View Full Version : Panicking about going to the doctors in under 5 hours.. Fear of stethoscopes AH

06-06-2014, 05:44 AM
I have a doctors appointment in under 5 hours to get my heart checked out because my therapist thinks if i wt it checked i wont panic as much about heart attack if i know there is nothing wrong with my heart but i have a huge fear of the stethoscope an i dont know why? I just cant handle it! I havent let the doctors use it on me for years like since i was like 5 years old and im panicking so much.. What can i do?!:(

06-06-2014, 06:31 AM
I have a doctors appointment in under 5 hours to get my heart checked out because my therapist thinks if i wt it checked i wont panic as much about heart attack if i know there is nothing wrong with my heart but i have a huge fear of the stethoscope an i dont know why? I just cant handle it! I havent let the doctors use it on me for years like since i was like 5 years old and im panicking so much.. What can i do?!:(

We are here for you. At under 5 hours, all you can do is picture how good youll feel after your appt. And how courageous you will be tonight ! Empower yourself by telling the receptionist as soon as you get there about your fears, immediately. Doing so, you will feel comforted. Do it.

"I am scared, i have panic, my heart is beating so fast, please have the dr see me soon ! I am also afraid of stethescopes! Please let the dr know!

Stand up and be counted, do you understand? Tonight you will be on top of the world.

06-06-2014, 08:14 AM
We are here for you. At under 5 hours, all you can do is picture how good youll feel after your appt. And how courageous you will be tonight ! Empower yourself by telling the receptionist as soon as you get there about your fears, immediately. Doing so, you will feel comforted. Do it.

"I am scared, i have panic, my heart is beating so fast, please have the dr see me soon ! I am also afraid of stethescopes! Please let the dr know!

Stand up and be counted, do you understand? Tonight you will be on top of the world.

Thankyou for the advice.. I have under 2 hours now..

06-06-2014, 08:29 AM
It will be over soon enough, arrive like a bull in a china shop! Speak up ! Thats what you need.

Im just so nervous, ill be on myself as well with some random doctor

06-06-2014, 10:33 AM
I want you to discuss self empowerment with your therapist (print and bring this post). I know your 15, no better age to start! Never mind what your parents have done, or teachers/peers. Its not necessary to rehash as a victim as long as you know emotionally what you have been through in your short time on earth. Release, dont rehash.

What is important is for you to become selfish, in a sense where you begin to act in your best interests, at 15 you can throw away some beliefs you have been given by parents and begin to self assert, small steps.

For example, next dr visit, You ask for a first in morning appt, 9 am or earlier, because you know its good for you, that you dont have to sit and stew in discomfort all day waiting. Listen !

Are you saying im being selffish or that i need to start putting myself first??
I have gone and he wouldnt do anything until i was on this new medication as he didnt want to cause me to have a panic attack, i think he could like i was really uptight anyway haha.. Oh well ill have to wait i suppose..?

06-06-2014, 10:40 AM
Are you saying im being selffish or that i need to start putting myself first??
I have gone and he wouldnt do anything until i was on this new medication as he didnt want to cause me to have a panic attack, i think he could like i was really uptight anyway haha.. Oh well ill have to wait i suppose..?

See everyone here can reassure you over and over again but does it really help? Today fear of stethoscope, tomorrow fear of something else. What if you took a different approach and learned to not fall into a bullshit fear trap that is completely nonsensical? You have this fear of the stethoscope. Try and step back and observe that fear and allow it to pass rather than debating it. The fear is irrational. Allow those thoughts to pass by you, without you getting attached to them. Separate yourself from those fearful thoughts and don't add fear to them. When you add fear to the initial fear, it becomes more scary which then you add more fear to that and then you have a vicious cycle. Remove yourself from this wheel of bullshit. Allow the initial fear to come and then let it fade like a wave without adding 2nd fear. That is true healing!

06-06-2014, 10:44 AM
See everyone here can reassure you over and over again but does it really help? Today fear of stethoscope, tomorrow fear of something else. What if you took a different approach and learned to not fall into a bullshit fear trap that is completely nonsensical? You have this fear of the stethoscope. Try and step back and observe that fear and allow it to pass rather than debating it. The fear is irrational. Allow those thoughts to pass by you, without you getting attached to them. Separate yourself from those fearful thoughts and don't add fear to them. When you add fear to the initial fear, it becomes more scary which then you add more fear to that and then you have a vicious cycle. Remove yourself from this wheel of bullshit. Allow the initial fear to come and then let it fade like a wave without adding 2nd fear. That is true healing!

