View Full Version : "Beat Anxiety Now" - A must see

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 08:50 AM
Hi, everyone!

Mental health author and speaker, Jeremy Bennett writing. I wanted to introduce you to the, "Beat Anxiety World Summit (http://beatanxietynowsummit.com/register/?orid=44&opid=1)".

Over 20 of the world's most renowned experts and doctors will be presneting at the summit and the great news is that the entire 10-day event is ONLINE!

For all details please click HERE (http://www.jeremybennett.ca).

I am really hoping that you all can share this post with as many people as possible as this event could really shed some light on a lot of lives and help out so many going through stress, anxiety, and depression.

Thank you so much!

Jeremy Bennett (http://www.jeremybennett.ca)