View Full Version : When I'm feeling good I anticipate feeling bad.

06-08-2014, 03:23 PM
The past few days I have been feeling much better!
When I start to feel good, thoughts like why am I feeling good this is not NORMAL creep in. And even worse after a while of feeling good I expect and anticipate something bad to happen soon, if it is good now.
Anyway to stop this romination? Or even manage this thought.

06-08-2014, 05:25 PM
My thought is that there are feelings and then there is our reaction to the feeling.

Many things can make us feel sad. And others can make us feel happy. I think if we allow ourselves to feel both of these 'colours' of the rainbow it's not so bad.

Where I get into trouble is fear. Fear of feeling sad or alone or rejected - and when that fear comes I contort myself into obsessive rumination on how I can avoid the feeling. And THAT IS the entire problem, not the sadness.

Food for thought. Perhaps a meditation is to ask yourself 'what is the worst feeling I can have, label it, and then ask if it is infinite pain or just something on your inner tv screen.