Im sorry.. I dont mean to panic over stuff :(

06-06-2014, 11:04 AM
Im sorry.. I dont mean to panic over stuff :(

No you don't need to be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I am just trying to give you techniques you can use to actually get results. Please try and see what I am trying to tell you. I want you to get better, not just seek immediate comfort.

06-06-2014, 12:17 PM
Oh okay.. Umm, ill stop going on, ill stop asking for help and ill just speak to my therapist when i see her... That will be my plan of action haha!

06-06-2014, 01:33 PM
Oh okay.. Umm, ill stop going on, ill stop asking for help and ill just speak to my therapist when i see her... That will be my plan of action haha!


The forum is here to be a source of support from others that have been or going through similar thoughts to those you are having now.

Always feel that you can ask for help, it's what we are here for, otherwise what would be the point of the forum :)

06-06-2014, 03:05 PM
Emet, you are doing great and we are so proud of you! Each person that posts, or gives you advice, is giving your their perspective. So read each post separately and realize that each person may give you their own advice. As for me, a woman old enough to be your mother, I am so proud of you for going to your therapist, for posting on here and asking for help, for facing that scary stethoscope and knowing you are not alone. Keep up the good work! Fourteen14 is giving you some great advice and guidance and is very smart!

06-06-2014, 03:06 PM
It looks like that dog is your best friend!

06-06-2014, 03:19 PM
Sorry, im just sensitive and anything that i see as someone getting annoyed with me or almost like telling me off, in take so personal, i have nothing against the forum but i do remember my therpaist telling me not to go on forums because of my personality i just take everything said as personal and i just end up ignoring all the nice things and concentrate on the negative stuff. My dog is my beat friend, the only thing that has stopped me from ending things... He is my life haha

06-06-2014, 05:44 PM
Oh okay.. Umm, ill stop going on, ill stop asking for help and ill just speak to my therapist when i see her... That will be my plan of action haha!

I don't understand this logic. You come here and ask for help. I gave you some techniques you can use right away. Why don't you use them? You should ask anyone here for help but your questions you may want to focus on what you can do to get better. Nobody is telling you to shut up or stop going on. Nobody is annoyed at you. NOBODY! I don't think you took in much of what I wrote to you. Please read it again and try to use it.

06-07-2014, 03:29 AM
I don't understand this logic. You come here and ask for help. I gave you some techniques you can use right away. Why don't you use them? You should ask anyone here for help but your questions you may want to focus on what you can do to get better. Nobody is telling you to shut up or stop going on. Nobody is annoyed at you. NOBODY! I don't think you took in much of what I wrote to you. Please read it again and try to use it.

I think she's upset because the way you're saying things is coming across a little bit harsh .
Yes you are giving her tips, but it's like you're saying, 'These are the things you need to do, so shut the f)(Łk up and quit being a baby.'
I think it's all in the wording, and although you're giving some great advice, your words are a but abrasive.

06-07-2014, 04:37 AM
I have a doctors appointment in under 5 hours to get my heart checked out because my therapist thinks if i wt it checked i wont panic as much about heart attack if i know there is nothing wrong with my heart but i have a huge fear of the stethoscope an i dont know why? I just cant handle it! I havent let the doctors use it on me for years like since i was like 5 years old and im panicking so much.. What can i do?!:(
Do you know what you can do with that?

NOTHING! or better to say you should do nothing: no thinking of stopping your fear, of getting through it, but just letteing it go, do nothing with it.

An until you understand this formula, it will be hard for you to handle with your fears.

Tell me what you fear of? Stethoscope? But it can't do any harm for you, and you know that. Your fear is an illusion. Maybe it is better to say that you are in fear of your fear of stethoscope. But fear is just a sense, in your case it is illusive sense, because it is fear of nothing. So stop being in fear of that fear let it come and watch it. Remember it's just a temporar chemical reaction in your brain, you shouldn't fear that. Just go to the doctor (next time you go) and if you experience fear it's okay. When you will develop such attitude towards your fear, connected with acceptance, letting go, not fighting, only in that case it should go away.

To fight your fear you should stop fighting it.

06-07-2014, 05:38 AM
I don't understand this logic. You come here and ask for help. I gave you some techniques you can use right away. Why don't you use them? You should ask anyone here for help but your questions you may want to focus on what you can do to get better. Nobody is telling you to shut up or stop going on. Nobody is annoyed at you. NOBODY! I don't think you took in much of what I wrote to you. Please read it again and try to use it.
This has just proved that i shouldnt go on this forums, im too sensitive to have replies like this when im struggling so much at the moment.. So ill be off, thanks for your advice but obviously i just think youre having a dig at me and i cant handle it, not anyones fault but my own.

