View Full Version : Is the spot in my vision due to tiredness, will it go away?

06-12-2014, 05:53 AM
Recently I have had a spot in my vision in my left eye so when i move my eye around the dot follows, I researched it on google and they said are called 'floaters' but they only usually seen in people thirty or over...and I'm eighteen. I have got reading glasses and wondered whether this spot in vision is just due to overtiredness and stress as I've just finished my alevels. Have any of you guys had this problem or know whether it is temporary? I have been experiencing dry eyes so I don't know if this has caused it :(

06-12-2014, 07:12 AM
Recently I have had a spot in my vision in my left eye so when i move my eye around the dot follows, I researched it on google and they said are called 'floaters' but they only usually seen in people thirty or over...and I'm eighteen. I have got reading glasses and wondered whether this spot in vision is just due to overtiredness and stress as I've just finished my alevels. Have any of you guys had this problem or know whether it is temporary? I have been experiencing dry eyes so I don't know if this has caused it :(

Rest your eyes, without heavy strain/intense long sessions of stare/focus.

The reason its generally 30 and over, is that grouping starts to pay attention to symptoms more often where children let it go, and naturally recoup easily and without fear.

Floaters will change spots (no pun intended) throughout your life, here then there than nowhere and back.

Rest, and in a few weeks you could always schedule a check with the eye guy.

No worries my dear unless accomanied by headaches and other neurological issues.

So when you google, google correctly, " i have put my eyes under tremendous strain by intense focus using magnification help, long unusual periods of time on my PC or staring (concentrating) with few blinks which increases dry eyes, and without taking proper breaks. My eyes are tired, i am tired and now i have spots, anyone else?"

Now googling like that, honestly, clearly and fully, you find you dont have to google at all, do you understand?

Intuitively, you allow rest, or whats best/needed for the body.

06-12-2014, 10:09 AM
Thank you for the advice, yeah I understand when you put it like that that I'm worrying about nothing and I'm probably just tired, thank you!

06-12-2014, 11:11 AM
Thank you for the advice, yeah I understand when you put it like that that I'm worrying about nothing and I'm probably just tired, thank you!

Agreed. Be well.