View Full Version : Anxiety Over Heart Attacks

05-26-2008, 02:06 AM
Hi again people,

This must be the third post I’ve made in about as many days regarding my ‘heart’/ chest pains, so I apologise if any one’s getting maybe a little tired of reading about it. I’m abroad at the moment and feeling a little isolated, so really this is the only place I have to vent about what I’m going through.

Basically, I’m continuing to have anxiety about my health. Recently, or today rather, it’s been a lot better, but at the moment I’m having a bit of an ‘attack’ and I thought it be cathartic/distracting for me to come on here again and describe what it is I’m feeling at precisely this moment and about ‘what has happened’. Hopefully it will help me and, possibly, others who experience the same health anxiety that I do (if only to show they aren’t alone).

Like I said, things have been better - today I’ve felt generally relaxed – no racing heart beat, palpitations, or even that much pain.

Until this evening! I’m sitting at my lap top and all of a sudden I get a dull, knawing pain right in the centre of my chest, that I convince myself is coming from ‘in deep’ and isn’t my chest wall or muscular, but my heart! (It does actually feel like it’s coming from inside?).

Suddenly my heart rate increases, I get that feeling of dread, mostly over the fact I know I’m going to panic and also because I ‘fear’, again, that I’ve got heart problems.

It then turns into one of those classic spiral situations – I get anxious and tense-up, this increases the pain and then the pain reinforces my anxiety, so on a so forth until I’m feeling pretty bad.

My mind then becomes really irrational - despite the reassurances I’ve had from two doctors and all the tests I’ve had done, I can’t help think that there is something wrong. For example, I start to think that the doctor did find something unusual on my ECG but didn’t tell me about it, because he didn’t want to increase my anxiety and he thought it was an irregularity that was resulting just from the panic and not from an underlying problem. In other words I ‘try’ and find loop-holes in their assessment.

Then I get out probably the worse piece of equipment to own if you suffer from this sort of worry– the ‘heart rate and blood pressure monitor’. I take my reading, I see that both my blood pressure and heart rate have gone up and instead of completely believing that this is due to the anxiety, I can’t help to think it’s possibly demonstrating that there is, like I fear, something going on that is serious.

I then go on the web and I Google things like ‘chest pain’ or ‘heart problems’ and I read descriptions of both anxiety related chest pain and that associated with cardiac infraction aka ‘heart attacks’. I read that heart attack pain feels ‘crushing’ and begin to believe that you could describe my pain as ‘crushing’ also, I then read (for probably about the 100TH time) that you also get pain elsewhere such as the arms. I too have had pain in my arms (in particular the left arm, which is apparently not a good sign) and gradually I become more and more worried about my health.

I’m now very anxious. I start to try and reassure myself and ‘try’ to relax, but it’s impossible. I can’t help but move my legs in a nervous kind of way, I’m fixated on what’s happening in my chest, my heart rate and any other sensations I can relate to having heart attacks. I get headachy, maybe a little dizzy and definitely a bit scared. I try doing deep breathing and relaxation techniques but find that concentrating on my ‘breathing’, normally just turns into concentrating on my ‘heart’ and it doesn’t help, at all.

So I’m left having what in realtions to other panic episodes is quite a minor attack, but feeling very stressed out, and very depressed.

I know that these problems are in my head (at least I hope they are), that these pains are, in all probability, due to anxiety, but I can’t believe it’ 100%, and if there is any element of doubt, any at all, I just can’t relax – I can’t get-on with my life!

I’ve suffered from anxiety for a long time, but my anxiety has never been as debilitating as this - apart from in the early days when I had OCD.

Tonight hasn’t even been that bad compared to others, I wouldn't even go as far a calling it a 'panic attack' per say. Previous episodes have left me in tears, literally crying like a baby and I’ve always thought of myself as quit a strong, robust type of person.

Anyway, that’s a description of what happened. I do feel better after writing this. It’s quit long so I don’t imagine many people have read this far, but if you have, thanks. Any advice would be much appreciated.


05-26-2008, 02:41 AM
Hey dude i feel for you, isnt it funny when you read every post on this forum and you can relate or have expeienced the same symptons that everyone else has had but still when your having an attack or just a bad anxiety day you still believe that you are seriouslly ill and could fall over and die any second,I mistakenly made a bad choice last night when i decided to go on to youtube and looked up football videos, when i choose the wrong one and what came up was a young footballer on the top of his game full of health and fitness i could only imagine, when suddenly he falls to his knees and and dies in the middle of a football game from a heart attack, well i wish i wish i never watched that vid i couldnt sleep for 2 days straight,anxiety kicked in constantly dreading that i was next this could be me, why is my heart feeling funny what is that pain that just went through my arm. i hate anxiety its the biggest cunt i have ever met..........

05-26-2008, 03:12 AM

Thanks for your reply. I remembering hearing about that footballer in the news – stuff like that causes me a lot of anxiety also.

It makes me think – if a professional sportsman, at the height of his game, someone whose heart you’d expect to be so healthy it’s almost bullet-proof can fall to his knees one day and die of a heart attack, why can’t it happen to me?

I’ve done nothing but abuse my body for the past few years with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and very little exercise. If you add that to the constant worry and stress I’ve suffered I suppose the only thing I’ve got on my side is my age, I’m only 21 (but then I doubt that footballer was much older).

If anything positive has come out of my problems over the last few weeks, it has at least inspired me to change my ways. I’m going to give up smoking, reign in the alcohol and just generally sort my fitness out. It seems stupid worrying about what’s probably an imaginary heart problem, when I do so much to give myself potentially a real one in the future.
