View Full Version : Can someone explain what happens to me?

06-12-2014, 12:20 PM
Hello ,

I posted in this forum after having read many threads, I hope I can find some answers. Basically last week I started a new job which is basically a promotion ; when I was waiting to start and I was at the old job I was very happy and look forward...now instead I feel overwhelmed ; the people at the new work has given me some courses (I am a teacher) I am not confident to teach so I need to prepare them and I feel inadequate, I feel that because of my ego I made my family in trouble as now I have a more difficult job, there is a risk not to pass the probationary period ; I feel guilty I should have stayed at my old work and not aspire to any career and live calm..

Now I cannot come back and I feel trapped. I feel like frozen ; I am scared of everything and my confidence that before was high now is non existent. the gp has gave me medicine and said I have panic attacks and anxiety so he added to my meds for the depression (which I have since 2007) lyrica 150 mg a day
many times I am thinking to leave before even the teaching period starts and not to try..what shall I do? anyone was in a similar situation?

06-12-2014, 02:30 PM
Hello, I'm sorry you're going through that, its an incredibly helpless feeling. My best guess is that you found your limit and your trigger. Same thing happened to me a couple years back, took a new job and it when I realized how much I had to learn, my mind freaked out. I still struggle with it, but what I can tell you is that the more you segment your tasks the better you will feel. Break everything into as small of a chunk as you can. At least thats what I do. Its gonna suck but you will get through it. The Anxiety meds will help but can be addicting for some so keep an eye on that. But I'm just speaking for me, the more comfortable I get in this new job, the lower my anxiety. It seems my anxiety springs from fear of failure or fear of not knowing something.

Hope it helps.

06-12-2014, 02:41 PM
It will be hard at first, but I guarantee you, each day it will get easier and easier. You will feel so proud of yourself for having given this a go and being willing to try. I personally think you will do great, it's just like with everything else we anxious people do, it's so much harder.

06-20-2014, 02:39 PM
It will be hard at first, but I guarantee you, each day it will get easier and easier. You will feel so proud of yourself for having given this a go and being willing to try. I personally think you will do great, it's just like with everything else we anxious people do, it's so much harder.

first of all I would like to thanks you all for your nice words...only who has felt this type of condition can understand!

Since I posted this thread; it has been a rollecoster; in the morning when I go to work the more work they give me the more I panic; then when I come back home I start to see sense and I am willing to try.

if I did not stop to go to my work is because of my two daughters of two years old; I try to be strong for them. when I have the panic attack in the morning I think that I am inadequate and that I will not pass the probationary period...my friend told me to fight this feeling as it is in my mind but it is difficult; the pills that I get are helping but it seems the effects vanishes in the morning..

I hope for the best and I hope my body will get used; funny enough when I got this job I was over the moon and now I am in this condition; this evening I feel a bit better but I am worried for tomorrow morning..

many thanks to everyone again I really appreciate

06-21-2014, 06:28 AM
Hi Shorin, i want you to go to general discussion on this forum and go to the Heath anxiety exposed go to page 6 and watch the video by Amy Cuddy, it may help you out.