View Full Version : Need help now!!!!!

06-08-2014, 08:26 PM
So around Easter I started getting pain in my upper gastric area in the middle .... They would come and go I'd have frequent gas burping change in stool diarriah constipation feel like I need to go but can't.... Well went to doctors had blood test and sonogram of abdomin and nothing was found everything is normal... Maybe three weeks after pai went away for 2 weeks until today it's back!!!!!! I'm having pain again same place come and go diarriah and now I'm having little rabbit turds as I'd call then..... The pain is about a 6 at worst when it comes !!! Please give some insite I'm devistated

06-08-2014, 08:36 PM
What is your diet like? Do you smoke, drink and eat sugary things? Eating much take way? How old are you and what it your activity level like? what other ailments have you had prior to this. More info is always helpful ... sorry you are suffering like this. I too am going through a rough patch with Hives/Eczema. I have changed my whole lifestyle ... early days for my to pass judgment on myself, but I do feel better whilst still scratching like mad.

06-08-2014, 08:39 PM
I guess my diet is kinda bad I don't eat super good and I do like to drink beer I don't smoke tho.. I'm 21 year old female activity level is not very high