View Full Version : Sensory overload

Olive Yew
06-11-2014, 08:23 PM
I everyone! I know i've been gone for a long time. But i have some questions for y'all concerning sensory overload. I work as an intern at a wildlife education center. I make lesson plans and teach programs to children of all ages. Usually live animals are used in the process. I'm under fluorescent lights all day (which under any normal circumstances, bother me). There's noise, stress, stage fright, movement, unpredictability.... I LOVE what I do, but i get WAY overstimulated and feel like i'm about to explode. It makes me feel anxious, especially when teaching because I can barely focus, vision is all whacked out, AND i'm nervous. Does ANYONE know how to get rid of this? Before i had anxiety disorder, this kind of thing only bothered me in extremes (like at rock concerts). But now it can be work or just going to the store and it's really pissing me off. How do I get over this??

Symptoms include:
Unfocused vision
Unfocused mental state
Blurred vision
Foggy headed
Things feeling too loud or too bright
Emotions on edge
Socially withdrawn

Sound familiar?? Help!

06-11-2014, 08:34 PM
Have you ever talked to a therapist about all of this?

Olive Yew
06-11-2014, 08:48 PM
No. I dont do therapy or medication. I have my reasons.

06-11-2014, 08:54 PM
Do you have any ways of managing your anxiety? Vigorous exercise, yoga, meditation, practicing breathing techniques?

Olive Yew
06-11-2014, 09:57 PM
I've managed the anxiety. That's why i've been gone from this site for several months. It's certain situations (like work or the mall) that overload my brain and make me malfunction. I'm not new to the world of anxiety. I know what triggers and causes what. But this particular thing, i dont know how to fight because I cant help it. I cant help that my eyes cant handle fluorescents or that loud noises give me headaches and lots of movement makes my head spin. Put them all together and I start freaking out. I've heard sunglasses work and headphones but I cant always use headphones, especially when I'm presenting animals or running a program. Hence why i'm asking for suggestions. It's not the anxiety that's causing it. It's the sensory overload that causes the anxiety.

06-12-2014, 10:13 AM
Hmmm...maybe we'll see if someone else can help. I only know about managing anxiety.

06-12-2014, 10:31 AM
My two friends have the same problem as you...they can't handle the lights or the noise, but it's because they both have fibromyalgia.