View Full Version : television anxiety

05-25-2008, 03:35 AM
Does anybody else get worked up and anxious watching TV? :oops:

05-25-2008, 05:56 AM
Well, I used to get it TERRIBLY when I watched movies. When I first started struggling with anxiety and wasn't aware what was wrong with me... I would watch movies or shows with my girlfriend, and scenes that became "intense", or scary, would of course bring me to the edge of my seat and increase my heart rate.

When I felt my heart rate increase, I started to panic and wonder what was wrong, that only made my heart beat faster and it got worse.

But in short yes, I will admit (as ridiculous as it sounds) that I thought movies were going to induce a heart-attack and kill me.

You're not along :?

05-27-2008, 07:42 PM
Sure, happens all the time. If I'm alone and feeling a little sad or anxious I avoid anything even remotly dramatic. I remember when I was younger and my grandparents would babysit me. They would watch Matlock and Murder she wrote and would have an instant panic attack becuase I was worried that the same thing was going to happen to my mother while she was out that was happening on the tv.