View Full Version : Coping While Waiting For Doctor Appointment

06-09-2014, 09:10 PM
I have been experiencing strange symptoms in my legs. It's not constant. Sometimes they feel creepy crawly, sometimes weird tingles, sometimes they just feel tired. I'm trying so hard to cope while waiting for my doctor appointment on June 24th. I keep trying to tell myself that its probably anxiety manifesting in a new way as many of my other anxiety symptoms have subsided. I'm attempting to maintain the mindset of "it is what it is" and worrying will not make anything better. I CANT STAY THE HELL OFF GOOGLE!!!! I try. I was Google free for two days (after 3 days if nonstop searching). None if the diagnoses are good. I came across vitamin/mineral deficiency. Yesterday I started extra vitamin d, calcium, iron, and zinc supplements. I'd already been taking magnesium. I'm wondering if maybe I have a potassium deficiency as I am on a beta blocker (and two weeks off a month long beta blocker overdose). My anxiety seems to be so much better, aside from this leg issue. His do you cope while waiting for the Dr.?

06-09-2014, 09:45 PM
Stay active and busy....and I don't mean google...lol. You will be fine....you need to distract your mind. Watch a movie, call a friend ...go for a walk......anything to change your focus. Hang in there.