View Full Version : F*ck... this isn't easy.

06-11-2014, 06:13 PM
Hey guys,

Been a pretty long time since I've been on here. Need some help and I honestly don't know if this is the right place to ask. You're like a family to me, so I guess why not.

I'm position in life where I really need something to get me up. I feel depressed. I feel kind of broken. The last 6 months of my life has been a living hell. Laziness combined with anxiety and fears, all focus went to that and trying to find a solution. Sure, I found my cure and everything. But, I had goals. Everything else failed. School, working-out, finding a job, broke up with my gf, social problems etc etc. I still live home, I eat shit food, school went to shit, not been to the gym for months and my social life is dead.

I can't get up from this. I drink to forget everything. I regret it the next day though. And then I do it again. I don't know what to do. F*ck this isn't easy.

06-11-2014, 06:29 PM
Elias!!!! NO!!!!!! Dont give up...... This is your challenge, this is what you were meant to accomplish. Your goal is to find that little fire and burn Bright!!!! baby burn Bright!!!!!!!!!

I hate to say the obligatory "Many of us are going through what you are" Things get sh!tty and when it rains it pours crap.... you know what.... its true..... things just seem to pile up on itself and it seems like that hole is getting deeper and deeper, But fear not!!!!!! Its not as bad as you think. There was an awesome post by another member. "Anxiety is the biggest bluff" Its true its full of crap and you gotta call it out.

So if you do not mind I will walk this path with you buddy! Lets start with YOU!!!! First! Screw everything else, School, work, women, social. Let work with you first. Is there anything, and I mean anything that you actually enjoy to do, Hobby wise? Mine has been Golf, I started to play seriously about 2 years ago and since my Anxiety/Panic developed 8months ago, I have used golf as my escape.

Lets talk about your hobby and lets focus on this first, and then move forward from there. Let me Elias, is it video games, movies, skydiving, whatever it is tell me!!!!

06-11-2014, 07:19 PM
Hey guys,

Been a pretty long time since I've been on here. Need some help and I honestly don't know if this is the right place to ask. You're like a family to me, so I guess why not.

I'm position in life where I really need something to get me up. I feel depressed. I feel kind of broken. The last 6 months of my life has been a living hell. Laziness combined with anxiety and fears, all focus went to that and trying to find a solution. Sure, I found my cure and everything. But, I had goals. Everything else failed. School, working-out, finding a job, broke up with my gf, social problems etc etc. I still live home, I eat shit food, school went to shit, not been to the gym for months and my social life is dead.

I can't get up from this. I drink to forget everything. I regret it the next day though. And then I do it again. I don't know what to do. F*ck this isn't easy.

Well hello, Elias

All the above crap you wrote should just be called "shit that happens in your 20's"

Stop beating yourself up. I did all of the above and turned out....well, ok. LOL

What is it you want? You want to be in your 40's and have a steady

I've and kids with no worries?

Ain't happening, my friend

So what. You are a bit anxious but the good news is you get it and what it can do.

You are way ad of the curve compared to most

Drink as you want but don't self medicate

Say goodbye to the girlfriend cause you and I both know that girls are way hot in Sweden and you should enjoy every one of them

Most of this is just normal stuff. Everything doesn't come back to the anxiety issues

Smoke your legal weed and date many Sweeds.

Before you know it, you won't be young and then you are just doing crack and talking to,parking meters

Be well, my friend

This life is finite

Don't waste time looking at what you don't have

You live in Sweden. Thank God for that and go score.

06-11-2014, 08:32 PM
Alias...I'm going to encourage you to do what you need to do but here's why...I'll start off with quoting you..."I regret it the next day though." What you're doing is not getting you anywhere. However, if anxiety and depression are at the root of all of this..go talk to a
doctor. Start off by going back to the gym and exercising, step by step rebuild into a better lifestyle for yourself. You deserve it. As far as social life, I'm sure there are lots of girls who would love to meet a nice guy like you. I always talk to girls who say the guys never ask them out so I'm sure they are out there!