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06-29-2014, 04:59 AM
Hi Guys - Hope all is well. Nice to see your yard again Cully
In a bit of a rush guys - so will just share the link to a slide show I though together after coming home from a rainforest up north a little ways.
Here are some of my Favs from it: ( (
I really really love those trees!!! ( (
06-29-2014, 05:02 AM ( ( ( (
06-29-2014, 05:08 AM
Sorry for the Spam - I simply could not help myself with the new camera is all - My wife had to send in my Son to get me out of the Forest --- LOL Don't let anyone tell you a compact is only just a compact - I highly recomend the Nikon Coolpix series if you want to good quality small camera. ( ( ( (
I stop spaming now
Uploading video on the Blog tomorrow I thinks ... take care all.
06-29-2014, 05:34 AM
Keep taking those pictures Dave, it is truly the closest I will ever come to Australia, and the tour you are providing is way better than the typical tourist traps, you know , the Sydney opera house blah blah blah!
Cully, I have been to England and your pics feel like home to me. The countryside is really so beautiful and the mix of history and modern conveniences really appeals so much to me. By history I mean structures and such that are hundreds of years old!
Canada is a terrific place, but as I look around as I'm driving places it all seems so blah blah blah. All too new. Anyway, I'm going to have to alter my perspective a bit so that I can get to the point that I can show all of you more than my little garden. Maybe I'll drive past the lake today and get some shots of the bay. That is if the beach isn't swamped with what I call transient squatters who come up to our little beach from the city, and leave all their crap around. No respect and that annoys me to no end!
Anyway, have a great day everyone, you too John and Dahila!
06-29-2014, 06:21 AM
What a fantastic landscape unspoiled natural beauty and long may it last great shots with that little fella! I think it was a wise buy Dave. Hi Pam we are lucky here with the history sometimes we take it for granted I think. This is Greyfriars monastery in Dunwich, which was a large port in Roman times it is all in the sea now! a real struggle here to keep the sea at bay the coast here is the fastest eroding in the country. This Monastery is only metres from the cliff edge now! you can go down there after a storm and pick up bones and sometimes skulls, teachers used to go mad when kids took them into school.:) (
Also I thought you lot in the new world might be interested in a house being thatched with reeds. (
06-29-2014, 07:03 AM
I really wish I could make a trip over your way - but like Pam, I don't think it's on the cards. Really interesting shots Cully - especially that roof there. Oh yea - Brilliants work with the birds shots and 400mm lens!
PAM - a Six minute Guided Tour awaits:
06-29-2014, 07:09 AM
Thanks Dave I enjoyed that.
Cully, I'm amazed that thatched roofs are still done. I suppose the time honoured traditions really do stand the test of time.
06-29-2014, 07:15 AM
Cully , thanks for the picture of the monetary . I actually looked it up on map and now better understand the area where you are. Assuming that this monest
06-29-2014, 07:18 AM
Sometimes I hate this iphone.
As I was saying, I have a better feel for where you are. Such marvellous country, and so rich in history. I agree that you probably take it for granted, but you seem to have a solid understanding of the local history, make sure you pass it on to your kids, they won't appreciate the old stuff now but one day they will.
06-29-2014, 11:10 AM
I have been playing with an old pre set helios lens off a zenit E, I am really surprised how good it is! considering you can get one for a few bucks on ebay, I have always wanted to say that ( bucks ). I had to use my favorite portrait model again, it's like having a pet without paying for food or vet bills. (
Thought this may interest you Pam.
06-29-2014, 01:01 PM
Thank you for sharing that Cully. Seems that the brutality of the sea on the coastline in that area has been going on for centuries. Hopefully that monastery won't go in either your or your children's lifetime.
06-29-2014, 02:02 PM
Thank's Pam yeah it would be sad to see that go in, it's a constant battle here as you say only sadly getting worse with sea level rise. On the plus I may have a sea view soon :) (
06-29-2014, 02:03 PM
Wow, how do you do that with pictures, that tree is awesome!
06-29-2014, 02:45 PM
Thank's Pam you just stick some filters on and press the button.:)
06-29-2014, 03:51 PM
hehe Cully it sound easy;)))
06-29-2014, 05:43 PM
Wow, cully are the thatched roofs common place or is it rarely done? I once watched a documentary on thatching a roof and man that's a skill not many have.
06-29-2014, 06:15 PM
WELL DONE CULLY - Beautifully shaped tree as well.
Have a good evening guys - Rest Well.
06-30-2014, 06:19 AM
When I grow something - I Grow something! Note the slim bamboo sticks for supports ... I really worked that soil and still am proud of that resultant PATCH ... fed more than just my family. Tis a shame the world seeks to make us so dependent - FTW! (
That be that same boy in my most recent vid Dahila :) I ponder on how things come to pass so quickly ... It's still with me, however I sense the end that comes to us all. It's good we can connect the way we do. That is a rare thing - ;) Nature has a huge part in that. It's good that you share like you do with your granddaughter too. :) Your kids are lucky to have you.
06-30-2014, 08:50 AM
That's really good stuff there Dave. Things do pass so quickly and i can't believe that's the same boy ( now a man ) in that pic. Is that your daughter that just made you gramp's?
I unfortunately lost my temper with my oldest daughter because she kept hitting her little brother and when i was yelling at her she said she was going to kill herself................. I came unglued and my temper came out!!! ............................... I now have a hole in my wall and i feel like a piece of worthless crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sitting here Monday depressed as hell and my throat hurts from yelling and my back tooth is so soar from biting down on it i can not chew on that side. My hand is a little sore to from the wall. I just do not want to here that shit because i can not imagine life without any of them. My oldest basically died in my hands twice after we got her home from intensive care, when she was born and i had to revive her ( they taught me at the hospital how to do that befor we could bring her home ). You can emagine what goes through ones mind at those times.
I am so sorry for getting way off the thread topic. I guess i needed to tell some one.
06-30-2014, 09:28 AM
John, I'm so glad you feel comfortable enough to share that with us.
Couple of observations if you don't mind.... The body has a way of paying us back when we lose our tempers, your tooth and hand. I can however see why you got upset. Are your kids old enough to understand why the statement about wanting to die made you become unglued? If they are then maybe it's time you shared it with them, reinforcing that they are the most important things in your life.
I don't know how old your kids are but I am assuming the oldest and middle ones are at least in elementary school. One thing that I noticed when Justin was in elementary ( he has only been out for one year) is that especially with girls, but boys are not immune , it's all about drama. You have heard the term "drama queen" . Well imagine a school yard full of 6, 7, 8 year olds competing to see who can cause the most drama. Statements like wanting to die are now used frequently for effect, not unlike swearing. You however need to get to the bottom of why the statement was made. Is it because all the kids say it or is there really something making the child unhappy.
You are a great dad and will do what you need to to get to the bottom of it. If you haven't done so, an apology to your kids for losing your temper may be in order. You will be setting a great example for them and what better role model than to have a dad apologize for losing his cool!
Hope the hand feels better, some ice maybe?
06-30-2014, 10:13 AM
Oh the corn looks fantastic
John when I get upset and unfortunately I have a bad temper too, I just run around the garden or drive for half an hour. Instead of hurting my body. I am a clencher, and sometimes my TMJ hurts like hell. It is not good that you yelled but I had lost my temper and yelled to my grandchild yesterday. She did a mess on the table so I am saying do not do it, and she is cleaning. Her mom sits beside and does not say; listen to grandma. Rather the opposite; yelling to me. My tablecloths is ruined, and I just saw it. The problem is that I have not authority at all. I fell like smacking her....and I know that it was cause I said no to another sleep over. I go to work today...
My children blame me for all kind of problems in their life, they say that I was yelling....shit I yelled not to do anything else.
whatever we do is not good with our children, we love them like crazy but they do not feel loved, what the hell. You at least are not overprotective like I am........
06-30-2014, 11:51 AM
Thanks Pam and Dahila, Kids are tough to raise. I must of skipped that class in school or something or maybe it's a higher power at work for the way I acted when young. My oldest daughter is 14 and her and her Mom go back and forth all the time and drives me crazy! I still feel like shit even today and i sure wish i would of handled that a different way.
06-30-2014, 12:27 PM
Hey guys I just received my new garden toy. I love it, and I have two one is small one is adjustable for small and tall for old and sore :)) the pics are on facebook, I will upload it to flicr too...
Telesco weeder look at me (
and Garden bandid small one but works great (
flicr all pics of tool, and tool (
Please do not mind the mess....ongoing changes and renovations
06-30-2014, 12:35 PM
As you well know, kids don't come with instruction manuals. We do the best we can. When I was 14 my mom and I were constantly at each other. What you have going on is completely normal!
Each day we have a chance to learn from our errors, next time you are in a similar situation you will handle it differently. Don't beat yourself up about it. :)
06-30-2014, 12:37 PM
Yeah if I had the "Parent Manuals" maybe I would do better .........
06-30-2014, 02:23 PM
I never read manuals! but I wish mine came with a bloody off switch sometimes :mad:
06-30-2014, 03:01 PM
Evening guys, your turn then John for getting a hard time off the kids, I am sure it will soon blow over at least you only hit the wall, sometimes I have to get out Dahila for a walk as well. :) On the thatching John there are quite a lot of thatched houses around here, I know 2 thatchers they both have waiting lists for their services! they get good money and live well on it. I will post a picture of the house when he is finished, they put a fancy bit on the ridge.
That's a lovely Family shot Dave and the corn is amazing! I look forward to seeing how you get on with that new plot you look like the green man with all those leaves around your head.
06-30-2014, 04:28 PM
That is my eldest daughter John. Kirsty in now 21 I believe - I am terrible with remembering how old each one is - I think it's like 18, 20, 21/22? and 24 - I remember no ones date of Birth and even sometimes forget how old I am by one year - give or take. What I do know is all heart though - I am seriously done with superficial crap that we bestow as if more important than what lay within. I guess this is why I have given up on time and care less to remember my phone number, banks details and so on. I guess my point to all that is most people would regard me outlook as pathetic, however just like the plants I grow and the kids I have raised ... they know different.
I've lost my temper plenty of times - busted this and that ... None of us are perfect. Many times my son pictured back there, will tell me to go hang myself and I have lashed back at him ... however despite the dysfunction or mall adjustment that outsiders may attempt to peg on each of us and then go on to generalize ... only you know where your heart lay, and if anyone else has a glimpse into that - it would be your kids ... despite the corruption this world is so good at making those homely moments a thing of the past, all wrapped up in goals, attainments and things! There is no such thing as a happy family - you only get ones with money, white teeth and fancy cars and fancy schools. Plastic families that cave in at the mere raising of a voice.
I know the feeling well to the aftermath of a good yelling session and trail of broken things - They happen much less now ... as I accept it for what it is ... blowing stream ... Some of us don't even need to say sorry to be heard and understood by those that know us best. A hole in the wall may be just the thing in order to be heard - I see it both ways and in events where the balance is rarely weighed - our so called sidfuction is again well understood for greater within our own walls than the prissy high and almighty prescriptions of those that toss their noses in the air at the first sign of a family member breaking wind.
That's all I have to say in matters like so my good friend John.
They know they are loved - either way ... that is all the matter.
Peace Out - warm thoughts to you and yours.
06-30-2014, 04:29 PM
PS - thanks for the kind words regarding my corn patch - I get ready to go to the doctors today.
06-30-2014, 05:09 PM
Dave, Dahlia, Pam, Cully and Hanna, you guy's are great friends and i sure do respect the info that you give me. Thank you all so very much. I was/am in such a depressed or sad state after my ordeal with the kids but you all have brought good things to my "Psyche". As a parent i am the one the kids usually come to when Mom is upset and i am normally the voice of reason and reasurment. I hope i do not go back down that road again but i am sure there will be other issues, I just need to try and maintain a level head. Enough of that!
Cully how long does a thatched roof last and how does it stand up to the elements like wind?
Thanks again you guy's i really mean it.
