View Full Version : Cannot concentrate and therefore memory loss?

06-12-2014, 01:09 PM
One of the biggest symptoms of mine is loss of concentration, completely, with me being at college this does not help. I'll be thinking about one thing, might be complex are not, then my mind just switches to OH NO! LOOK HOW FAST IS YOUR HEART BEATING!. My mind is just full of thoughts I don't even induce myself haha. As well as this and consequently of this I forget things really easy! Normally after a panic attack, i'll forget assignments, emails, stuff like that really.

Is this normal?
How can I manage with this problem?

06-12-2014, 01:18 PM
Hey Joe I'm a college student also at 17.

I suffer an anxiety disorder. It's taken over my life. I can reassure you that this is totally normal! You're not experiencing anything out of the ordinary here Joe. Even when I'm not having an attack I can be sat in lessons and be fed information by the teacher and my mind will be completely else where.. I'll hear what he's saying and i'll take it in but I don't care about what he's saying, I care about how I'm feeling and what my horrible disorder is doing... It's extremely normal to forget things after an attack Joe. Your mind is tired from you trying to prevent an upcoming/current attack. How are you supposed to remember shit after that! xD haha Yeah you'll be ok :)

If it does get worse and it becomes a much bigger deal I suggest considering therapy like I have had to.

06-12-2014, 01:24 PM
Thanks for reply. It's so good knowing people have this too. It will be really good to get therapy, but I haven't even told my family yet! Yeah, when I'm calm-ish I am on edge- anticipating an attack not taking in all the info of just life. How are you feeling today?

06-12-2014, 01:33 PM
There's not a day gone by where I've told someone I'm good and genuinely have been. But I do it anyway as it puts everyone at ease. I'm good, Joe. How are you? xD

06-12-2014, 01:45 PM
Sometimes faking being good, makes you good XD I'm alright, I'm in one of those indifferent moods, after a panic attack filled morning I'm just a bit deflated...

06-12-2014, 02:36 PM
Well, you may have to do work a little harder at writing things down, etc. "Here's what I need to do today" lists and "things that are important to remember" lists. I usually only hear about half of what is being said, as I am focused/worried about something else. The good thing is this: people are so focused on THEMSELVES they rarely notice what I forget.

06-12-2014, 02:38 PM
kotoba...I am doing real good today. xD