View Full Version : Fear of things triggering my Panic attack

06-11-2014, 10:30 AM
I'm a new member here I just copied my post from new members area sooo let me start telling you guys about my panic attacks. I first started having panic attacks when I would get the tipsy part of drinking I would think that I drank to much and was going to die, since May 24 of this year I stop drinking and as of may 31 I stop drinking coffee I had my first non alcohol related panic attack coming out of a movie theater watching x-men I had the chills shakes lost of words i guess it happen because I was scared to have a panic attack then I started thinking about it and somehow I gave myself one, I don't believe anything triggered it. I went to the er to find out nothing was wrong ekg blood etc, I have now been having panic attacks on and of, when going to walmart, car ride which I always loved to drive or crazy part when one of my friends tells me there coming over Ill attempt to have a panic attack, yesterday it trigger in walmart badly I was just getting subway with my wife and food shopping when it started. I had gotten a lot better but this trigger it an I got very cranky because of it, I got scared because my dog wouldn't leave me a lone at home after thinking about having a panic attack In my head I believed my dog gave it to me and my wife was helping my dog but I now know it wasn't but at the moment your so scared you just think everything or anybody is triggering my attacks I haven't been diagnosed yet officially because I have no health Insurance. The most upsetting part is I know its me triggering my attacks but I don't know how to convinces myself it is :( I now realize after reading peoples post that I have the same condition I always had anxiety and always wanted things done now not later I can never wait till later, so when my wife would go out I would get anxiety thinking something will happen to her, and I always think something is wrong with me due to the fear of dying or losing control of my self. I now have a fear that certain foods are triggering it because of my lactose condition and I love food I'm about 30 pounds over weight so gets me sad thinking i'm not the same person after May 31 and I guess my mind is the one that trigger it only god knows why :/ On the bright side I was watching Americas Got talent and realized that I wasnt alone when this young girl came on the stage and said I have Anxiety Panic Disorder and she gave her story then one of the judges also said he had that also with OCD so I guess I'm not alone I started walking to relive some stress but other then that were do I start