View Full Version : Vivid dreams
06-09-2014, 01:05 PM
I've been having the most weirdest vivid dreams
I've always had weird dreams since I was little
Lately a lot of dreams with my teeth falling out
My fiancé cheating
Dogs flying I can go on about how weird my dreams can be
Could this be my anxiety?
I can remember about 5 dreams I've had each night some really scary some weird some depressing some evil
I don't like it but it hasn't bothered me to the point where I'm scared to sleep.
Has anyone had this issue?
06-09-2014, 03:22 PM
Reading this post I have to say that its a relief to finally find out that I'm not alone in terms of having "weird vivid dreams." Back when I was on meds I used to blame them for weird dreams but I had them for a long time before I was on meds. I currently do not take meds and still have odd dreams.
I can relate to your teeth falling out dream because I've had that before but also I've had dreams where all my teeth were being pulled out. Last night I had a dream where I was in the military and I'm not a member of the armed forces. I chalk up a lot of my weird dreams to stress so I suppose there's a possibility that anxiety could affect your dreams.
06-10-2014, 06:39 PM
We had a post a while back about dreams and the relation to anxiety. I will say there is some truth to it as I will say I never dream, or least remember any of the dreams. But since my anxiety I have had more dreams and vivid dreams than I count in my lifetime up to this point.
I dont know if it has to do with our subconscious being more active as that where a lot of anxiety comes from, our subconscious. But I am going to assume so since our hypersensitivity to all this stuff makes us more aware of our dreams!
Its seems pretty normal to me so I wouldnt worry about it. Have fun with the dreams..... remembers its a dream so you have control =)
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