06-30-2014, 05:23 PM
John, my dad was and still is much the way you are, but I must say in 84 years not much phases him. You are the peacemaker of the family, a good place to be, but you have also instilled a healthy dose of respect. They know or are learning that there are limits to unacceptable behaviour and once that is reached, dad could blow his stack. Many people would disagree with me but a tiny dose of fear never hurt kids, especially our generation. We turned out ok and how many times did you hear your mom say " just wait until your father gets home". I know I straightened up pretty quick, it was my mom I was scared of.... She loved her wooden spoon.
06-30-2014, 05:40 PM
Oh Pam, you are so right and i had to laugh because when the kids were really little i told my wife to get one of the wood spoons after the two little ones. ( they kept wanting to play with the wood burner ). We do not dare spank the kids these days you might go to jail! My father kept a paddle made of wood hanging in the front room and he painted the words "the talking stick" on it because he said it did the talking for him. He say's he never used it but my rear end say's differently. I deserved it when he whacked me with it, i will admit. My sister and i say that he is in denial about never using it on me but i absolutely do not hold any grudge what so ever. Thanks Pam
07-01-2014, 01:04 AM
Todays Snap Shots.
One in town - the others at the Local Tip -
"Where is my DAMN PIE!- ( ( ( (
07-01-2014, 04:36 AM
Hey Dave, love the pie caption, had a goof giggle.
What type of birds are they in the other pics? They way they have flocked to that pond reminds me of our national bird ( the Canada Goose). The Canada goose is essentially a migratory bird that flies south in the winter and back north in the spring. Unfortunately with the amount of food available through the winter ( garbage strewn around in urban areas) many of these birds just hang around all winter and their numbers
07-01-2014, 04:46 AM
Have I said I hate my iphone?
Anyway as I was saying.... These damned birds stick around and do nothing but multiply, eat and shit. Anywhere there is a body of water near an urban area you will find loads of them. They wreck the parks and beaches and become somewhat agressive towards humans.
The birds in your pics reminded me of them. Do those birds stick around one area?
Today is Canada Day, a statutory holiday for all. Guess I'm going to have the dog in my lap all evening as the neighbours set off their fireworks displays. She is terrified of the sound they make. Well, I can hope it rains and puts a damper on those activities. Not to be miserable, but I don't trust people with fireworks, I'm terrified of fire. Fireworks in the hands of idiots is nothing less than a recipie for disaster! Just my opinion however.
Hope your doctor appointment went well.
Cheers my friend!
07-01-2014, 04:52 AM
Hi Dave, is that ibis? can't remember but looks familiar. Ornithology was one of my toughest classes Next to MATH.
07-01-2014, 05:33 AM
John guessed right :) - It's us humans that are the menace - we are the ones out of place. Thanks for the breakdown on your birds - nice to hear it like that. These birds can be annoying when eating in the park, however it's not their fault. I don't feed them - Happy Canada Day :)
Right now I am really tired - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ meds..
i respond better in the morning ... I want on a night walk and shot the following snaps shots. Both hand held - pleased with the results for a compact camera. ( (
07-01-2014, 05:59 AM
Dave , your point is well taken, we have invaded their territory , unfortunately their natural instinct to migrate has been damaged, also, the natural population control which comes from migration has been pretty much lost. We all suffer, birds and man.
07-01-2014, 08:47 AM
Ibis is truly magnificent bird, I can watch them for hours. Thank you Dave. Ibis was a holy bird :)
Nice shots. I wish there was a place where all animals would live their own life without the interaction from the most dangerous animals; humans.........
07-01-2014, 03:15 PM
Evening all, lovely shots Dave I like the one of the old fella waiting for his grub, do you think he makes a bit of extra money at Christmas dressing up as Father Christmas!.
That's a versatile little camera! the Ibis's are lovely we had one here a couple of years back, this one was black and called a glossy Ibis we quite often get strange birds fly in here sadly I never got to see him.
As for the thatch! they last years ( i just googled it 70 years ) so I won't be seeing that house done again, it is such a worry with fire!. I lived in one once and we only had a fireplace for heat, you are supposed to have a spark guard on the chimney, we didn't it was rented luckily it's still there. Quite often you hear of one going up there is a pub near me that is thatched it's had it's roof burned off twice in my lifetime, it must be at least 400 years old so god knows how many more times.
I thought I would share this picture of a cottage in the woods the stuff of children's nightmares. (
Take care all
07-01-2014, 04:46 PM
Stunning Cully - I am in awe of the bark on the trees - also good perspective of perhaps a zombie about to embark on a frenzy regarding the possibility of brains that await in the house. hehe :)
On another note - some of your pics occasionally come up in here as ?This image or video is currently unavailable" ??? But the link still works despite no picture showing in here?
Beautiful picture!!!
07-02-2014, 02:10 AM
This is what I came across today - I then asked Lisa to turn around so I could get my camera -
Link to slide show ->
________ (
07-02-2014, 02:09 PM
Evening all, scary stuff Dave with the big fire? how close it is to your home? I love that fire engine sponsored by the pie shop. I don't know what's going on with my pictures last nights one has done it again. I shot this on my way to a job this morning in a rush as my boss was floating about, what he would have said if he had caught me taking pictures on the beach.:) (
07-02-2014, 02:36 PM
Beautiful pic Cully. Oh how I wish the sea was so close.
07-02-2014, 06:38 PM
I am with you on that Pam, hell i would take any large body of water at this point.
Nice pics guy's i love looking at this thread.
07-02-2014, 07:04 PM
Although I post a lot of pics - I remain inspired by both cullys flourishing talent (In awe actually) and your replies guys. This has been very healing for me. TY
07-03-2014, 09:22 AM
For you Cully
07-03-2014, 11:09 AM
Beautiful creatures John, thank you for sharing. Glad to see they are on a comeback. Any idea if they are considered endangered?
07-03-2014, 11:43 AM
Thank you Dave for your kind comment, I must say you and your wonderful pictures were the inspiration for me going digital and how good it has been for me. I will have a look at your bike video later when I get my jobs out of the way, the bike looks great by the way a real bargain.
Thank's John for the video those Owls were great I am glad to see they are making such a comeback in Ohio, I have a friend who lives in Aurora is that anywhere near you ?. Barn Owls are quite common here and I regularly see them early morning going to work, but never when I have a camera in my hand!. I went through my pictures and found an old thatched farm house you can see how they finish the top. (
They can't complain the neighbors are noisy ;)
Hey Pam and Dahila I hope all's well with you. (
07-03-2014, 12:42 PM
Great rose pic Cully. You know I'm all about roses these days so I share the latest one in bloom. I also love lavender so most of my rose bushes have it around them.
I have also put a pic of my potatoes growing in a rubbish bin. They have grown so well, about a month ago they were right at the bottom of the bin. As they have grown I have added soil to the bin. I think it's about full now so I just have to let them continue to grow and harvest once the green tops turn brown and dry up. Another 6 or 7 weeks I think.
Hope everyone is keeping well.
Dave, I think the purchase of your bike was brilliant! Just wanted to let you know that I do read everything you post, I've been trying to keep busy doing things around here and just haven't had a chance to drop you much of a note. I am however thinking of you.
Cheers all.
07-03-2014, 02:27 PM
Fabulous roses and lavender Pam! I only have one rose bush and it's looks really rubbish compared to yours that's why I only shot one flower. Good idea with the spuds it will be exiting when you get to dig up the treasure beneath. I hope all is well with you and peace still reigns.
07-03-2014, 02:38 PM
Pictures like always beautiful. I though Pam that it is English lavender around roses. You harvest it and dry , not on the sun though. I do it in my basement. Then make a small poaches and fill it up with the dry flowers..put it on your pillow beside your face and go to sleep:))
Or you could perfectly dry flowers cover with light oil ; almond sweet oil or safflower oil. Keep it in tightly closed top in a warm place for 4 weeks shaking the jar (mason the best) daily. Four weeks later you have lavender oil. Take a small sock the one very very thin, and strained and use the oil to massage the sore places on your body:))
07-03-2014, 06:52 PM
Pam, the barn owl is endangered in Ohio. people are taking the big ol barns down ( that they like ) all over the place but they are working to get them back. The sound they make is almost hair on the neck raising kind of sound or at least to me it is.
07-04-2014, 04:16 AM
Thanks Pam much appreciated. I understand where your meaning - very pleased to see continuing to share photo's as well. :) I kind of had a downer today - having finally uploaded my Osprey video on my Blog - my next target is to do some close up shots with my compact - for now I go post a POEM I managed to come up with.
Peace to all ... cully - I do believe I have left some comments re your awesome flowers :) -
07-04-2014, 05:35 AM
John - I know you are interested in getting a compact - here is the Zoom test on mine -
First - the boat looks further away than it really is, however it was a long way out - I would say easily a hundred yards ...
The following shot is with the lens wide open: (
07-04-2014, 05:37 AM
This is at 12X Optical Zoom hand held - equivalent to 300mm focal length on a 35mm camera.
PS HAND HELD no effort made for a polished shot - test only (
07-04-2014, 02:40 PM
Evening all hope you are all well! lovely day here today so I decided to have my lunch down by the river, where I new there would be a nice cool breeze not a bad spot to have a break. This is the other side! not the side I normally shoot from it's much busier over here, If you look just to the left of the of the tallest building in the center you can see the sand dunes on the beach next time I am over here I will shoot the harbour mouth. (
I have to agree Dave it's so handy having a little compact I try and keep this one in my lunch bag! just in case I see something good to shoot. That lens on your coolpix is really good I could hardly see that boat in the first shot, I am really impressed with it's capabilities. This is a shot of one of the little huts down here that sell fish it's where we go when we want any, it's so much better straight off the boat still flapping and I can usually find someone I know to try and do a deal with.
See if you can think of a funny title! (
07-04-2014, 04:11 PM
Ok guys, you have me convinced, when I get some $$ in at the end of the month a camera is definitely an order.
Recommendations as to what I need to look for? Megapixels? Zoom? I will start off with a compact. Then you guys can help me with some type of Photoshop program for the computer.
07-04-2014, 05:30 PM
I like the lighting in the last one there cully ... however again - true to form, all your pics are awesome.
I am really gladdened to hear such news Pam - Today I take photos with both you and john in mind. Honestly - I am blown away with what compacts can do today and also how easily they are to have on hand. I've been trying to perused john into getting the one I have, however I understand when it comes to such things - as would be the same for me ... choices choices ... so many.
I know what mine can do, and you guys have now seen the results of that. Honestly going above 12X optical is something I question without a tripod at least - I have read this many times ... but to be fair I have not yet done an up to date research on the latest with regard to such. I would be though you would have to pay a pretty penny. I do recommend if wanting to go budget, buying on ebay a refurbished well known brand. Nikon seem to have a lot of coolpix refurbished - another thing is to search "price/postage lowest first and Worldwide - HONG KONG offer the best brands at the lowest prices. Have never had an issue - and always purchase using Pay Pall - as one can then make a claim if needed - cliams via paypall are the only way to go when purchasing on eBay - whilst I make a claim without batting an eyelid - never ever, have I had to when purchasing camera equipment.
DO NOT BUY LOCALLY unless you have money to burn or part of some church that feels some need to support other sheep.
Some compacts are better for Macro than others - Mine has a focal length of 8cm so not the best - but today I go out to see just how that performs - BUT - mine does excel for quality images with low ISO's (well lighted scenes) I have also shown some good night time shots however they too did have well lit backgrounds ...
