View Full Version : Heart Fears

06-09-2014, 02:22 PM
Haven't been on here in awhile but I felt the need to post about what's been bothering me recently. First I was afraid about having an autoimmune disorder. I still have an undiagnosed one(possibly thyroid or adrenal issue) but the test for the one that I was terrified of has come back negative, thank god. When my dr have me those results he mentioned my potassium was slightly low. Mine is 3.3 and normal is 3.5-5.5. Usually that can be caused by kidney issues but all my kidney tests have come back ok. So I've found out low potassium can be linked to high blood pressure which I've had borderline for the past year. It's been 130-140's/80-90's. So now I'm afraid I'm at risk for heart attack or in have congestive heart failure. I'm not on anything for the blood pressure because my dr last year said we'd watch it but now I'm terrified it's damaging my heart. I occasionally get heart palpitations and about 6 months ago I became a little bloated and that comes and goes. Reading about CHF has me convinced I have this. I don't have the chest pain or trouble breathing when laying down but what in have noticed is I tend to hold my breath a lot. I do this when I climb the stairs in my house so by the time I get up there I'm out of breath. Still I keep thinking I have this. Has anyone thought they had this? As soon as I get over one fear another one pops up in my head and I hate it!

06-09-2014, 04:52 PM
We are in the same boat. But my doctor sent me to the hospital and I have had numerous tests done on my heart, all of them came back normal, even with chest pain that I was having.