View Full Version : Is it my Health Anxiety talking?

06-09-2014, 03:59 AM
Howdy folks,

Within the past 8 months or so I've suddenly had asthma come to light, developed mild IBS & seem to be getting itchy all over recently. For a while on & off I've also had a clear runny nose that doesn't seem to be caused by anything in particular. Add to that my anxiety & trouble sleeping. (even when not feeling anxious.) There is also unexplained urination at night (once in the middle of the night night almost for 7 months now... )

I've been in & out the Doctors because of these quite frequently since Christmas. I just seem to be having more 'mild' conditions added every month. Anyway, a few weeks back, my psychiatrist made a comment that it sounded like I might have a histamine intolerance. I wrote it off because I eat a lot of foods high in histamines & didn't seem to notice any correlation. However, I was suffering a sinus headache for a while that seemed to be coming & going. It almost disappeared overnight after stopping drinking tea, something high in histamines. I then also noticed I got itchy one or two days that I had happened to eat Tuna. (I always seemed to get bloated after eating that too). I had certainly started eating more of these histamine rich foods around the time my mild IBS developed.

I decided to call the Doctor & pass on the observations, mostly about the itching & runny nose. He simply told me it sounded like mild hay fever (I rarely sneeze?) & eczema. Been prescribed some antihistamines & cream. Of course I forgot to mention possible noticing itchiness after eating but I don't want to call back. I did mention what the psychiatrist said & he just said "Histamine intolerance? Hmm..." sounded mildly curious but said nothing else on it.

I sort of feel that I've just been shot down. Apparently histamine intolerance has only really been recognized in recent times & is often misdiagnosed. (as a myriad of conditions)

I'm not really sure whether I'm just not hearing what I want to or whether my Doctor just isn't really taking it seriously. He had to ask if I had asthma, so I guess he didn't remember about all the other problems appearing recently.

What to do? I think the comment came from my Psychiatrist because I was getting abnormally drowsy off the likes of certain medications that react on histamine receptors too. (I had made the correlation of them blocking dopamine but that's what he thought) I'm thinking of just trying to low histamine diet & seeing what happens. I'm awfully aware that antihistamines can lower DAO which will just make things worse if it is...

It almost makes me want to resort to private health care... I feel so much that the NHS just write things off if they don't appear to be serious. My Doctor really didn't seem to ask much other than a few basic questions that pointed towards what he said.

06-09-2014, 09:18 AM
Hmmm..do you think you could narrow this down to some specific questions of what you need help with?