06-07-2014, 05:55 AM
EmetSoph hi, PanicCured does it to everyone, I would rather read people who will support you, and try to easy your pain. I am old enough (probably) to be your grandmother. I am dealing with fear of countless things, It is good you go to therapy, and talk about your problems. You need to read positive posts and good luck with overcoming it. I know that you will :))
You have an awesome dog :)

06-07-2014, 06:12 AM
This has just proved that i shouldnt go on this forums, im too sensitive to have replies like this when im struggling so much at the moment.. So ill be off, thanks for your advice but obviously i just think youre having a dig at me and i cant handle it, not anyones fault but my own.

Hey you, dont ever forget what we talked about, and reread the first post before you go (this whole thread is about this topic) :

"What is important is for you to become selfish, in a sense where you begin to act in your best interests, at 15 you can throw away some beliefs you have been given by parents and begin to self assert, small steps"

Put yourself first, all-ways. Whats in your highest regard for yourself will always be for the best of others around you too. If you treat yourself badly, or do what feels badly, it will do noone else any good either.

Do not ever allow your gift of sensitivity to put you last. You must learn to use it, and at the same time drown out the constant human noise surrounding you. Rather, be selective, again, put self first. Quiet times of reflection is your best friend. (Reflect on positive thoughts, feel good thoughts, self empower thoughts).

I tell you, always remember this. Print this post, and give it to your therapist, show it to him/her in the context of this whole thread.

06-07-2014, 07:56 AM
Hi Emet,

So how did the appointment go? I hope ok.

You have a bunch of good people here looking out for you, we want nothing but the best for you. You are however 15 and maybe need a little gentler hand than some here have given you. Don't be put off by those who seem harsh, there are many others who support you in kinder ways.

You are just starting to find your way, it will come. By the way, you have that fear of the stethoscope, mine was the white coat that doctors wore many years ago. Any time I went near a hospital or doctor I would absolutely freak out. It wasn't until I was almost 20 that I out grew the fear. You too will outgrow yours. It just takes time.


06-07-2014, 10:22 AM
Fear is completely normal for people, I was breeding boxers for over 25 years, and judging them on the dog shows. It is nothing strange, but ....I had terrible fear , phobia. as soon as i had seen any dog , does not matter the size, I was paralized, and screaming my head off. it was like that probably up 15, when I'd fell in love with huge dog, kind of german shepard looking. I named him Rex; he was a stray dog. It took me like 5 years to get my first , then next boxers. No one in my family could believe what happened, when I started not only breed them but also trained them....and many other breeds, in my obedience classes. I found the new and exiting passion.
You grow up and the fear dissapear. It will happen with you, then as you mature you will manage better...respond better to stressful situation.
Jeez I remember my son at 15, he was like you; sensitive and full of fear. He is not anymore. :))

06-07-2014, 05:11 PM
This has just proved that i shouldnt go on this forums, im too sensitive to have replies like this when im struggling so much at the moment.. So ill be off, thanks for your advice but obviously i just think youre having a dig at me and i cant handle it, not anyones fault but my own.

Emt Soph, I am very sorry you feel this way. You are misinterpreting what I say. I am just typing as if I am giving raw bullet points. I am not putting any emotion or personality behind what I type. I am not having a dig at you or making fun of you. Neither is Try Repeat. We are trying to offer you ways to get you to overcome this problem. 95% of the people on this forum can give a lot of comfort and reassurance. I figure they do that and since you already have that, I can just give some raw techniques. I have nothing but good intentions for you. It's just how I type.

I do not feel anxiety anymore, so I am not in that sensitive state. I do not have much sympathy for it as I know anxiety is a bluff. I know that it can't hurt you. All I try to do is give practical tips that you can use immediately. I was trying to help you see that the source of the problem was not the doctor's stethoscope, but getting caught up and carried away with the fear of it. And I was trying to show you how to separate yourself from that fear, and by allowing it to pass, you will actually feel better. By focusing on not adding fear to the fear, and allowing the initial fearful symptoms to wash over you like a wave, is a very effective way to deal with anxiety and panic.

I am very sorry I upset you, and I think the people's support here is beneficial to you. I will leave you alone now. I never meant to upset you and I was not having a go at you and I was not annoyed with you and you did nothing wrong! I hope you can try and use some of the tips I gave you and I really wish you the best! I am sorry that I got you sop upset. I had good intentions.

