View Full Version : Sharing music

06-12-2014, 05:22 PM

I was just wondering if I'm alone in this. I find it really hard to express myself when it comes to music. Actually, it's so hard for me that my girlfriend of four years (whom I've known for eight) doesn't even really know what music I listen to.
Whenever I find a song I like, on youtube for instance, I dig through the comments to see if it's 'okay' for me to listen to that song. If I see one too many posts of what I infer to be 14-year-olds or girls, I usually just force myself to no longer like the song. I'm afraid that people would think I'm strange for the music I like, because it's for kids, because it's too girly, or even because it's 'too mainstream'. Does anyone else have this problem?

On a more practical note, is my taste in music 'not appropriate'? I am a 21-year old man. I like bands like Three Days Grace, Seether, Cage the Elephant, A Perfect Circle, Apocalyptica.. I know some of you will say "you can listen to whatever you want", but lets be honest; can you honestly say you wouldn't judge for a single moment if you saw a 40 year old man listening to justin bieber? So in full honesty, is there some truth behind my anxiety?

06-12-2014, 07:57 PM
Personally, I never judge others for their taste in music. EVEN if they were a 40 year old man listening to Justin Beiber. Each person has their own taste in music.

06-12-2014, 08:01 PM
I would encourage you to share the music you enjoy with your girlfriend. She's known you that long, she probably knows everything about you and I'm sure she won't judge you. I think it's just a matter of taste...like cars or wine..we all like different things. People might tease or rib someone if they listened to Justin Beiber, but I don't think it would make them like that person any less or think any less of them. I can understand if you don't like girly music, (you're a 21 year old guy) but it's okay to like mainstream music. That's what they plan on the radio all day long so plenty of people are listening to that.

06-12-2014, 08:06 PM
I don't know if this is an answer that you're looking for but I'm just going to go with what I think. Everyone has different taste in music and it is natural for people to judge others by what they wear, how they act, what they listen to, read, eat, events they attend etc. I'm 30 and my music taste is very eclectic. I was listening to Nine Inch Nails earlier today and 20 minutes later a song by Dido came on my iPod so that shows you how diverse my music selections are. I like to say that depending on how my day is going or what mood I'm in that I probably have a cd/album in my collection that will fit that.
I think you have an appropriate taste in music, however who I am to judge I listen to pretty much everything except metal and opera.

06-14-2014, 03:45 PM
well if they write shit like that in coments then the song is usually really crappy but if you like it then listen to it. Whatever

06-14-2014, 09:07 PM
As you get older you'll stop caring so much about what people think especially with music. You'll find their approval was never important.

06-15-2014, 10:22 PM
Hey Robin,

I listen to all sorts of music, including three days grace:) Music is a very subjective and what one person may enjoy the other won't, but I don't think a person has to have certain characteristic to listen to a particular type of music. Music for me in life is essential, it helps me get through my day and the type I listen to is dependent upon the mood I'm in.

I can listen to queen or older music one hour, then RNB the next and then some heavier stuff like three days grace or Shinedown. I'm 22 and I have had people say why do you listen to queen they are Sh*t but to be honest I couldn't care. If a 40 year old guy wants to listen to Justin bieber it's not my concern and it's not harming me so honestly I wouldn't judge. Sure I may have a 2 second chuckle, but I wouldn't look at him negatively.

I can see why you may be anxious..... You may think that people may form Positive or negative perceptions of you because of your taste in music, But I don't think someone is going to "judge" you because of your taste in music and if they do that's their problem. Sure your taste me different to somebody elses, but the world would be a very boring place if we all liked the same things.