View Full Version : Newbie here and have a question about my anxiety/panic attacks- Help :)!! Plz

06-08-2014, 10:06 PM
Hello! I am so glad to have found this forum, It is good to know that we are not alone :) A little about me first - I live in Houston, Texas -Professional woman, very social and outgoing, no kids never married and am 38. My panic attacks started from partying to much when I was younger. I remember smoking weed and having them so I stopped or being hungover and having one or being super panicky. Well the drinking continued as I have many friends and all we did was party when we could!! Well obviously now as a grown up I have a fantastic job that I love and I do not drink like that at all. I do enjoy a glass of wine / and or beer on the weekends and I am fine no issues.
Well last Tuesday I over did it and by over did it .....BAD ...I mean all day. I was on vacation and went to the beach in Galveston with my boyfriend. I drank wine and beer and more wine and beer and more wine and beer :/ So needless to say the next day was shitty! And I had a panic attack , heart racing , sweating, I felt like I could not breathe and felt like I was going to pass out. I went to the restroom in the dark sat by the tub and turned on the cold water and splashed myself with water! I calmed down and in 5 mins it was gone that was Wed. So Thursday rolls around and I have another one worse than the first one. That one lasted a good 45 mins , After the water splashing , walking distracting myself it left. However I stayed with anxiety and felt like I was on the brink of another one. Friday ...Panicky , Sat and Sun as well. I had to literally leave where I was at so I would not have one. SOOOO my question is this- Is this just a bad hangover and I will be fine. Or did I screw my body up and now will be like this everyday? I feel really calm right now , I am just scared I will feel anxiety panicky tomorrow!

I looked online and it said that a really bad hangover can last a week...that is what I am hoping !! What do you think?


Bhargav Sanketi
06-08-2014, 10:28 PM
Hey Miss99,

That doesn't sound like a hangover. Go here and see if this is what you feel on healtheminds.

You should probably hold off on the drinks for a while and see.

Take care!

06-09-2014, 04:44 AM
Hello! I am so glad to have found this forum, It is good to know that we are not alone :) A little about me first - I live in Houston, Texas -Professional woman, very social and outgoing, no kids never married and am 38. My panic attacks started from partying to much when I was younger. I remember smoking weed and having them so I stopped or being hungover and having one or being super panicky. Well the drinking continued as I have many friends and all we did was party when we could!! Well obviously now as a grown up I have a fantastic job that I love and I do not drink like that at all. I do enjoy a glass of wine / and or beer on the weekends and I am fine no issues.
Well last Tuesday I over did it and by over did it .....BAD ...I mean all day. I was on vacation and went to the beach in Galveston with my boyfriend. I drank wine and beer and more wine and beer and more wine and beer :/ So needless to say the next day was shitty! And I had a panic attack , heart racing , sweating, I felt like I could not breathe and felt like I was going to pass out. I went to the restroom in the dark sat by the tub and turned on the cold water and splashed myself with water! I calmed down and in 5 mins it was gone that was Wed. So Thursday rolls around and I have another one worse than the first one. That one lasted a good 45 mins , After the water splashing , walking distracting myself it left. However I stayed with anxiety and felt like I was on the brink of another one. Friday ...Panicky , Sat and Sun as well. I had to literally leave where I was at so I would not have one. SOOOO my question is this- Is this just a bad hangover and I will be fine. Or did I screw my body up and now will be like this everyday? I feel really calm right now , I am just scared I will feel anxiety panicky tomorrow!

I looked online and it said that a really bad hangover can last a week...that is what I am hoping !! What do you think?


You have been concerned with the outside world for most of your waking life, touching only through dreaming a more fulfilling, creative, spiritual inner self. You have put aside your feelings, rather blocked them off any way you could. Childhood hurts, trauma, disappointment in this manner was never looked at, thereby stuffing up the pipes, so to speak. You were taught that you needed to be strong, to get what you want, to compete, to survive.

The outside world was fanciful to you, things objects, foregoing a womans natural desires and biological impetus, for a job, a car per se, in your terms, the partying, the outgoing social acceptance, etc, was a blanket for the wounds that the little girl had pushed aside long ago. Out of touch with feminine power, in lieu of the masculine world you play in, the need for acceptance. In a mans world, he is powerless, subservient to his objects. Closed off from the emotional, intuitive power from within, you begin to suffer blockages.

You cannot run from, or hide from yourself using the camoflouge of a friend or an object such as spirits, drugs, or money. Therefor your body is filled to the brink and the energy needs a release.

Your inner self needs to be addressed. Your beliefs as a child, your past traumas stored up, your unexpressed emotions. Your ignorance of your very own biology, in human terms, and its workings as a woman, and as a soul, period. For your soul does not care what car you drive, or your job, it does not care how socially accepted you are. Cutting off your inner selfs abilities, you have scared your ego to death. It feels every drink as its last, it is making decisions based on intelligence with no help from your intuitive power, which you have surpressed to get the life you thought, you desired.

But there is much left out, and much work to do. Should you continue to focus so acutely on the outside world and neglect the inner feminine selfhood and its natural biological and emotional workings, the vice grip will get tighter and tighter, calling for attention, balance, to reinvest energies inward.

Give thought, validity, and empathy, compassion to your biological clock, addressing the deep emotional innate desires of womanhood to the birthing process. Should you not have children, thats allright, but it needs to be looked at, addressed lovingly and released.

Better to face the mirror now, you see. Turn inward and find yourself, examining your beliefs one by one!

That is all I have for you, this has been difficult to express using words, such an unclear and limited way of communicating, i do hope however you felt the message.