I best get ready and go in search of some subjects - Only other thing I mention PAM - is yes - I use software to tidy up my images ... however for me it is just a click here and there - as simple as clicking upload. You are welcome to PM me - on such things ... there is free software like GIMP and I believe some tutorials - but no where near as many tutorials as PHOTOSHOP ... Photoshop is no where near as complex as it used to be - I highly recommenced photoshop due to the availability of tutorials - there is also Lightroom - a slim downed version of the same thing - I actually find lightroom harder to use, but only because I am so ingrained with photoshop - but does not matter as photoshop does the same things - yet capable of much much more - I see less tutorials for lightroom but more for PS.
srry for long speech --- I hope the day comes sooner than later, when you can afford to get that camera. There are also slim line versions of Photoshop ... ;)
07-04-2014, 06:14 PM
I thought I would share a few pictures of the lake where my father was raised. My family still owns all the property on the east (right) side of the lake so the land is pristine and untouched. Outside of my aunts home, our cottage is the only structure on the side of the lake.
These pics were taken by my cousin.
The winter picture was taken looking toward the lake from my aunts home. (South west)
07-04-2014, 07:29 PM
oh Pam what a beautiful place :)
07-04-2014, 07:58 PM
It is about 100km west of Ottawa. In the middle of nothing. I have cousins living in Waterloo and it takes them about 5.5 hours to drive there. It's about the same for me but I go across country rather than the 401.
I'm going to look for some other pictures I have and if I find them I will scan them into the computer and post.
07-04-2014, 08:15 PM
I hear you, a few years ago I had my Toyota totaled by hugggggggge deer a rather pack of deer. Everytime I had to drive on freeway my BP goes up, and anxiety soars . 401 is a nightmare
07-04-2014, 09:58 PM
Well i did it! i purchased a Nikon coolpix d800 refurbishment off eBay. like i told Dave, i can't remember the last time i have been excited about something.
07-04-2014, 10:07 PM
I am so pleased for you John - honestly looking through the lens is so therapeutic and makes for great shares. Just like Pams recent uploads - THANKS PAM ... for someone not into flags ... I really loved the gloag pole shot! :) The sand in the first one -caught ma attention --- very streamlined flat. Looks like a really nice place.
I go upload a subject I took today with my little compact --- John again ... that's is really awesome news. Just snap away when you get it, and don't worry too much about getting things perfect - I send you a link with really great tips later. Very easy tips that make a huge difference. Awesome News!!! :)
07-04-2014, 10:40 PM (
Today, I just happened across a shell sitting atop a fence stump as I ventured to follow a track from the beach to the road. It really beckoned to have its photo taken and given that my battery was exhausted after just a few shots - I know it was meant to be. I was really stoked with the results when I got home, launched photoshop and saw the results. The subject photo pictured above did not look like anything at first, however the golden rule of using the crop feature helped to bring things into perspective - next golden rule was to adjust the light levels and in this case toning down the color all worked to making an introductory photo - A little text in this case also help to assist with bring the shell to light as well - The subject need not always be in focus ... just as it is with many of us that prefer taking a back seat.
Next: Just a simple no frills photo to give perspective in this case - to how I came across the loan shell with me name on it - to which I am sure now has someone else's on it now: (
Best I could manage with the close ups - for now ... I am happy with the results ... post processing brings so much more out of the compact and something I feel is a must for shots like these. It would not be fair to withhold such information claiming that the camera takes the resultant shots without any tweaking. For me though, I enjoy the possibilities with post processing on my computer as the basic side of it is really as easy as 1 - 2 - 3 - and anything else comes to those that are patient and passionate about learning such things. I still have so much more to learn. Getting a compact camera has in fact opened my eyes up more so, despite already having learned so much with my DSLR and all its accessorizes. Compact with a little tweaking here and there - best thing I ever did - was downsize. (
Here is the final polish - I later this evening gave this shell the attention it deserved - I call this one "Illuminated Presence" : (
07-05-2014, 03:56 AM
Spectacular Dave, thank you for enlightening as to the process for getting and fine tuning such a glorious shot. It's amazing how through the lens of a camera, the everyday things can be seen as magical.
I'm getting really excited about the prospect of getting me a camera!
As always, thank you for sharing and your patience in explaining for the uninitiated!
07-05-2014, 04:27 AM
YW Pam - I am as excited as john is about his new purchase and also your pondering on such as well. I get so much more out of sharing my photos in here as opposed to the photography forums I frequent. Unfortunately people tend to miss capturing the moments that lead to the final result. I know I go on about it over and over, but sharing the experience means so much more to me. I kind of knew what I was searching for before I jumped on my bike. My past experience with camera outings have no doubt helped, but none so more than the yearning to share how I feel when embarking on such an activity and how it helps to ground me.
I am an advocate to taking snap shots and sorting through them later, however nothing beats a well tuned approach even if one is unsure of what may present itself. Getting the Bike and now the Compact has made me feel free - walking is great, but i'm just too wound up and conscientious for the most part when people are about - it is who I have become ... the Bike allows me to still be out in the open, but also gives me a quick escape and or keeps my mind from thinking while I am peddling ... after a little bit of doing that, I'm like FTW - "I'll do what I want" ... just like my teenage daughter use to say to me ... lol
As for the camera part - each photo is like a new friend that you can trust - a window into another world - a canvas with which to paint - a basis for playing with words or an idea just waiting to be illuminated ... the possibilities are endless - tapping them is the fun part.
07-05-2014, 05:54 AM
Hi ya guys great news on the camera John! I can't wait to see the results and the wilds of Ohio. Pam those shots of yours are lovely what a fabulous place that lake is I bet there are some lovely birds and fish there, I can see why your ancestors chose that spot. Dave love the polished shell shot really nice simple little subject what a gift and you did it justice, on the photography I would say take stuff to please yourself, things that you enjoy and places you like like. Just get out there get some fresh air it's good therapy I am sure the results will be brilliant.
I thought I would have a crack at some of that fancy text you do. (
Also last nights sunset was really good so I thought I had better get it ( both shots with a nikon coolpix 7600 ) (
Catch you all later guys
07-05-2014, 06:11 AM
Brilliant! The water is breathless ... stunningly so. Love the contrast as well. :)
Edit - I keep looking at it ... the clouds speak as well. Hard to stop looking at that one Cully. :)
07-05-2014, 06:13 AM
Cheers Dave hope you are well, why are you not asleep?.
07-05-2014, 06:49 AM
Pam, that place looks awsome and i could live there for the remainder of my life, lakes and few people. That first boat on the right looks like a 1962 ish starcraft. i had a couple at one time. Thanks for sharing that although my mind now wonders to things that i WISH i could have. LOL
07-05-2014, 06:54 AM
Cully it is stunning. I think this picture will end on my desktop and it is a complement ;)) I love to change it with beautiful pictures
John you will now have to share with us:)
07-05-2014, 07:05 AM
John, it's quite possible that the boat is that old. I get a kick out of the old row boat. I remember 40+ years ago being out on the lake fishing with my dad in the old grey row boat and more than once having to do some bailing to keep from sinking. Great memories.
The place is called Flower Station, and yes, it was a railway stop back in the 1930s and 40s. The railway is long since gone in my lifetime but my dad remembers it.
Permanent population is about 25, yes that's not a typeo. Summer it swells to about 75. The nearest town is about 45 minutes to an hour away, depending on how brave you are driving the dirt roads. Lol
In the background of the flag picture is what we refer to the "sugar bush" a heavily wooded area which is primarily maple trees. The family has been making maple syrup there for generations.
07-05-2014, 08:51 AM
If my wife would let me ( maybe even if she didn't, lol ) i would become a resident of Canada if i could spend my remaining days in a place like that. My Grandma was from Nova scotia and has family in Canada but sadly we have never met anyone from her side of the family. Her maiden name was Cahill. Canada has always intrigued me as it has the land and nature that i love. I so wish i could have met some of my grandmas relatives maybe it would of led to a chance to move up there.
07-05-2014, 09:00 AM
I had a choice between Us or Canada, we decide that Canada is a place for us to live;)). When I came into it which was 18 July 1991, the first what I noticed were the trees, trees everywhere and fat , shiny cats, so I thought in Country where pets look so well, must be a good life. It took a lot of years to feel here at home, but it is my home and really beautiful:)
Places like Pam have are everywhere, even in the middle of my city which is called "Forest City" we have probably a thousand acres of forest..
07-05-2014, 09:10 AM
I think what you would love the contrasts of harshness and nature which is prevalent throughout much of the area my family is from.
This area is referred to as the Canadian Shield, and the terrain is quite varied because of the rock, mostly granite that is so inhospitable to anything growing, yet there is such incredible beauty in what has grown and remains largely untouched.
Google Canadian Shield and I'm sure if you look at the images which come up you will see what I mean.
Once you get out of the areas immediately around Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, which would remind you much of what it is like in your part of the world, the contrasts are really quite spectacular!
07-05-2014, 09:11 AM
Dahlia, the place i live now is all FLAT farmland. I feel as though i will be stuck here and that depresses me. Yes, i have 14 acres and a river on one side but it's just not the smae if that makes any sence. I guess i should be grateful for what i have. I am grateful i guess but i have always longed for the North :(
07-05-2014, 09:15 AM
Pam, i have friends up in that area right now on a fishing trip. They said its about 3 hours north of Toronto?
07-05-2014, 09:18 AM
Now that i started talking about the north i think i will shoot my mom an email and see if she has any contact info on my grandmas family.
07-05-2014, 09:33 AM
Yes John, that would be right about into the southern end of the shield. Spectacular country, pristine lakes for the most part, except of course for the areas which we refer to as cottage country. Some of those areas are just way too overpopulated with fancy expensive retreats the city fools from Toronto call cottages.
If you ever had the opportunity to go with your friends then do it, you likely wouldn't want to go back. Whether you fish or not, just spending time in that type of country is invigorating, and to some like me life altering.
Some of the biggest epiphanies of my life have taken place when I am back at the family property in the bush. The most recent and noteworthy was 7 years ago when I realized that I didn't need my good for nothing, lazy ass husband any more. There is just something about being in a simple place, surrounded by the splendour of nature that can put the world into perspective!
07-05-2014, 09:52 AM
Yes, the workings of mother nature. She is quite the therapist. If i could fish every day i would but sadly not much around here. I can hunt on my property which i do. The deer meat really helps the family budget and is very good. If i went up there i am sure that i would not want to come back. I went to Lake Superior State University for awhile until i got a kidney stone and went broke trying to get rid of it. I spent a year up there and if it where not for a job offer here at my present location i would still be up there.
07-05-2014, 10:50 AM
Pam I googled Canadian shield in the hope of pristine landcape and got this hmmm Pam LOL. (
07-05-2014, 11:33 AM
LMFAO...........................hehehehehe good old google
07-05-2014, 12:02 PM
OMG!! Too funny! Not what I got when I googled it.
07-05-2014, 12:05 PM
I am never going to suggest googling anything any more!
07-05-2014, 01:50 PM
Hi guys Pam the landscape there is wonderful I have always gravitated Northwards whenever I have had a chance to travel and that really looks like my sort of place. That's the only problem with this picture sharing all these places and not enough cash to get there! I couldn't resist posting the condom thing it was just priceless.
07-05-2014, 03:34 PM
Hey Cully,
I love the north too. I think next time I get to your neck of the woods it will be to Scotland. Actually it has to be Scotland as my husband has family there and we would be seriously disowned if we didn't visit!
There is something about a harsh climate which is so appealing to me. Beaches and sun are nice for a winter holiday but I tire of them easily. I must be a little odd. :)
07-05-2014, 06:11 PM
Well I dream about Scotland, seriously. I dream that people there understand me but I have a problem to get them. It must be cause so many Scottish friends post all the beautiful picture. Ireland is in my mind too. I heard that both countries have a very good local beer;)))
07-05-2014, 10:02 PM
Dahila Scotland is so beautiful! I have been up there many times and around a lot of the islands, I spent one summer working in Orkney which are a group of islands just of the north coast it is a unesco world heritage site there are so many prehistoric tombs and stones circles there. I think Scotland's got it all for me it's no trouble to get away from everyone and be somewhere peaceful I am sure you will get there some day.
07-05-2014, 10:06 PM
Pam I am just the same I much prefer somewhere bleak, cold and quiet to some hot overcrowded beach.