06-07-2014, 05:27 PM
Well said Panic, thumbs up from me!

06-08-2014, 02:07 AM
Emt Soph, I am very sorry you feel this way. You are misinterpreting what I say. I am just typing as if I am giving raw bullet points. I am not putting any emotion or personality behind what I type. I am not having a dig at you or making fun of you. Neither is Try Repeat. We are trying to offer you ways to get you to overcome this problem. 95% of the people on this forum can give a lot of comfort and reassurance. I figure they do that and since you already have that, I can just give some raw techniques. I have nothing but good intentions for you. It's just how I type.

I do not feel anxiety anymore, so I am not in that sensitive state. I do not have much sympathy for it as I know anxiety is a bluff. I know that it can't hurt you. All I try to do is give practical tips that you can use immediately. I was trying to help you see that the source of the problem was not the doctor's stethoscope, but getting caught up and carried away with the fear of it. And I was trying to show you how to separate yourself from that fear, and by allowing it to pass, you will actually feel better. By focusing on not adding fear to the fear, and allowing the initial fearful symptoms to wash over you like a wave, is a very effective way to deal with anxiety and panic.

I am very sorry I upset you, and I think the people's support here is beneficial to you. I will leave you alone now. I never meant to upset you and I was not having a go at you and I was not annoyed with you and you did nothing wrong! I hope you can try and use some of the tips I gave you and I really wish you the best! I am sorry that I got you sop upset. I had good intentions.
Ye, good points.=) Wow!

06-08-2014, 09:00 AM
Emt Soph, I am very sorry you feel this way. You are misinterpreting what I say. I am just typing as if I am giving raw bullet points. I am not putting any emotion or personality behind what I type. I am not having a dig at you or making fun of you. Neither is Try Repeat. We are trying to offer you ways to get you to overcome this problem. 95% of the people on this forum can give a lot of comfort and reassurance. I figure they do that and since you already have that, I can just give some raw techniques. I have nothing but good intentions for you. It's just how I type.

I do not feel anxiety anymore, so I am not in that sensitive state. I do not have much sympathy for it as I know anxiety is a bluff. I know that it can't hurt you. All I try to do is give practical tips that you can use immediately. I was trying to help you see that the source of the problem was not the doctor's stethoscope, but getting caught up and carried away with the fear of it. And I was trying to show you how to separate yourself from that fear, and by allowing it to pass, you will actually feel better. By focusing on not adding fear to the fear, and allowing the initial fearful symptoms to wash over you like a wave, is a very effective way to deal with anxiety and panic.

I am very sorry I upset you, and I think the people's support here is beneficial to you. I will leave you alone now. I never meant to upset you and I was not having a go at you and I was not annoyed with you and you did nothing wrong! I hope you can try and use some of the tips I gave you and I really wish you the best! I am sorry that I got you sop upset. I had good intentions.

Im sorry, i shouldnt be so stupid... I understand what you have been suggesting, i just find it so hard to put it into place... But i thank you for the advice, i just tend to pick up peoples way of typing/speaking and instantly see it in a certain way and thats wht i need to stop.. Thats how stupid i am ha. I do honestly think youre advice is good but i really thought you were getting annoyed with me and that i was being completely stupid from what i had said... Im honestly sorry

06-08-2014, 01:27 PM

Everyone has some kind of traits in their personality where things can sometimes get a little bit lost through misinterpreting things that are said or the intentions behind them (it's basic human emotion) .

Social media is much harder when words are interpreted according to the readers own emotional state and personality, and being the individuals that we all are, some emotional aspects of our personalities are more prominent in some than others, and can often be extreme opposites of each other.

This doesn't make one person right and the other wrong, or someone's advice more valid than the next, or a cry for help any less important than someone offering a solution.

Sometimes it's hard to accept that it's ok to be yourself.

You may not realise right now, but by simply typing about how you feel and the way you interpret what others post, most likely there will be people reading your comments who can relate in some way to how you perceive yourself.

Hope that makes sense.

I'm sure you will continue to add a lot of value to the forum.


06-08-2014, 01:38 PM
Hope everythink went okay, I have a real fear of staying in hospitals but I had to stay in one the other week and when i was there i had constant panic attacks but i fort through it and stayed and afterwards i felt very proud of myself, I hope you went a fort your fear it makes you feel so much better having a fear isnt stupid or selfish. Don't stop asking for help if you need ask for it x

06-08-2014, 01:46 PM

Everyone has some kind of traits in their personality where things can sometimes get a little bit lost through misinterpreting things that are said or the intentions behind them (it's basic human emotion) .

