View Full Version : Dealing with analysis paralysis and general anxiety

06-07-2014, 12:00 PM
I've been in the midst of making a career change since my academic/current field hasn't taken me anywhere. I've been feeling the affects of this down economy hard and interviews have been too far and few between. Part of the transition I feel would play a big benefit is joining the air force reserves but have been hesitant about committing. At the same time, I'm wanting to move since having to move back with my parents alittle while back but haven't felt comfortable doing that without a job first. All of these events and choices swirling in my head have really been hell for my stress level and it only gets worse when I feel outside pressure. I analyze my situation over and over again, weighing my options and wondering if there are others. This has led to a few panic attacks in the past. Simply plugging along at job hunting as I have been hasn't benefited me as I quickly get stuck doing the same thing over again and feel I'm working my ass off for nothing. I've been so frustrated with my own career and life goals going underachieved but have been too scared to make bolder decisions that I didn't imagine I'd ever face having to make. I get angry at myself for giving into my fears and anxiety when faced with a tough choice.

Has anyone else been dealing with or dealt with this in their life? Has anyone been able to turn off the chattering in your head and create a more positive outlook or courage to move forward on a big life choice?

06-07-2014, 12:13 PM
Hi Fenrir, I think a lot of us have similar issues, i know i do. Career moves are big decision for anybody and they are stressful at times. The reserve is a good choice it will get ya going and i think you get money for college. Some people contemplate their careers all their life and are never happy but some people are just happy to have a job, if ya know what i mean. I guess what i am trying to say is it's a big dam decision for anyone. Did any of this make sense? Felt like i was typing in a circle.

06-09-2014, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the reply. Yes I do get what you mean. I've found the biggest challenge is quelling, or atleast isolating all the negative chatter in my head that I feel holds me back and feeds my anxiety when it's time to make a big decision. I'm sure everyone deals with mind chatter in stressful situations but it just seems to get the better of me at times. I've tried looking up videos on youtube to better deal with this. I don't know if speaking with a professional is the answer as I've had bad experiences in the past with counselors who just did not help when I was dealing with a personal crisis a few years back.

06-09-2014, 01:38 PM
This is a good video Fenrir i got it off of fourteen14 thread. Type in Amy Cuddy, your body language shapes who you are ( type that into goole or go to the thread on this forum called health anxiety exposed and go to page six and watch. It may help you down the road, you never know. Peace