07-05-2014, 10:13 PM
The Island of Mull west coat of Scotland. (
07-06-2014, 08:32 AM
Cully thank you it is awesome. Yes I hope before I change into the dust, I will see Scotland:)) I thought about Australia and New Zealand but it seems unreal. The problem for me is to go into airplane , eh the phobias:(
Dave where are u?
07-06-2014, 01:49 PM
Sorry to hear you have trouble with travel Dahila! I only have 2 problems with travelling having to go to work and not enough cash. This weekend has been sadly rainy so I haven't had a lot of chance for photos but I did take a walk with a couple of my boys this afternoon just around the parish and took a few shots. (
I also thought I had better check on the progress with the thatching as you can see he is currently working on the ridge, which is straw I think it's going to look good when it's done. (
I hope you are all good has that camera arrived yet John?. (
Take care Cully
07-06-2014, 02:00 PM
Cully I am speechless, the last one is incredible:))
07-06-2014, 02:18 PM
Thanks Dahila it's definitely different. :D That should confuse Dave
07-06-2014, 02:45 PM (
07-06-2014, 04:49 PM
I'm confused already??? Do you mean the girl in the window.
She is pretty and I think she likes me as she seems unable to take her eyes of me. :)
The window capture is my favorite.
07-06-2014, 11:26 PM (
Hi Guys - Just sharing as usual. Remember how I said, every photo need to be a masterpiece. I left the photography forum I was a part of due to the honest opinions of others whom I could no longer bare. LOL - bit like others listening to me. My advice if your just starting out in photography and just enjoy taking photos to share with other ... don't waste your time in a Photography forum where every picture must carry some kind of signature standard. Even the snap shots in places like that, will not go without continual fault finding. I guess I have been snapping to long and enjoy my sharing too much have every shot ridiculed like that. Also, I am a nutter rarely understood.
Moving On:
STEALTH CAMPING - The snap shot above depicts some areas I have been taking some photos and have set up my hammock for rests whilst out and about. It's part of a 5 kilometer stretch of beach where the tide goes way way out when low and also where many fish when it comes back in. I find it amusing how many of the home owners claim the land right up to the sand with the occasional sign hung on trees giving names like "crocodile cove" and chain their chairs and tables all but the BBQ to where the sand meets high tide. There are many walkways that come of the street to meet the sand - kind of suggests the area is public to me - regardless of these owners/residents setting up their back yards to waters edge. They do so at their own risk I think. The point is - ownership is such that there is no ware anyone can go without first seeking the permission of another lest they run the risk of trespassing. Even on state/crown land one must seek permission to camp or find where the tracks are before setting foot.
But FUCK IT - if people can't keep thier dogs on a leash and go about without a care - then why should I give worry about braking such law. Pffft - Human Beings - I've been jailed for a lot worse. But alas - the law makes it so that others stress - we live lives shackled like so - none of us are really free. I think it would of been hard for people back in the 15th century to contemplate being fined for walking through the local forest - to of even walked so far as to come across a fence! Ownership and boundaries - flags and wars - I can see it in those live on the beach if others dare to sit in their seat - the chains and padlocks say it all!!!
So it is, that more and more people are trying their hand a Stealth Camping. I have seen many talks on youtube with people trying to have a holiday to which they could otherwise not afford. More and more the No Camping signs go up - I understand there are idots who make lots of noise and a messy bastards - they fuck it up for the rest - Grrrrrr - BUT - then there is the plain Stigma for those who have not the money for all the gloss. I already had a bitch about how RV and Caravaning is now a snobs game - Is a real shame. You don't have to be religious to be a judgmental prick - Money will do the same thing. Sigh ----
I truly am rambling - but having a laugh to myself. Smiles - feeling better for writing about it anyways - I've done well with that bike I picked up for $25.00 - today I picked up a ladies bike that was a giveaway - It had a rear rack with a wire basket I wanted to use - I also took off the stand as well. The parts were all wrong so I had to grind the wielding joints to dismantle the rack - I eventually removed the wielded clip and modified it to fit my bike - here is my set-up thus far: (
By no means am I experienced in bicycle touring and or camping - but who cares ... so far $25.00 has been a fair trade - I can now fit my winter sleep system (which taxes much space in my pack) and also my hammock and rain fly + ultralight lounge chiar. My back pack is now quite reduce in size and weight - My goal for a solo stealth overnighter is nearing. I am really liking the sense of freedom I have claimed for myself. My mate Ben likes to camp in places the law says we have no right - like me, he sees no sense heading into the woods only to be surrounded by human beings. None the less, I am organizing a camp site to which we register on line in one of the state forests I have visited. Ben likes to bring many things - too much imo ... and I don't like stealth camping when we are so loud together. I can't relax despite myself thinking fuck the human beings ... the fine weighs on my mind, and the fact the law still exists - regardless of how much I tell myself I don't care - it makes people feel like criminals - that they are doing the wrong thing. Humans are fucked like that. They are really selfish beings! - One I pay and register online though - I will not weight my heart so heavy on "being in the designated area" My hammock comfort is first and foremost - and I will not be tethered to other human beings! One good ploy it to simply pitch a BS tent and have no valuable in your car - leave the registry label on the care next to tent - and go set up 100 meters past the fringes.
Sorry I rave on again - here is a pic a what it is like under the canopy of the tree line first picture as the start of this post: (
Not the best picture - but I will be showing plenty more yet to come - it's quite close to the sand - yet is also a world in its own. there is so much that goes unseen between each of the walkways - I now show some more pics to give a sense of space - I have found various walking tracks that more resemble that of a cattle - between the sandy walkways : (
Coffee time - brb please excuse my spelling mistake and broken English - I'm Australian - lol
07-07-2014, 12:08 AM (
07-07-2014, 12:21 AM
Now I have shared my secret locations - hehe - and given you all a good perspective --- I encourage people to get up and go outside and own what space you can - even if only for the time you stand in it is brief. :) - when one looks at the maps it quite easy to see that humans are fast eradicating nature and what little is left will indeed require permits for people to even be - I will later google map America and show you what the concrete looks like there!!!!!!!! - deforestation maps in live/real time are quite worrying and scary to take in. But for now - all is good as we can share the secrets to capturing what is left and or have to get by BS laws that repress many who can not afford the privladge of having likewise "Holidays/pleasurable walks" Christ - it is a bit like that - non-contributors stigmatized to feel guilty for breathing what little fresh air is left - only people with fancy RVs should be allowed such valuable space. Hahahahahahaha ... you probably don't understand my thinking there - but truly the world is bound by such stigma/physiological complexes -
It reminds me of a sign my wife and I found amusing - two signs actually - one read "No Camping PENALTY $500.00" - then only a little further down the road .... get this -> "No Camping PENALTY 375.00" I pissed myself laughing and my wife did not cotton straight away, but then had a laugh too with the price difference - FUCKING SNOBS - lmfao - I noted the difference in housing from one side of the street to the other - FUCKING HUMANS - what fucking idiots!
Here is my pick for the day - in the spirit to which you may now better appreciate. Me watching Humans: If only people would put as much compassion into their own kids - instead of passing them off AKA/Modern Day Child Care - My mum loved her dogs so much more .. Pffft Humans!.
Then again - it's understandable why people turn to animals like so - my past would have me bias. Best of luck to em ;) (
Have a good day all - forgive my need to rant and rave - I share with you as friends.
Peace Out
PS - whilst I quit the photography forum in disgust at the way people dog others photos - I am pleased to say the above photo was requested by our realestate after my wife uploaded on community FB page (with the words "Toogoomm Beach" replacing the title above - That made my day! :) ... (they know I am not quite right in the head - but still will ask for my photo - makes me feel good) Good things have been happening to me of late and I am thankful for that. My plans to be more mobile and free - to encourage others with photos and now the irony with how I told the photography forum to go stick it ... and now this - Awesome!!! I be happy in that - I will try with humans again ... but I still think we all need to be more real with how selfish we all be ... I too reflect on my own pity and see if I can move past that - but that does not mean I turn into a jumping bean. hehe PPS - I even got a working tail light and blinking head light from that old bike meant for the dump --- Now I can ride at night - seriously another good day!!!
07-07-2014, 05:17 AM
That stealth picture is awesome Dave. It actually is so incredibly creative!
I think the best audience for your photography is those who don't have a "trained" eye in the subject. It is those of us who know nothing technical who can truly see the beauty in photographs and allow them to touch something emotional. Having too much knowledge isn't always good, it simply takes the joy out of it.
Continue to show us your world Dave, it is always a bright spot in my day.
Cheers my friend, hoping this day finds you well. Btw- how is the itching? You haven't said much about it for a bit.
07-07-2014, 08:25 AM
Dave i went to read the comments on photography Forum , and I felt sick. What the hell? Why people are so judgmental? They do not enjoy taking photos, they strive to perfection ; at the same time wasting the time and good
Back home my neighbor told my husband that i yell at my children and whisper to my dogs. Moron.. If there was a choice to made my children were the top of my interest, but I also loved my dogs, you can not compare , they are different love.. I get your point Dave. Thank you for beautiful pictures. I see you are pretty handy with the tools:))
07-07-2014, 02:04 PM
Superb news on the picture Dave I am so pleased for you :) it is a lovely shot and well worth the accolade. As for that forum who gives a shit what others think! as long as you shoot the stuff you enjoy shooting and enjoy doing it then that's all that matters. We all love to see your pictures, sounds like they have become lost in technical bullshit and forgot the whole point of it! obviously your passion for the landscape shone through in that shot and creativity in using the wheel. I am glad you got out of there constant criticism helps no one so bugger them and paddle your own canoe in your own way and continue bringing us more wonderful shots.
07-08-2014, 02:49 AM
:) Thanks Guys - I tried to explain the benefit of sharing like so at the other place - they seem to think it's as shallow as a Face book Thing - How wrong could they be!
07-08-2014, 07:14 AM
Dave people who constantly criticize and find faults in what we do, they are the energy vampires, you need to run away as fast as you can. Unfortunately we have one in the purest form here on this forum. Everyone knows who I am talking about. The long nick drains me ........ jeez it does not matter the distance , the physical distance. Energy vampires are everywhere and use every tool available. I Know it, I had lived for 20 years with an awful vampire... it is not fairly tale guys... I bet everyone of you met them
Dave I am very happy we had the hour or so for the conversation.... awesome.
07-09-2014, 01:27 AM
Indeed - (Tilc from Star Gate)
We deal with them now and not let them high-jack the forum - that vampire as well. Dr Judoth orloff in the Book "Emotional Freedom" talks much on such things. I am glad you brought that up. I have some images to put a smile on your face:
First and foremost one that hangs on the door of this place:
The next whilst debatable sends a clear enough picture - personally I thought it was only just a matter of time - I can't wait for such an empire to fall: (it's is slowly waning as countries like ours, adopt such elitism to which will shall likewise fall -[inside out]) No offense intended to my American friends but understand it may do so. I hate my own society - I mean not to wave flags at all - I am anti flags point blank.
This one cracks me up:
And this one I think really shows how religion is currently holding us back - BIG TIME!!! You know how they have no interest in the Future - Who gives a fuck - Jesus is coming. Pffft All those missions we should be doing - Don't you agree Dahila? Relgion is very anti explore ... One of my biggest hates how it's infiltrated Nassa - I really hope the Chinese set up a moon base and land on mars first. Fuck I would love to see that!!!
Fuck those religious cunts coming in here and also that freak of which you speak. Bells are a now ringing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John Chapter go fuck yourself Verse bend over cock in ass. Know thy fucking place!
Disclaimer - I refer to John 3:16 - not you john - just the bend over and take it up the ass verse - The US & THEM verse - The Punishments Verse - or else we shall perish in eternal flame - bla bla bend over as is the only way .... The verse that preaches love based on Fear! Fear the fuel for anxiety - Cully said it better in other thread - well said my friend.
07-09-2014, 05:18 AM
Hi Dave!
I like the last one! Appeals to my sci-Fi nature. Also like the Til'c reference!
