View Full Version : I suffer with 3 types of anxiety!!

AR Wilson
06-11-2014, 08:15 AM
Hi All,

I suffer from three types of anxiety. I also suffer from depression too! I have started a blog detailing my battles in life. My latest posting is about understanding the types of anxiety you suffer. Please take a look frommymindtoyourthoughts.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/understanding-what-type-of-anxiety-you.html

I would like to know who else is suffering from the same anxiety as me, also feel free to have a look around the blog and I would appreciate any feedback :) :)


06-11-2014, 11:47 AM
I enjoyed read your article. PTSD, Panic Disorder, GAD, and for the big one Health Anxiety for this girl. I've also got a case of that old depression as well as disassociative disorder. I've more diagnoses than most of my clients. I'm also a mental health worker. Who'd a thunk? Look forward to reading more from you.

06-11-2014, 01:48 PM
Really enjoyed the article. I have panic disorder, dysthymia (mild form of depression) and I think a touch of OCD (undiagnosed). I used to be agoraphobic but thanks to therapy that is no longer an issue.

06-11-2014, 04:11 PM
PTSD, GAD, Panic Disorder(But I think I got better control of this). I want to say some OCD but nothing diagnosed from a doctor.

Good article and simple!

06-11-2014, 08:42 PM
SAD, GAD, Panic (before big events such as tests or trips) & OCD for me although no professional diagnosis yet.

Your article was very good. It'll be helpful to those whose anxiety is just coming to light and want to research and learn more about it. Thanks :D

AR Wilson
06-12-2014, 08:00 AM
Thank you all for your comments. I have a Doctors appointment in 45 minutes, I have been suffering terrible headaches for the past week and have convinced myself that I have a brain tumour! Sounds silly but I was up all night last night with panic attacks :( Do any of you also suffer headaches with your anxiety/depression? I've read that tension headaches are very common amongst sufferers, but that still hasn't settled me :(

06-12-2014, 09:14 AM
Thank you all for your comments. I have a Doctors appointment in 45 minutes, I have been suffering terrible headaches for the past week and have convinced myself that I have a brain tumour! Sounds silly but I was up all night last night with panic attacks :( Do any of you also suffer headaches with your anxiety/depression? I've read that tension headaches are very common amongst sufferers, but that still hasn't settled me :(

I hope your doctors appointment goes well and brings you peace of mind. In response to your question about suffering headaches from anxiety and depression you will receive a resounding yes from me. I've had headaches for the last three days and today I finally woke up without one. However I also have migraines fairly regularly so sometimes its hard for me to tell what is causing my headaches. As for suffering panic attacks all night don't feel silly about that. Everyone has different triggers that affect their anxiety, last night for example I was having anxiety due to one of my phobias.