View Full Version : Really need advice!

06-08-2014, 06:24 AM
So here it goes, I was with my boyfriend for about 11 months and we broke up about a month ago because we kept arguing because of many reasons, mainly cause my anxiety kicked in and I was quite bitchy and wouldn't want him to touch me at all or anything, so I broke it off cause It was unfair on him.
We have been on and off and every time I break it off I tell people and they say good and that I shouldn't go back to him and all that. They in some way influenced me to see the flaws.
He is a great person and worships the ground I walk on.
I really want to get back with him, he has learnt a lot from this break up and so have I, should I just let me decide and not anyone else and is it a bad idea? I can't keep away.

Pleeeease help.

06-08-2014, 06:29 AM
Hi Kelly, I am by no way an expert but I think this is a decision that you alone need to figure out. ( as long as he is not abusive of coarse ).

06-08-2014, 10:22 AM
Kellie, I am reading between the lines here, but there must be some reason your friends and others are saying "good, don't go back to him". Can you search deep and tell us honestly why they would be saying that? And if you told them there were lots of problems between the two of you, why do they think it was all his fault? Is he good and kind and understanding? Is he controlling at all? Just some things to consider.

06-08-2014, 10:32 AM
Kellie, you say, "they in some way influenced me to see the flaws". Since you're asking us to help you decide, can you share with us some of the flaws they influenced you to see? That would help us to give you good advice.

06-08-2014, 11:48 AM
my experience is anxiety is about something we may not be admitting to ourselves or avoiding.
Is there something about this relationship you may not be admitting to yourself?
Anxiety isn't just some weird anomaly. It has an origin. Can you dig deep enough and discover what may be triggering you?