Thanks for the reminder, just finished watching a TV series called Sanctuary, don't know if you have ever heard of it. It is the series that Amanda Tapping did after Stargate. If you haven't seen it I think you might like it.
My sci-Fi fix is back to something more mundane, Star Trek TNG is on netflix and for lack of anything more interesting, I'm going to watch that.
I think part of the reason I like these Sci-Fi programs is the simple way that all differing people accept each other ( for the most part).
Anyway, I'm off topic today, must be the pain meds, back is killing me. Mowing lawn in back yesterday wasn't my smartest idea I've had lately, that blasted hill is going to be the death of me!
Hope everyone is well!
07-09-2014, 08:31 AM
heheh we are sci-fi obsessed, Sanctuary is the next on the list for me, as soon as I finish talking to Colonel O'Neill and Sam;)) Til'c with an apostrophe;)) must be favorite of everyone; indeed
Dave made a point the one with the twins should be showed everyhwere... Each one of them is awesome
07-09-2014, 01:39 PM
Evening all glad to see you are still all here this seems to be the only safe place to escape the sounds of Kum ba ya. Sadly I don't have any pictures to post today the weather hasn't been to great here the last few days, but I have the week off work next week :D so I should get plenty of chances to get out there with my old camera.
I love that picture Dave and those flying saucer things! all that technology and the only way to hold one down is with bits of rope :).
Guys keep your heads up they will soon get bored and look for other places for vulnerable people to drag down.
07-09-2014, 02:24 PM
Hey Cully,
I hope the week off work is just for holidays. I look forward to seeing what you shoot when you actually have time on your hands. Lol, who am I kidding???? You have 3 kids, there is no such thing as time on your hands!!!
Anyway, some time off never hurt any of us. Maybe go find some trees to hug like me and Dahila. Lol. I'm bad I know, just couldn't resist the reference to the other thread!
Hope the weather gets better for you.
07-09-2014, 03:24 PM
Look at Cullie avatar, he is our man:))
07-09-2014, 04:17 PM
Dave my friend.... Big hug for you! I don't want you to go. You brighten my day!
07-09-2014, 04:35 PM
Cully, lucky you hope you have a great week off. Love the avatar. I have been looking ever since i joined this forum and can not decide on a good avatar ( thats just how i am in real life, Think to much into things. :)
07-09-2014, 05:04 PM
John chose the woods you love to be in:))
07-09-2014, 05:22 PM
Just thought I would share my favourite tree of the day. My avatar says it all. I love this pink tree. Huggs anyone?
Ok, I'm getting silly again, pain meds kicking in....oh yes, before I forget again, Dahila, thank you for the salve again, it has helped keep the dosage of pain pills to a minimum today.
07-09-2014, 05:28 PM
John, trees are good! Pick a tree or woods photo you like. I think it would reflect your nature very well.
07-14-2014, 04:51 PM
I hope these show ok. Please keep in mind that these are my first pics.1427142814291430
That pic of me holding the fish was taken awhile ago. As Dahlia would say i have put on a stone or two maybe even a boulder. That is my older rooster and i snapped a shot of a barn swallow both of those shots i took when it was pitch black but i knew they were there, i thought that was cool. I have loads to learn about this photography.
07-14-2014, 07:13 PM
A couple few more pics. The silhouette of the bird is a cat bird that are hard to see let alone take a pic of they ( sound just like a cat ). The field and woods is my play ground and just into the woods the river runs. The red sumac most of you probably have seen this plant but did you know that you can steep it in water and strain it through a very fine cloth and it taste just like lemonade. The brown dirt patch there if you look close it's full of deer tracks. I have been giving them minerals and salt there since i first moved here and no i do not hunt over it besides they only use it in the spring and summer when they are recouping from the winter strain.14311432143314341435
That shot of the rooster is for Cully, check out those spurs on that old boy. Peace all. Done with pics for awhile until i learn more. Guess i will get the instructions out, heheheh hate reading those.
07-14-2014, 07:23 PM
This is what I imagined John, Rooster is a dream;)) I envy you even more. Do not worry about stones, I had a few extra on me too. :)BTw I love sumac, I wanted it in the garden but it seems that I do not have place, My man screams when I plant anything, he does not want to go around with lawnmover:(
07-14-2014, 08:02 PM
Hi John,
I'm so glad you posted some pictures. At the moment I can't see them, my iphone is finicky about what pics it let's me see. I will drag out the laptop in the morning and have a look.
Yup, many of you men folk don't like instructions! Oh well, if in doubt ask Dave or Cully, I'm sure they can answer any questions you may have.
07-15-2014, 01:34 AM
Great to see your pictures John that rooster has some big old spurs he must have been a good age, I tried to blow up the cat bird a bit to get a better look at it but sadly it was just to far away which was a shame! looks like you have a good place there to get some interesting shots with those lovely trees. Have you thought about getting a Flickr account it would be good to follow that and see your progress and it's so much better for posting on here.
This was the last Rooster I had, a real vicious bastard! kept attacking the kids so he sadly sealed his fate. (
See if you can get some birds on the ground with some grub then you won't have the exposure against the sky problem. (
Whats really important is you keep shooting and sharing:)
Take care all Cully
07-15-2014, 08:19 AM
Dave sorry to hear your news! a real shame :(
Some more birds
07-15-2014, 10:58 PM
Morning all. (
07-16-2014, 10:40 PM
John empty your inbox mate I can't PM you! go to settings in your Flickr and paste me a link from there into a PM. Cheers
07-17-2014, 08:14 AM
John thank you for the link, It is strange I cleared the inbox yesterday, all good. I already commented on your pictures. :)) I hope everyone is good:)
07-17-2014, 09:04 AM
Hey John,
Can you PM me the link to your Flickr account. I will likely be able to see your pics that way rather than drag out the laptop.
Hope all is well with you, haven't touched base in a while.
Cheers my friend.
07-17-2014, 09:09 AM
Pam I will do on FB in this minute :)
07-17-2014, 09:18 AM
On it's way Pam. Thanks Dahlia.
Hope everyone is doing well. I just had a bill collector call me AT work and tell me they are taking me to court to garnish my wages. How the fuck am i supposed to feed my family???? we were one week late paying the payment, assholes!
07-17-2014, 11:56 AM
John I am sorry you have this problem , maybe you will manage somehow:(
07-17-2014, 12:27 PM
Dahlia i was just venting on line. Always something to and to stess/anxiety = panic attack for me. Sick of it, fourteen straight years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i am hacking the thread:(
07-17-2014, 12:40 PM
It's ok John, I've been where you are more times than I can count. We always make it through, you will too. One step at a time!
07-17-2014, 12:49 PM
John what about 40 years non stop anxiety? I am still kicking, so will you in years coming;))
Our conversation is not interesting enough for the one; which name should not be we have the thread for ourselves. Dave will be happy that is only us on this thread. :))
I think Ponders charisma make people to stick to him like a glue. eh not always the good people :(
07-17-2014, 02:15 PM
Evening guys glad you are still here I was starting to wonder if everyone had jumped ship!. John I am so pleased you got the flickr account sorted now you can post full size pictures on here. Dahila and Pam our gardening and plant experts have you any idea what this is it looks like a rose but it has red fuzzy flowers?. (
John I am sorry to hear about the financial problem it always feels like you are climbing up a cliff, just as you get to the top someone stamps on your fingers!. The weather here this week has been lovely, so I have been out and about taking lots of pictures and chilling out it's lovely just to get time to get things into perspective.
Hope all is well with you lot
07-17-2014, 11:16 PM
Awsome shot John I hope you don't mind me playing with it.:)
07-18-2014, 08:34 AM
I have not the slightest idea what it is Cully, except it is stunning. I love your pictures. The woodpile is incredible, we took pictures like that in school; art school we have some classes on photography. I Think the last white and black picture would get the highest mark. It is simply beautiful.
07-18-2014, 10:12 AM
The woodpile is John's it's a lovely shot I am tempted to get a canvas done of it!. I just cropped it a bit and stuck the writing on. It's a work of art!!!
07-18-2014, 11:00 AM
Why I had not get the message about new pics? John congrats , I am really impressed;)
07-18-2014, 11:13 AM
Thanks guy's. How do you put stuff like the writing on the photo? Is that a special program or do you do that with fliker? Give me some pointers Cully, i am intrigued.
07-18-2014, 11:53 AM
Even on Paint you can do it:))
07-18-2014, 12:16 PM
John I used GIMP you can crop, resize, alter brightness etc. The best thing about it is it's free and there are loads of tutorials on youtube. You can do all sorts of crazy stuff with it.1437
07-18-2014, 12:30 PM
Dahlia, i do not know what paint is?
Cully, that is a wild rose that has had a parasite sting it or maybe a mite infestation while it was still in the bud stage. Just an FYI for you.
07-18-2014, 02:04 PM
Look what I caught today I am so pleased! I had a really good day my camera is full of so much good stuff. Thank's for the answer about the rose John, I must sort these pictures out. (
07-18-2014, 02:06 PM (
07-18-2014, 02:31 PM
Cully those are awesome!!!!! This camera i got does not seem to do so well on birds. It takes forever to focus. Maybe i am doing some thing wrong but i think that i would prefer to focus a camera myself. I have a large Great Horned Owl that stays at the edge of my woods and he is pretty predictable about when he fly's out for the night but i can not get a shot of him ( he is huge ). I will have a chance in winter when the leaves are gone and i can catch him in his tree but not much luck now. The harriers that i have around are even tough. I do not know about this camera and action/ moving type objects.
07-18-2014, 03:25 PM
Thank's John I use an old 400 mm manual focus lens on my DSLR it's hard catching a moving target. I didn't think I would even get the last shot in frame the Kestrel was really! moving I just swung through like a shotgun. I think the problem you are having is the the auto focus is struggling to find the target to focus on, I just missed a Harrier last night he was on me before I knew it and the chance was gone. I hope you get a shot of the Owl that would be good to see! I am still after the elusive Barn Owl! I think those buggers know I am after them. (
07-18-2014, 03:51 PM
I have been trying the "sports " mode on this camera in hopes of getting the birds. It wont be long and the deer and turkeys will be more visable so i have to get this thing figured out. I have a strange feeling that a different camera is in my future ( way in the future $$$ ).
07-18-2014, 04:07 PM
All my stuff is second hand of ebay! people get bored of stuff so quickly especially rich people! which is great for me ;). The lens I have been using for butterflys and flowers cost $30 guessing about 2 dollars to the pound and the 400mm bird lens $ 50, I am getting loads of use from both. (
07-18-2014, 06:23 PM
Cullly just awesome :))
John Paint is a program in windows, any windows, it comes with windows:)) easy like 1,2,3;)
07-19-2014, 02:38 AM
Thank's Dahila. John thank you for all your kind comments on flickr, you have inspired me with your lovely woodpile shot to do some black and white. (
In flickr if you click on one of your pictures there are 3 icons 2 arrows and one a square with a diagonal line in it. If you press the square one you can enhance your pictures with Aviary you could crop your bird shots and bring them in closer, also resize to 1920 x 1080 then copy bb code and paste in here. Give it a try
Just a thought try shooting a bird in portrait mode that should open the aperture, speed up the shutter and reduce the depth of field, maybe it will be easier to focus. just a theory
07-19-2014, 06:44 AM ( ( by Dahila_ (, on Flickr
07-19-2014, 07:05 AM
Lovely pic Dahila! You got creative with the writing.
I've been busy for the past couple of days. Not much time for being here but I do miss you guys.
Went out the other day and bought a couple of bird feeders for the back yard. My goodness, bird seed is really expensive! Especially the niger seed for the finches, no matter, I'm really enjoying how all the birds are flocking to the feeders!
I'm seeing birds I haven't seen in the backyard in years. Red-winged blackbirds and blue jays, which seemed to abandon me over the last couple of years. I'm now sorry I didn't plant sunflowers this year, although I do have a couple of rogue ones which have popped up out of nowhere. They make great feed for the birds in late fall and winter.
