View Full Version : Feel find in my mind, but my stomach!!

06-12-2014, 12:09 PM
Hi there! I'm new here but thought this would be a useful place to come for answers and support.

I am wondering if anyone suffering from anxiety has ever experienced this before: Mentally in my mind I generally feel fine. I am thinking fairly rationally, trying to speak positively to myself, etc., but I always have this gnawing anxiety/nervousness feeling in my stomach. Not like a stomach sickness that comes with an attack (ie. nausea, diarrhea), just that feeling of always have the anxiety or nervousness, or even fear in my stomach area. Has anyone else experienced this before? If so, do you have recommendations of what can be done to help? Coping techniques?

As a little background, I was diagnosed with depression about five years ago and took effexor during that time. Gradually over the course of last year I came off my meds, and everything seemed fine for the last three months or so, until I have three major panic attacks that lasted for hours and I ended up in ER, etc. etc. I'm sure you all know what I mean. I was put back on Effexor, but am in the midst of changing over to Prozac because my dr. thinks it is safer as I may become pregnant within the next year or so. I am also seeing a psychologist once a week doing cognitive behavioral therapy. Anyway, that's the background story in case it helps anyone answer my question from above.

Thanks very much for any help!