View Full Version : New to Anxiety and GERD

06-12-2014, 02:36 PM
GERD- Gastroesophageal reflux disease is something I just learned about on March 9th. I went to urgent care with extreme cotton mouth and cotton throat. This led to me not being able to swallow and the feeling of not being able to breath. By the time I left work and got to the hospital I was in full blown anxiety attack. I felt like I couldn't breath. I had pain in my chest and my whole body was tingling. It was the worst experience of my life. They did some tests to make sure it wasn't something major and told me to start taking medication for GERD. Immediately I googled GERD and my lifestyle fell in line with all of the things that would cause someone to develop GERD. I started a new position just a month before this episode though and there are many sights that say anxiety could cause GERD. It's tricky, because I don't know if my anxiety caused GERD or if my GERD caused anxiety, but one thing that's for sure is that they are both present. All medications I have been on for GERD have worked for a short while and then the symptoms have returned. For this reason I went to a therapist and talked about whether or not it could be anxiety. My new position has me speaking to troubled middle school kids on a daily basis.

I was a troubled middle school kid and she says that this new job is taking me back to a place I haven't been in a long time and probably didn't want to return to. A buddy of mine said, "It's the experiences you have had that make you the best person for the job, but it is the same experiences that also make it difficult for you to do the job.” This made a lot of sense. MY therapist had me fill out a questionnaire and it revealed to me that I am actually struggling with many things right now. It bothers me that my uncles made me look at porn and do inappropriate actions with that porn when I was just about 5 or 6. It also bothers me that two family members have passed recently after years of heroin addiction. It also bothers me that my father was such a bad alcoholic when I was growing up and now he is a good person that I feel bad being angry with. It also bothers me that my mom worked so hard and kept us alive when I was little, but now she is a bad selfish person that I feel bad being angry with.

I want to be over the anxious feelings and the GERD symptoms. The therapist recommended that I go to group therapy, but that is not available for a while. So I figured a forum could work the same way.