Anyway I'm going to try to take some pictures as the birds allow. Will post as I get a chance.
Cully, hope you had a really good week off. The kids must be on summer holidays now. When do they go back to school?
Well friends, must go, be well all of you and I will stop by later.
07-19-2014, 07:10 AM
I just did what Cullie said ; can be done on flicr I change the saturation of pic and put the greetings;) that'it
07-19-2014, 12:04 PM
Hi ya Pam good to see you I hope you are ok and just busy, those birds sound so exotic I would love to see those.We have Jay's maybe they are the same as you call blue Jay I hope yo can get a shot so I can see. The kids are still at school they finish on Wednesday for 6 weeks, I hope to see you soon.
Dahila nice one :) your garden looks even more lovely if that's possible! that's handy having that in there if you want to alter something after you have uploaded it. John has inspired me to go black and white today after the lovely wood pile shot, I think he has an eye for that sort of thing. (
07-19-2014, 06:35 PM
Hi Cully, Pam, Dahlia and Dave.
Cully i will try the birds in portrait mode. Thats the info i need i would have never figured that out on my own. Dahlia yard looks lovely and i must try that with adding words or text to picture. Pam can not wait to see the bird pics. I think i read somewhere ( scarey ) that "birding" or bird watching is done by more peopke then all the worlds sports put together, some thing like that but there is a lot of different birds in the world. I had a bird identifecation encylopedia and i had every bird i ever saw marked in that book with the date and where i saw it but sadly it fell in the dam dish water one day and all the pages stuck to gether like glue:(
Hi Dave , just in case you visit incognito:) Peace all
07-20-2014, 05:36 AM
Sorry to hear about your book that was a real shame, I bet Dave has some interesting birds over there! they are always screeching on his videos ;). I have just been playing with the Gimp. (
Come on Dave lets see some of your wonderful pictures your wife must be getting sick of dusting those cameras.:o
07-20-2014, 05:43 AM
That is a cool pic there Cully. I am going to look at gimp today ( had my parents here yesterday ). For some reason i am not getting the emails from this forum. I agree about the birds on Daves video's i think about that every time he does one. He has to have some awsome birds. Peace all.
07-20-2014, 11:57 AM
Hi guys!
Just thought I would pop in and say hi! Not much going on, life is pretty good these days. Can't complain, only knees bothering me today, it's damp and rainy and my knees aren't fond of that.
Dahila, your salve is a life saver today. The salve keeps knees pretty good, at least so I don't have to take any pain pills.
Starting to get psyched up to go back to work. Two weeks from Tuesday I go back. Wow it's already been 9 weeks, where does the time go? Oh yeah, I slept through half of it.
Nerves act up a bit when I think about going back, I think it's my body's way of telling me that I need to find some type of employment that I really enjoy, rather than dread. But, considering I've been there almost 11 years, have full benefits and 4 weeks paid vacation every year it's really something I have to consider carefully. One thing is for darn sure, I'm not going to let that place stress me out to the point that I collapse again!
Time will tell.
Anyway, hope you guys have had a nice weekend, tomorrow promises to be an interesting day, have to take my mother-in-law to the doctor. Her dementia is getting worse, I only hope the doctor sees it as time to admit her to a long term care facility. She really isn't managing well on her own and there is no way she can live with us. Having the stress of autistic teenager is about all I can handle.
07-20-2014, 12:53 PM
Hi guys, Pam I use it daily, should do twice but know. my thigh and knees, it saves me, and lately the elbow, hands. Yesterday I modified it, maybe is even better :) I added Pine fir and something else, can not remember. It is good very good;)) Arnica which is the main herb in oil, is a pain killer. I slaved at the stove; breads, cabbage, chicken breast with a lot of goodies and kale chips, eating it right now. I hope everyone has a good Sunday:))
07-20-2014, 01:44 PM
Hi pam good to see you and hear that your reasonably ok! sorry to hear about your mother in law it's good you are there to help. I get how you feel about your job and the stability of it, I hope one day that something comes along that you can really enjoy doing and have peace of mind. I used to be self employed I was pretty much forced to give it up through mental heath, the job I have now is pretty stress less and with the meds, I have peace of mind! that's worth a fortune to me. Dahila that stuff of your's sounds brilliant perhaps you should sell it and make your fortune!:) I think we are all that age where we need some of that salve.
I am back to work in the morning after my week off which has been a nice relaxing break. Peace to you as well John hope you had a good time with your family.
Take Care Cully:)
07-20-2014, 03:08 PM (
Peace to you all :)
07-20-2014, 03:28 PM ( - Copy ( by Dahila_ (, on Flickr.................
07-20-2014, 04:07 PM
Hi Guy's and Gals, Love the pics Cully and Dahlia. I did down load that GIMP today but have not had a chance to play with it yet. My oldest daughter was at camp this week so she has been hogging my lap top. No computers or cell phones at camp so she was pretty much going threw withdraw by the time she got home.
Pam glad to here things are well. I have not had a vacation in a year and if i would of stayed where i was at ( high stress sales ) i would have 4 weeks by now :( I do have some time coming up but i think i will wait until fall IDK. Peace to all of you.
07-20-2014, 04:24 PM
I've really got it good for the next few months. Unemployment insurance pays me for next week then the week after full pay cause it is my 1st vacation week. Then I work 3 weeks and am off for another in August, then same pattern for September and October.
If I play my cards right I will miss our big anniversary sale in late September or early October. That is always a big crazy time.
I work for Walmart and it's nuts in there on a daily basis. Cully, for you think of ASDA, Walmart owns that store in the UK.
As always, be well my friends!
07-20-2014, 04:30 PM
I had not break or vacation in the last 7 years. :) I am not kidding
07-20-2014, 05:54 PM
Really Dahlia, the place you work at does not give any vacation at all? That really sucks!!!! I will stop bitching about the little vacation i do get.
07-20-2014, 07:54 PM
They give the vacation but with pain, and I work through agency so I do not want to lose it:( ( ( by Dahila_ (, on Flickr
07-21-2014, 01:07 PM
Beautiful day Lillie's Dahila!
Pic of the new bird feeders. Husband took the shots with my phone, had to crop and adjust a bit but this one turned out ok.
07-21-2014, 02:40 PM
Hi all! they are a pair of lovely photos Dahila your flowers are wonderful, the first shot is really sharp and the colours are wonderful. I think those liliys are worthy of a nice close up shot. Sorry to hear you don't get any breaks :( that can't be very healthy it does you so much good to have a break.
They look like a great set of feeders Pam I do enjoy feeding the birds but as you say it isnt cheap, if I see some whilst having my lunch at work they always get a share. As for Asda I dread it when my wife want's to go there,it always hurts me badly in the wallet!. I was back to work after my break and to be honest after an hour I felt like I had never been away so try not and be nervous about your return.
I look forward John to seeing some more of your pictures and find out how you are getting on with the Gimp! if you manage to wrestle the kids of that computer.
Well take care guys and catch you later. (
07-21-2014, 03:03 PM
As it turns out, I probably have nothing to be worried about going back to work. I spoke to one of our assistant managers yesterday and she was telling me about how the new changes will impact me. Shouldn't be too bad, I may even get some light exercise on a daily basis which wouldn't be a bad thing.
Another thing I found amusing....only because I understand so well, that manager I was speaking to has recently been diagnosed with GAD, not surprising because of the crazy powder keg we work in and it's worse for her being part of the upper management team. All I can say is that Walmart has taken yet another unsuspecting victim! I swear. Half the staff must be medicated to survive it. Oi vey!!
Anyway, Cully, I understand how much you dread going to ASDA, it certainly can be tough on the pocket book! Especially if you don't go often. I work in that environment and sometimes find it hard not to fill my trolley up before I come home.
Anyway, everyone seems ok and that's great. Haven't seen much of John. John, how are you doing my friend? I'll take it that no news is good news!
Cheers my friends!
07-21-2014, 04:07 PM
Hey Cully,
Question for you... You've spent some time in Scotland.... Do you know what "mealy pudding" is? There is a British shop nearby and my husband and I stopped in. He likes haggis, I despise the stuff but went in to get some for him. Well, I left him to his own divices and sure enough he grabbed mealy pudding from the freezer rather than haggis.
Just wondering if you knew? The ladies in the shop weren't very helpful when I went back today to get the haggis.
07-21-2014, 04:51 PM
My post duplicated and I couldn't delete it sorry :-/
07-21-2014, 04:53 PM
Hi pam sorry for butting in but mealy pudding or white pudding as we call it in northumberland is yummy.
I find it tastes like spicy sausage. It's similar to black pudding in taste just isn't made with blood.
It does have oats in though.
It's really hard to get here now so I'm well jealous hehe.
07-21-2014, 05:45 PM
Hi Hannah!
Wonderful to see you! Missed you girl. How have you been?
Thanks for the info. Now, how do I cook it?
I wonder why it is hard for you to come by? I figure what I got was homemade here but you never know, it may have been imported.
Any suggestions what would make a meal for Scott?
Thanks my friend!
07-23-2014, 10:13 AM
Just thought I would pop in to say hi! Guess everyone is busy with life, no one around yesterday.
Cool and cloudy day here, good day for an afternoon nap! Not really feeling very energetic.
Dahila, Cully & John , I hope you are all keeping well.
Bye for now!
07-23-2014, 11:07 AM
I guess forum is dead, the ............ killed it............There is no one to greet the new comers:((
Well I'm still around haha
The forum would be much better if more people were active.....
07-23-2014, 11:44 AM
People would be more active if there was less praying and quoting bible on this forum Joe:)) the other words ; less bull shit
I agree. For non - religious people, preaching on a forum like this will deter them from posting.
07-23-2014, 01:40 PM
Hi guys I am still here! I went out last night to try and get some bird shots with my camera. When I returned I meant to get on here just to see what was happening but tiredness got the better of me. It has become very quiet on the forum! I must admit not the vibrant friendly place it once was, I hope this thread does'nt become a religious debate we have been left in peace so far. Pam on the white pudding thing I am afraid I don't know much about it although I do remember it being served in chip shops, I never tried it I much prefer a nice piece of cod with my chips. You can't beat fish and chips by the sea half for me and half for the gulls.
It's good to see there area few people here perhaps things will pick up again, I had better post a picture then make a nice cup of tea. :) (
07-23-2014, 02:46 PM
Yes, I'll take that! I love boats and water!!
07-23-2014, 02:49 PM
Where abouts are you in the world Sarah no need to be too specific. (
07-23-2014, 03:31 PM
Cully, you are a magician with a camera!
Love the horses
07-23-2014, 05:52 PM
I am still here too. I just smashed my fingers and hurt my back so i have been recouping. I only type with two fingers and of coarse one of them is very sore. ( stuck a hot needle threw the nail today so the pressure is off ). I'll be back on a regular basis soon. Cully, why are those horses surrounded by water? peace all.
07-23-2014, 07:03 PM
Hi Cully do u know that horses and dogs are my things, I am pretty passionate about them. I had riding the horses, back home and breeding German boxers there and here:)) Love the pictures so much
John can I send some healing thoughts to you? ............................they are on the way :))
07-23-2014, 08:01 PM
Hi John,
Dahila and I know all about back pain. I feel for you. Would you care to share how you managed to get yourself into such a state.
Hoping you feel better soon.
07-24-2014, 05:13 AM
Hi Pam and Dahlia, Thanks for the healing thoughts. My Boss decided at the end of the day we needed to move seven 500 pound motors that had been there for 8 years and instead of using the forklift like i wanted his son and i had to lift them onto a pallet. Well, his son was due to go on vacation that next day and was in a hurry to get done and outta there, need i say more. The hand is on the heal the hot wire through the fingernail really helps but the back not so good, very sore and spasms. It will get better i hope. Peace all
07-24-2014, 06:28 AM
Oh John, that's awful.
At least where I work they never would have allowed that type of lifting with only 2 people.
