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06-07-2014, 09:17 AM
Any advice how to calm down from anxiety and panic attacks

06-07-2014, 10:01 AM
What I do ( try haha) is to breath in for 5 seconds, then breath out for 8 seconds, do this 4 times, or 5 depending on how severe. If you can't do this, try talking to people while you are panicking, it helps a lot for me.

06-08-2014, 02:16 AM
My best coping method is writing on these forums about specific things I'm worrying about. Talking to other people about what scares me helps me put them into perspective. Just writing how I feel is therapeutic, but posting it out in the open and having the discussion is better. I think it helps my dissect what got me all wound up in the first place. It's a reset switch.

Other times I distract myself or do something I like. It has to be something that makes me feel better about myself; something artistic or creative. If I'm feeling depressed I can only commit to do it for 2 minutes. But sometimes the 2 minutes turns into a half-hour. Sometimes that half-hour break was completely anxiety free! It doesn't work all the time but it's a little trick I picked up.

Meditation helps but I think you have to do it before the anxiety fully kicks in. My therapist also told me to do breathing techniques but I don't have the discipline to stick to them sometimes. It's very difficult for me, but I know they can help others.

Bhargav Sanketi
06-09-2014, 03:31 AM
Hey mattharlow88,

It is perfectly normal how you feel. Come to terms with your condition and situation. If you feel like you are going to have an attack, calm down. If you worry about your attacks hurting you, it will only accentuate it. Sit down if possible and breathe. You have been through this before and you know the worst it can do. You know that you can take it. Affirm yourself that you are alright. A sense of optimism goes a long way. The more you think about anxiety, the more it will affect you.

If possible, consult a physician and get yourself checked. Or you can use one of the doctors on the healtheminds site.


06-09-2014, 09:06 AM
How much exercise are you getting in your life? If not much, start now and exercise vigorously. Walk, run, whatever. In a few months you'll see that you'll be a little calmer overall and that will help.