View Full Version : Got Lost In Google
06-11-2014, 11:17 AM
I quit visiting the forum this past week for the most part. I've been having a lot of strange new symptoms. I don't want this post to be about those though. Anxiety makes us feel weird. It's what it does. Especially when our anxiety is particularly health related. I sit around and wait to feel something "off" just a tiny bit. And then I Google it. Unfortunately, MS, Lupus, and Parkinson's (my own personal top 3 repeated self-diagnoses) also make you feel weird. I have been lost in Google for a week. It's been a really shitty week. This place is so much better and healthier and kinder. Google is a dick. Before deciding to write this post, I was reading for the hundredth time the anxiety symptom list. And guess what??? Everything I've been going through is on that list. Google doesn't tell me that its an anxiety symptom first. No, first it tells me these are symptoms of a neurological disease, for like five or six links. Keep scrolling down, and in between the "Top 12 Signs You Might Have MS" and "What is Lupus?" you will find something posted to Yahoo answers in 2007. Three answers are rubbish, four are "Dude!!! That happens to me too!!! Let me know if you find out something." Two are people being complete jerks, and there's one vague answer about how it just might be anxiety. You guys are way better. Now that I've pulled myself back from the brinks of the hell that is google, I will seek my answers here, express the good the bad and the ugly and get through this.
I often unfortunately go onto google with the intention of searching my symptoms as well, the disease(s) I diagnose myself with are brain cancer, terminal cancer, cancer, MS, diabetes and onset of deafness. Luckily I have found this place and now I have an alternative to googling my symptoms, either go to a doctor or go here depending on the situation of course. Really helps, it has me.
06-11-2014, 11:54 AM
I quit visiting the forum this past week for the most part. I've been having a lot of strange new symptoms. I don't want this post to be about those though. Anxiety makes us feel weird. It's what it does. Especially when our anxiety is particularly health related. I sit around and wait to feel something "off" just a tiny bit. And then I Google it. Unfortunately, MS, Lupus, and Parkinson's (my own personal top 3 repeated self-diagnoses) also make you feel weird. I have been lost in Google for a week. It's been a really shitty week. This place is so much better and healthier and kinder. Google is a dick. Before deciding to write this post, I was reading for the hundredth time the anxiety symptom list. And guess what??? Everything I've been going through is on that list. Google doesn't tell me that its an anxiety symptom first. No, first it tells me these are symptoms of a neurological disease, for like five or six links. Keep scrolling down, and in between the "Top 12 Signs You Might Have MS" and "What is Lupus?" you will find something posted to Yahoo answers in 2007. Three answers are rubbish, four are "Dude!!! That happens to me too!!! Let me know if you find out something." Two are people being complete jerks, and there's one vague answer about how it just might be anxiety. You guys are way better. Now that I've pulled myself back from the brinks of the hell that is google, I will seek my answers here, express the good the bad and the ugly and get through this.
Post of the month!
06-11-2014, 02:30 PM
Post of the month!
F@#$%^% Google....... Dont do it, talk to us not google!!!
06-11-2014, 03:32 PM
For me it's strange how anxiety makes me look up the same things over and over. And if I needed to be reminded of this, my computer says, "You've visited this page 5 times." DUH!
06-11-2014, 03:33 PM
NervousNiki...if you were an alcoholic and you went to AA do you know what they would tell you? Stay away from alcohol! Not even one drink!
06-11-2014, 07:26 PM
Oh, Google. You great search engine that gives anxious people a kick in the ass
If you anxious, you will convince yourself you have anything
Google is off limits. The devil if you will
Nothing heLpful comes from it
06-12-2014, 12:47 AM
24 hours clean from Google. Do they have a chip for that??? Haha. You guys are all amazing folks.
06-12-2014, 12:58 AM
For me it's strange how anxiety makes me look up the same things over and over. And if I needed to be reminded of this, my computer says, "You've visited this page 5 times." DUH!
I do the same thing. I'll word "leg feels weird" in 27 different ways and obsessively search. :/ Google...just say no.
06-12-2014, 01:00 AM
NervousNiki...if you were an alcoholic and you went to AA do you know what they would tell you? Stay away from alcohol! Not even one drink!
I am very familiar with the 12 steps. And you know what? This actually has me considering working through them again for anxiety (and Google, lol) That may be very helpful.
06-12-2014, 05:33 AM
I am very familiar with the 12 steps. And you know what? This actually has me considering working through them again for anxiety (and Google, lol) That may be very helpful.
Google is a mirror. Its not an independent thinker, then no one would use it because it would return opinions.
"Oh you looking up heart palps? Eh, its nothing, carry on !" Now, it would actually return those results, if your query was not fearful, period. Therefor search results start with a feeling, creating an emotion then translated into words to look for. You have all been taught that words trigger emotion and thats not true, period. Words are bullshit.
Its very important, and thats an understatement, that you understand what "google is a mirror" means. For then you will understand how the law of attraction works.
Therefor clarity is key. In creating not only search results, but your entire life. (2 search examples)-
Google " i feel my heart racing, i feel nervous and anxious (i have anxiety), my leg is numb too !"
Google 'heart palps, leg numbness'
The first, is helpfull, the second leads you to dire circumstances. Matching your thoughts.
And so, the law of attraction (expectations) delivers what you want, and dont want. Messy thoughts deliver a mess of results. From like minded fearful peers, no exceptions. Read that last sentence 100 times until you get it. Whether you believe in it or not, doesnt change the law one wit.
Attraction, as a rule, delivers all of your life's results, for in daily affairs you use the same methods. I behoove you all to begin to understand your psyche, desire it, let it bring to you books and people and experiences to enrich your soul.
I do hope to reach atleast one person. All of my posts drop to the bottom of the ocean faster than an anchor and a rock, my patience is not everlasting, for the children who cannot hear.
06-12-2014, 10:19 AM
Good for you Niki! Stay away from google. Keep reminding yourself that it has not been helpful for you, but on the contrary has added to your stress and discomfort. Yes, we will give you a chip for staying off! Before you google ask yourself this question: "Am I going to be able to look up some information, use google as a tool, and then get OFF like other people use google, OR am I going to research things over and over and over again, get more and more anxious, and end up worse, not better, for using google?"
06-12-2014, 11:18 AM
Good for you Niki! Stay away from google. Keep reminding yourself that it has not been helpful for you, but on the contrary has added to your stress and discomfort. Yes, we will give you a chip for staying off! Before you google ask yourself this question: "Am I going to be able to look up some information, use google as a tool, and then get OFF like other people use google, OR am I going to research things over and over and over again, get more and more anxious, and end up worse, not better, for using google?"
No need to stay away from google. Nor fall prey to the chaos, or contribute to it. You are not power-less to it. Once again to the OP and any interested in human nature and how to resolve the psyche issues, read and reread my message 2 up from here, and dont allow the point to be diluted amongst unnecessary chatter.
Thy purpose in getting to know thyself, is to learn to see and interpret clearly, what you have created. And act on that. As of now, you are acting on illusions, therefor the trigger creeps up, incessantly, given yet another oppty to see the results of thy muddled unclear thought/deed, and again offer correction in order to live thy true purpose, fully.
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