Sorry to say, your boss was a dufus with that decision. Good grief, you had a forklift on site and yet lifted that weight by hand.
I hope it gets better soon. Don't leave it too long if you haven't seen a doctor, chronic back trouble is a beast!
07-24-2014, 07:02 AM
Boss ; an idiot and it qualifies as a work accident, he should be responsible. Can you do something about it John?
07-24-2014, 09:22 AM
Hi Guy's, he is not as bad as it sounds but the thought process on that project was off. I could be working for worse i guess. I think his son was not too happy either and just wanted to hurry and get it done so he could go on his vacation but he is a hell of lot younger than me. I could ALMOST be his dad. I told my boss that next time i will be speaking up because my back can not take that any more. Hopefully the back will heal up in a week or so. He is a good guy though, just one of those things.
07-24-2014, 02:02 PM
Hi guys sorry to hear about your injury John sounds painful! it's too easy to get involved with silly things like that and then have to suffer for it later. I have been lucky for a long while now and haven't had a bad back, I think I have accepted my age and am so much more careful. I hope you soon start to feel better soon I expect you are being well looked after at home.
Thank's for the kind comments on the picture! the pony's are at a small nature reserve I go to sometimes to get bird shots they graze the grass The angle I shot them at made them look as though they were surrounded but they are fine really as you can see. (
07-24-2014, 02:14 PM
I keep meaning to post photos but never have time. Keep posting guys, love seeing what the world looks like in other countries without having to leave my living room :)
07-24-2014, 02:21 PM
Thank you Superchick I was wondering what had happened to those photos of yours. I am still looking forward to their arrival. ;)
07-24-2014, 02:23 PM
Hey Cully, can't talk much i am at work but those horses are wild ? If so, are they introduced into your area and then became wild or are they a native horse? I will talk with you later when i get home from work. Love them nature preserves, wish we had more of them.
07-24-2014, 02:33 PM
Hi John I thought you would have been given a bit of time off work with your back. The Ponies are Konik breed from poland Dahila maybe that's why you like them.
07-24-2014, 07:38 PM
Yeah I knew them as tarpan;)
Generally I am in love with arabian horses, they are so smart, then full English blood horses are so elegant and classy.
Cully as long as it is a horse or dog or cat I will love it:)) Konik means a small horse usually the ponies or as you said Tarpans or Przewalski Horse the oldest form of horses....those horses are kind of wild and not used for riding or work...not in Poland
07-24-2014, 08:19 PM
Hi guys,
I regret I could not be more charged to catch up with the rest of you guys. Thought you might like the following my friend Ben and I chased down.
HD - 1920X1080 - Cragnish Foresty Burn Off:
07-24-2014, 08:30 PM
I want one like that:))
07-24-2014, 08:52 PM
you can save $500.00 if you shop around. :) Is not mine just Bens - We managed to some more footage of the beach area around my locaiton before it crashed and now no more, than spare parts for his next purchase ... no doubt in the near future.
07-25-2014, 06:12 AM
I hope you have a wonderful time Dave:))
07-27-2014, 06:35 AM
Hi guy's sorry for not posting anything for a while I seem to have been rushed of my feet. Shame about that helicopter Dave cool thing while it lasted! I just caught a seal so I thought I would post it. Hope you are all well. (
07-27-2014, 06:56 AM
Love it. I have been taking it easy but i need to get out and get going with the camera.
07-27-2014, 07:17 AM
Hi guys!
Been taking it easy too. Last couple of days really have been not great. I seem to have a week or so of good to great days then a few of misery. Argggghhh I just want to be consistently good.
Anyway, love the pic of the seal. Cully you get to see such a variety of wildlife in your area. The best I've found lately is the skunks which I have mentioned before and yesterday was a groundhog scouting out my garden. The dogs however make short of his visit when they unceremoniously chased him out of the yard.
Hoping everyone is well.
07-27-2014, 10:15 AM
Hey all, I took this pic of the dove in portrait mode and it worked ok. this bird was pretty far out. I call it Dove flipping me the Bird.1440 Thanks for the advice there Cully.
Click on the image and you will see why i titled it so. :) hehehe
07-27-2014, 02:30 PM
Cool picture John I am glad the portrait mode worked for you. It's good to hear you lot are taking it easy it's too easy to keep rushing and pushing on! sometimes you just need to sit back, relax and watch the flowers grow. Yes Pam there is loads of wildlife here we have lots of different habitats around here, it's one of the best spots in the country for bird watching, it's nice to just sit somewhere quiet and see what comes along.
Sorry to hear you are up and down! sometimes I come here for a chit chat etc and forget why we are all here, I hope you can find some stability soon.
Take Care guys! these are a couple of oystercatchers. Do you have these where you are? (
07-27-2014, 02:59 PM
John I love this flower I gave it a bit of a polish up, It's such a nice shot.:D I thought it deserved it keep them coming. (
07-27-2014, 06:34 PM
Beautiful pictures Cully. I have a couple of loveleys dovlesys living in my backyard they are so cute i feed them whole winter:))
07-27-2014, 06:53 PM
Hi Cully, The only oyster catchers around here is me at the local seafood restaurant. I tried that gimp today for awhile but i can't quite figure that out yet.
07-29-2014, 02:40 PM
Evening all! John I had to make that lovely flower picture of yours private in my Flickr account! it was getting so many faves :D it was rapidly becoming the best picture in there. You should be really proud of that shot.
Dahila I hope things are well with you and those lovely doveslys in your garden, they are such friendly little birds I bet they are really tame if you feed them. (
I was going take a shot through this gateway but soon as these cows saw me they became very interested in what the hell I was up to! so I had to takea shot of them instead. ;)
Take care all Cully
07-29-2014, 04:48 PM
Cully I had a feeling that you were the person to make US millions.
07-29-2014, 05:38 PM
Cully, I can't remember your flickr account. Could you give it to me again.
Love the cows!
07-30-2014, 07:31 PM
My little barn swallow has its work cut out for it. Couldent belive there was 4 in there. I tried to get pic with adults but they were to fast.
07-31-2014, 04:58 AM
Hi John , Cully and the lovely Dahila!
Just thought I would give you an update.
After feeling like whale shit on the bottom of the ocean ( saw that term and thought it really summed up how yuck I felt) I saw the doc yesterday and were trying another course of action.
Tried the HRT again as he wanted but at half the dosage and that was a disaster. Anxiety through the roof and some depression setting in, and oh the hot flashes which would send the anxiety to the moon and beyond.
So......after much debate (in my mind) and hours of research I have decided that going on citalopram (spelling ?) aka Celexa was worth a shot. After being 2yrs AD free it was a big decision.
1st 10mg dose last night. Good thing I know what I'm in for starting up this stuff! But actually so far so good! Woke up at 5am, a little anxious and nauseous but I had the diazepam and Gravol on hand and took it. Feel pretty good right now.
Best thing is that I didn't have any of the usual sweat freeze cycle last night. Amazimg.
Wish me luck, I'm encouraged at the moment!
I know I'm going to have ups and downs as I get used to this stuff so bear with me if I drop off the radar. I'm thinking of all of you and wish you all well!
07-31-2014, 07:38 AM
Pam for years I had hot flashes, and you do not have them when you are in your 20, no one told me that it is anxiety. I know starting AD feels like you lost it, but it is not. You made the decision to stop suffering and that's good. Are you going up to more than 20 mg?
It is so tough to deal with home and work and difficult life now. I think you make the decision that will benefit everyone around you;)
BTw the salve is absolutely beautiful for your heels lady. I discovered it a few days ago:)
Come baaack Pam when you feel a bit better please:)
07-31-2014, 07:48 AM
Hi Dahila ,
Thanks for the support. I'm thinking I'm going to try and see how 10mg goes for a while, if it does ok then I won't go up. I don't want to go over 20mg either way.
Went back to sleep for a while after I wrote the last post, don't feel too bad. I think the rough stomach I woke up with was the worst. Gotta love Gravol.
Missing you guys, I know were all busy with life.
07-31-2014, 09:17 AM
Yeah I could not take any AD due the constant panic attack, and spiking blood pressure with the heartbeat up to 120. I wish i could....... 10 mg is a small dose, maybe it will be enough:)
07-31-2014, 02:10 PM
Evening guys
The Swallow picture is great John as you say those parents must be busy feeding all of those, you are very lucky to have those in your barn I am very jealous they must be good to watch shooting in and out. Sorry to hear you are not feeling so good Pam hopefully that medication will help! its hard when you start these meds when I first started on the Zoloft I felt like shit I had a constant headache and damn nearly ground my teeth flat. Now I don't have any side effects and I am on 100mg it's so nice to have the peace that this medication brings, I can't see myself getting off it again! I have tried in the past but it's straight back to square one + my wife would probably kick me out if I stopped taking it and got ill again.
It's been another full on week for me so far! I have been working for a very nice lady who is doing up a little cottage by the sea. to rent out for peoples holidays. I don't mind pushing really hard to get stuff done for decent people, the more stick someone tries to give me the slower and more stubborn I become and it costs them more money in the long run! :D.
Sadly I have no photos to post this evening so best wishes Dahila, John and Pam and I do so hope you start to feel better soon.
07-31-2014, 02:30 PM
I managed to pull out a picture it didn't feel right not posting one on the 1920x1050 thread. (
08-01-2014, 02:16 PM
Evening guys it's very quiet here! I hope you lot are ok. The weekend is finally here:) I have been out with my camera for a while this evening which has been very nice. (
I love these old buildings! luckily there are still a lot of these about here still and thankfully they haven't been converted to homes for the rich.
08-01-2014, 02:37 PM
Love the pic Cully. Isn't it the truth, the old and charming isn't good enough for the rich!
08-02-2014, 01:56 PM
Thank's Pam this is the Lord of the manor's ancestral home. when is the revolution coming?. (
This is just the end of it !!!!
08-05-2014, 02:49 AM
Hey guys!
I'm still here, just struggling with the new meds so I'm on and off.
Hoping all of you are doing ok.
08-05-2014, 02:47 PM
Hi Pam sorry to hear you are struggling with those meds it's good to see you. I am fine thank you I hope things level out for you soon.
08-05-2014, 04:23 PM
Hey Cully,
After 6 days on them they simply aren't for me. I can't seem to tolerate them at all.
So now it's a process of getting what's in my system out. I have a lot of coping strategies and will likely seek some counselling to help smooth over the rough patches.
I feel a bit unstable at the moment so I'm spending some time at my parents house while my husband is at work.
Glad all is well with you.
08-05-2014, 05:19 PM
I tried to PM you Pam
I post here anyways because I too have been unwell and am rushed for time:
Hi Pam - I see too that you mentioned in other post you are not so well yourself and staying at your parents. I hope I read that right.
I had to take a break myself from the forum as well.
Just letting you know I will start back at my blog and reflect on the rut I just came out of.
More back at the blog I guess.
Just wanted to let you know I am still thinking of you as well as the others.
Please be well soon :)
This is pretty much how I feel with yourselves cully, John and Dahila
I just fell into a pit of despair as happens when suffering with depressiona and all that unballanced emotional states so many of us live with as we do. I must of really needed the break. Anyways - I
'll try to be more open in my blog - hopefully you guys still have the link if you want to catch up there.
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ----------------- You can only handle so much BS in places like these as well as make your own for so long :) lol ...... needed that.
Righto - I think more back on this at my blog ----
If you could do me a favour and let the others know incase I miss em Cully that would be greate.
Really inspired to see you still hooking into your photgraphy like that. That's awesome man.
I'm soon to aquire my own drone and will spam some video fly bys here and there.
later guys ;)
08-05-2014, 05:31 PM
What the hell is going on????? I have been in a depression induced mood for a few weeks myself. Trying like hell not to go back on any meds.
For Ponder really, a drone? dam it man i want one and you're a bad influence on me:)
Pam, hang in there. Are you going to try some other med?
08-05-2014, 05:58 PM
Hey John,
No way, no more meds for me. My system is now too sensitive to tolerate any of it.