Social media is much harder when words are interpreted according to the readers own emotional state and personality, and being the individuals that we all are, some emotional aspects of our personalities are more prominent in some than others, and can often be extreme opposites of each other.

This doesn't make one person right and the other wrong, or someone's advice more valid than the next, or a cry for help any less important than someone offering a solution.

Sometimes it's hard to accept that it's ok to be yourself.

You may not realise right now, but by simply typing about how you feel and the way you interpret what others post, most likely there will be people reading your comments who can relate in some way to how you perceive yourself.

Hope that makes sense.

I'm sure you will continue to add a lot of value to the forum.


Yes i understand, i am sorry though.. I do honestly thank you all for your advice, and i do take it in.. I dont know! Just forget this ever happened

06-08-2014, 01:50 PM
Hope everythink went okay, I have a real fear of staying in hospitals but I had to stay in one the other week and when i was there i had constant panic attacks but i fort through it and stayed and afterwards i felt very proud of myself, I hope you went a fort your fear it makes you feel so much better having a fear isnt stupid or selfish. Don't stop asking for help if you need ask for it x

Awhh! But well done you! I went, got all worked up and the doctor did nothin because he didnt want me to have a bad panic attack so he will check me over when im on these other tablets.. So im happy but not hapoy about it haha! Oh well! But thank you :)

06-09-2014, 04:48 AM
Im sorry, i shouldnt be so stupid... I understand what you have been suggesting, i just find it so hard to put it into place... But i thank you for the advice, i just tend to pick up peoples way of typing/speaking and instantly see it in a certain way and thats wht i need to stop.. Thats how stupid i am ha. I do honestly think youre advice is good but i really thought you were getting annoyed with me and that i was being completely stupid from what i had said... Im honestly sorry

It's ok. You do not need to be sorry and you are not stupid. To be honest, I do get annoyed with people on this forum, but it is not your problem. A phrase I once heard, "It is none of my business what you think of me." Even if I was terribly annoyed at you, which I wasn't, what difference does it make? I'm just a random guy behind a computer. I was mainly just trying to get you to focus on what I was saying because I wanted to help you.

But I do get annoyed when people refuse to do the work and take charge of their lives and help themselves. But you weren't doing that. I know you are only 15. I usually just like to type tips without putting much sympathy behind it, but just giving out mainly information people can use. I see anxiety as a bit of a joke. Maybe that makes me a dick, but if you step back and think about it, you may laugh too. All of these people freaking out something awful will happen to them day after day and nothing ever does. Can you see how silly it all is?

I guess I can appear cold at times, but compassion and reassurance I don't think really get to the core of anxiety, I think only proper techniques do. Sorry I bothered you. I hope you are doing well and try not to get too hung up on what others think of you. It is their own business what stupid thoughts they have in their heads. You can't please everyone. But I am not annoyed at you and do not think you are stupid. If you can grab the reigns of your mind and overcome these fears you have, you will greatly surpass your peers in every way.

06-09-2014, 03:05 PM
It's ok. You do not need to be sorry and you are not stupid. To be honest, I do get annoyed with people on this forum, but it is not your problem. A phrase I once heard, "It is none of my business what you think of me." Even if I was terribly annoyed at you, which I wasn't, what difference does it make? I'm just a random guy behind a computer. I was mainly just trying to get you to focus on what I was saying because I wanted to help you.

But I do get annoyed when people refuse to do the work and take charge of their lives and help themselves. But you weren't doing that. I know you are only 15. I usually just like to type tips without putting much sympathy behind it, but just giving out mainly information people can use. I see anxiety as a bit of a joke. Maybe that makes me a dick, but if you step back and think about it, you may laugh too. All of these people freaking out something awful will happen to them day after day and nothing ever does. Can you see how silly it all is?

I guess I can appear cold at times, but compassion and reassurance I don't think really get to the core of anxiety, I think only proper techniques do. Sorry I bothered you. I hope you are doing well and try not to get too hung up on what others think of you. It is their own business what stupid thoughts they have in their heads. You can't please everyone. But I am not annoyed at you and do not think you are stupid. If you can grab the reigns of your mind and overcome these fears you have, you will greatly surpass your peers in every way.

No i completely understand... I know that some peoples fears my seem really stupid to others and the other way round... But to that person the fear is so real to them and they cant help but panic and it seems to be that it takes years for them to get other it, maybe more, maybe less depending on the person. However, honestly i do thank you and i shouldnt have reacted the way i did!