View Full Version : Doctors second opinion?

06-11-2014, 01:56 AM
Hi, I'm new to this forum but I'm very pleased it exists. I have suffered from anxiety for about 3 years and used to go to counselling. I had to stop going as it clashed with my college work, so they referred me to the local practice nurse who put me on Lustral (Sertraline) and I've been on it for a few weeks now.
I've had no problems with it so far, but last week my boyfriend's grandmother died partly of a misdiagnosis on behalf of the nurse I'm seeing. He wants me to stop going to her or to a least get a second opinion, but I'm very concerned for my psychological health and for my anxiety problems.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!

06-11-2014, 05:28 AM
Firstly, i'm sorry about your boyfriends grandmother. If you and your boyfriend feel better about getting a second opinion then go for it but you have to think of other factors as well. What was his grandmother seeing this nurse for vs. what are you seeing her for? How old is she and how old are you? What were her medical conditions vs. yours?

I wouldn't quit your meds until you talk to someone else and get that second opinion. For all you know, the second opinion might be the same as the first and you're just messing your body up by going on and off meds when they should really be taken everyday in a consistent cycle.

06-11-2014, 05:52 AM
Thanks Pumpkin!
I really don't know what to do, I feel guilty for still going to get when he's so passionate about me seeing someone else. He doesn't understand the problems I face with anxiety and depression but he does try to help. I'm just really stuck at the moment and I have no idea what to do

06-11-2014, 05:54 AM
I forgot to mention; I haven't stopped taking my meds but there have been a few days where I've forgotten or been to anxious to even take them, but that is only about 3 times

06-11-2014, 07:08 AM
Hi, I'm new to this forum but I'm very pleased it exists. I have suffered from anxiety for about 3 years and used to go to counselling. I had to stop going as it clashed with my college work, so they referred me to the local practice nurse who put me on Lustral (Sertraline) and I've been on it for a few weeks now.
I've had no problems with it so far, but last week my boyfriend's grandmother died partly of a misdiagnosis on behalf of the nurse I'm seeing. He wants me to stop going to her or to a least get a second opinion, but I'm very concerned for my psychological health and for my anxiety problems.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!

Reread the bolded sentence until you understand it. It is your words. Does the request sound reasonable given his current emotional state?

For the nurse (in person) : (write it down)

"My boyfriend is naturally grieving over his loss, he blames you in part, for it. He believes she may have been misdiagnosed. Are you aware of this, how do you feel about it, and i want you to understand that even if he is incorrect in this, i may have to find another doc to take care of me, because of this conflict, whether imaginary or not, can you give me a few refills on my script and either recommend another nurse, or ill need some time to find one on my own, im sure you understand, i respect you both, but i need my meds as well, for my own wellbeing."

Now, you will feel better, by being open and honest, truthful without hiding in darkness, running away, internally conflicted, and worrisome over your safety. Where there is love, truth, open free expression of how you feel,there is light. Try it, period.

Live in the light, live your truth. Communicate.

06-11-2014, 07:17 AM
I'm sorry but I can't see the bolded sentence (might be my phone?). But Im seeing her next Friday and I would say this but I'm worried she's going to turn me down due to patient confidentiality. My worst trait is inability to handle rejection so I don't know how I would cope. Thank you for your advice, I might try it

06-11-2014, 07:29 AM
I'm sorry but I can't see the bolded sentence (might be my phone?). But Im seeing her next Friday and I would say this but I'm worried she's going to turn me down due to patient confidentiality. My worst trait is inability to handle rejection so I don't know how I would cope. Thank you for your advice, I might try it

Bolded sentence :

He wants me to stop going to her or to a least get a second opinion

Patient confidentiality is not personal rejection aimed at your physical appearance, mental state, or personality, patient confidentiality is a rule.

It does not matter what she says or does not say, listen ! At the very least you will be respecting everyone including yourself which is hard because of your negative self beliefs.

The goal is to get yourself an extended script while you decide to find someone new or not by talking further with your boyfriend and discussing the visit. Speak up !

Your guilt is self imposed, like a prison sentence, due to your inability to full communicate your feelings all around, your fear works against your best interests and intuitively you know this, and so your resentment, turns inward to self hatred and ultimately the poisen known as guilt.

06-11-2014, 07:33 AM
I'm speaking to him tonight.
Thank you so much to both of you. You've really helped me decide!

06-11-2014, 07:48 AM
second opinion is always good, I would give a try. Anyway are the nurses prescribing medication in UK? That's the first time I hear it...You kind of feeling ok on meds. I had seen few times when people had not listen their intuition (which is hightened cause of grandmother passing ) and it never ended well. You do not lose anything having another opinion..