Doc didn't answer me today so I spoke to the pharmacist I know really well and she says I should be ok going cold turkey since I was only on 10mg of citalopram (Celexa) for 6 days.
I am now counting the hours until this crap is out of my system.
Sorry to hear you are having a rough go of it too. I have missed the comeradery the five of us have had. I think that was one of the things that kept me relatively stable.
I'm going to look into a therapist to help me work through my anxiety issues. I do have many coping skills but I think I need someone to unload on and give me some guidance.
Anyway, it's so good to hear from you.
Take care
08-05-2014, 06:58 PM
Pam sweetheart it took for me 3 days , I had to do the same as you. 3 days and everything was back to normal. I can not take any AD this is why I am on Gabapentin. I have been where you are now (hormonal imbalance) and if it was not for my stupid GP (she wanted me to do hormonal therapy, when I said NO, she was trying to tell me that I will get the wrinkles and get old fast. She was screaming at me the bitch) She dared to push something on me. I am glad I survived somehow through the time of night and day sweats , f***** hot name it. The bad time gets easier with time passing after a year of that you are going to be much better. Get black cohosh, it helps every asian woman so why not to use it. Take it and take Ginkgo Biloba with vitamin B complex and vitamin D3. Eat a banana a day. Drink lemon balm tea. Pet your dogs and have a huge fan ready, when it hits you put the fan on:)) . I had to move to another room due my man was suffering from frost bite. :) Have talk to your doc about some small dose of maybe Clonazepam. It helped me and still helping
Pam the anxiety hits with the heat,:(
Get yourself a good hand cooling fan:)
I do not post here a lot due the BS on forum. I would rather make a salve or a cream , soap
08-06-2014, 05:59 PM
Hi guys!
Quick update, off the meds for a day and felt rocky to start. As it turned out I was severely dehydrated from not being able to eat or drink much for 6 days.
Went to hospital and got some IV fluids and feel much better right now. It may still take a couple of days to be 100% but I'm 90% now. Much better frame of mind .
Talk to you all soon
08-07-2014, 06:24 AM
Well thats great! Glad to here you are coming around Pam.
08-09-2014, 10:42 PM
Hi all thought I would post a picture hope you are all well. I hope you get a chance to take a shot of that full moon John! I will keep an eye out for it and have a crack at it myself. Dave did some wonderful moonshots a while back I think with that telescope of his.
I have been doing a little experimenting with long exposures which has been fun. I hope you are still on the mend Pam and all that stuff has been flushed from your system.
08-10-2014, 05:14 AM
Very nice Cully, That is why i want "more" of a camera than the coolpix that i have. It's a start though
08-14-2014, 01:00 PM
Hi guys,
A week and a bit after that disaster I'm quite well on the mend. Going to rely on my acupuncture to see me through. It seems to be the best thing for me right now. Start with a therapist on Tuesday, so that should round out my recovery plan.
A few issues to deal with, but I will get there. I'm really staying off the internet lately, it really hasn't been doing me any good. Just working on living in the now.
Hope you are all well.
08-14-2014, 01:14 PM
These are beautiful pics--unmotivated to post one now but I enjoyed viewing.
08-14-2014, 02:20 PM
Hi Pam sorry things have been rough again for you I hope the acupuncture is the thing for you and you are back to your old self. I have been on a bit of a downer myself nothing serious, I just need the weekend to get here and regroup a little. Take it easy Pam and be gentle on yourself.
Thank you Indigo for your kind comments on the pictures it's a shame your not motivated to post one. (
08-21-2014, 05:35 AM
Hi Danuta, Dave, John and Cully!
Missing you guys! Just thought I would pop in here and check in. I've been doing much better, I wrote a bit about it in Dave's other blog.
Made contact yesterday with my store manager regarding my plans to return to work. As it turns out they are quite anxious to have me back, it seems that I do make a significant contribution and my skills are missed. It's just too bad that before I completely unravelled they hadn't shown that appreciation of me, then maybe I wouldn't have gone so far down the hole. But hind sight is perfect, and although the past 10 weeks have been tough at times, it allowed me to physically and emotionally heal.
I go back on the payroll on August 30th but will take 3 of the 4 weeks vacation I have owed to me. It will be nice to have a full pay cheque again. We have done alright with my employment insurance benefits but only getting 45% of your earnings makes life a little tighter than I like. But we have managed! We will see how wound up I get as September 23 grows nearer, no doubt I will have some anxious times around going back but I will deal with it. My cocoon has been a good thing for me, but at some point the butterfly must emerge! My time is coming up.
Anyway, this is long and I'm sorry. If the weather clears up will take some pics of my bumper crop of carrots, even I'm impressed and proud of how they've grown. If you recall I planted potatoes in a garbage bin this year, all I can say is wow, they are completely out of control! I just hope I get a few spuds out of it. They are probably 3-4 weeks off so I'll let you know later what the results are.
Cheers my friends!
08-21-2014, 05:49 AM
Good to hear from you Pam and i am glad that thing's are turning around for you. Life is such a struggle at times and to quote Cully " it's a bloody roller coaster ". I am curious on how many of them taters you get from the garbage can. Peace
08-21-2014, 06:46 AM
Hey John,
I will definitely post pics of the harvest. It's killing me not to dig down in the can to see what's there!
08-21-2014, 09:10 AM
Hi Guys I miss you too, Cully your skills are more than magical. I love your pics and usually I am speechless, but it does not mean I do not enjoy them;))
Pam I am not surprised they miss u in work. You are the way you are with us: Wonderful and very open minded person. It is difficult not to love you girl:)
John I see you sometimes on gmail but I do not want to bother you. I hope you are good and life is easy for you;)) Nice to see you.
BTW guys you remember the famous Kyle Morgan?
skizo must be him, check his dramatic thread if you want. :)
08-24-2014, 05:12 AM
Hi ya guys I thought I would pop in here! thank you Dahila for your kind comments on the pictures as always I look forward to seeing yours and how your immaculate garden is going. I hope things are picking up for you John! I can't believe what your boss said to you I know you said he is an ok sort of bloke most if the time but he sounds like a right tosser to me, that was about the best thing about being self employed you don't have to put up with that sort of crap.
I also hope you are still on the up Pam and not too anxious about returning to work! I think I would be after having that amount of time off so I do sympathize. I am not going to harp on a load of BS about it, sometimes you have to just accept things are not perfect and let stuff just go over your head or you end up going nuts. If you read this Eman I still have to practice the WTF technique from time to time to stay sane, it's really good to see you and Dave back here posting and long may it last.
On the photo front I am still having fun with my camera! every time I get a spare moment to get out and play I grab it and go. (
Take care guys and best wishes to you all.
08-24-2014, 05:27 AM
Hi Cully!
I was about to say you were up early but it's me who is up early, it must be about mid day for you.
Just thought I would share a shot of my rogue sunflower which appeared out of nowhere. Amid my beans came this beauty. I think sometimes the best plants are those which are unplanned.
Have a great day all!
08-24-2014, 05:34 AM
Hi Pam what a lovely sunflower what a gift!!! and some great pictures of it. Do you plan to save some seed it looks like a real nice one, thanks for sharing it. Yeah it's just after midday a nice comfortable temperature and sunny, have a great day yourself.
08-24-2014, 05:47 AM
Probably won't save the seeds, I have a feeling that the birds will get them long before I do! Oh well, they need to eat too!
08-24-2014, 05:55 AM
Hi Guy's and gals, Everyone up early today i see. Nice pics and i must grab my camera and at least try, sigh. I can not seem to shake this constant battle of worry, worry and then worry. It is never ending and i long for happiness ( it's been awhile ). I must try the WTF thing cuz all this worry is literally killing me. Ever since my Dad's health has been declining i worry about him and my Mom then i start thinking what's going to happen with my kids if i kick off. Hell i am going to be 50 and my youngest is only 9. I can not seem to stop worrying. Sorry to get off track, woke up anxious and worried, WTF.
08-24-2014, 06:20 AM
Hi Guy's and gals, Everyone up early today i see. Nice pics and i must grab my camera and at least try, sigh. I can not seem to shake this constant battle of worry, worry and then worry. It is never ending and i long for happiness ( it's been awhile ). I must try the WTF thing cuz all this worry is literally killing me. Ever since my Dad's health has been declining i worry about him and my Mom then i start thinking what's going to happen with my kids if i kick off. Hell i am going to be 50 and my youngest is only 9. I can not seem to stop worrying. Sorry to get off track, woke up anxious and worried, WTF.
Remind yourself. Emotions are natural. It's ok to feel. Even a big strong guy like you. Allow yourself to fully enmesh into the feelings. Feel the situation with mom and dad, feel the aging and the impacts on your kids. Validate your feelings, no exceptions. For the feelings attract the thoughts, you must understand this. The thoughts do not make you feel, it is vice-verse. Denying your feelings will energize the train of thought increasing the attraction.
Also solve your problems, period. You have issues regarding your parents (health, mortality, loss, and so forth), that are filtering down to you (now a parent) and your kids as if it's inherent what happens to one happens to the other.
John: unresolved problems > indecision > doubt > worry > fear. For the psyche feels ill equiped to deal with its challenges. Triggering the feelings, and finally raising the thoughts that are now magnetically strong in attraction, - until you decide. One way or the other, make decisions about your problems and then burn your bridges and stick to them, breaking the cycle of doubt. You will then discover love underneath, love is always the basis, yet when it distorts and is misguided it offshoots fear, as in the equation given above. Once love is uncovered again, from within the muck and mire of fears unresolved, your relationships will change for the better, period.
That is all for you this morning. No pictures. Haha. I'll leave that to our photography friends.
08-24-2014, 06:33 AM
Yea, i get what you're saying but sure is easier said than done ( at least for me these days ).
08-24-2014, 08:01 AM
Hey John,
I'm going to be 50 in April and part of what I've just been through is exactly the same. Worry about my parents, my dad had a blood sugar issue which landed him in the hospital and scared the crap out of me, especially since he was at the cottage at the time, 5 hours away from us. Hell be 85 in September.
I too worry about how my son will get on without me.
We do have to feel the emotions! Don't hide them away. Then do whatever you can to look at what is today. That's what is important!
I really understand what you are going through. Please don't be afraid to let it all out to us, were your friends and will be the sounding board whenever you need it!
08-24-2014, 08:06 AM
John C...just a suggestion, but you could consider taking a small amount of an antidepressant. Yes, they do have side effects and you have to figure out how to work around that. But the upside is it might help you be in a better mood, have less anxiety and probably you could cut back on the Xanax you take.
08-24-2014, 09:23 AM
John is on medication.
Hey about the age, I am so old not much left to one hundred. Guys my children made a surprise party for me. Well I have tear in my eyes. My 8 years old grandchild decorated whole backyard with balloons and signs. My son came. Jeez they made me happy. I had to sit down and not to touch anything. The dinner they made was wonderful. This is happiness in the purest form. To be around people we love.
I had to share it with you guys. :) I woke up with the energy I had not have for a long time.
John you worry, about parents I would be too. I lost them early. My mom passed and for a month I was receiving her letters. we had a tradition of sitting down and writing the letter; Every day. It is difficult when you losing the parent, but having your family will helps.
Of course you worry due being 50 and the child is just 9. It is natural. We all do it. Ones better, others worse. We will have time to raise them. Just trust me!!
Have you had your time in the woods lately? John you love nature and you energize yourself in woods. Take at least 15 minutes every day to be there to be with yourself.
Stop worrying. When you can not change something , work on accepting it.
In my opinion emotional people are not weak they are sensitive and strong.
You have us, and we are here for you John
In short time we know each other, you become very dear friend.
08-24-2014, 09:24 AM
Thanks everyone for your kind replies. My sister the shrink said i could try Buspar so i must google it to see what that even is. Thought i better throw a pic in here :)1445
It slid across my daughters foot and she did the texas two step like nobody's business, hehehehe:toothgrin:
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