealing with them, which is one of the biggest reasons I respect her. If only she was alive today.

Irish Sammie
06-13-2014, 05:53 PM
Really? Might give these a go, once i get my allowance ;) thanks

Sure maddie!

It will answer a lot of questions you have about how you feel. When you have the answers to the why and how....you're already on the road to recovery! :)

06-14-2014, 03:16 PM
I feel that I can control anxiety but that it gets replaced by apathy and depression. Not sure that's any better. Better than panic but the hopelessness sucks.

06-14-2014, 03:48 PM
I'll definitely have a look!