View Full Version : Anxiety Attack over Sweating

06-05-2014, 10:38 PM
"Come on Son, time to help in the garden."

"Oh but I can't, if I sweat I'll have an anxiety attack."

"JFC what's the world come to?"

06-05-2014, 11:40 PM
Hi Dave battling against the playstation generation? I have to put up with this on a daily basis. I have lost count of the times I have had someone under half my age, unable to keep up and moaning like a spoilt brat. :rolleyes:

06-06-2014, 02:04 AM
Hey Cully ... MATE ... Hope all is well man.

Yea - but we can't go too hard on em. Friggen schools are like Nazi training camps now. The teacher are no better with wanting to take the elevator on hard ball issues and how easy that pass them onto the counselors who in turn are swamped with the same attitudes - Parents made to feel guilty who in turn pass that on to the damn kids and next thing you know the doctors who live off kickbacks superscribe the synthetic without as much looking the kids in the eye.

We are all a part of this mess. BUT HEY MAN - I hear ya. I was kind of just kidding around with this post, but your right - I did so, because of sooooo many lame tittles ...

BUT - I know it's a real issue for some of these kids man ... so therein lay the problem. A quick going over some of the anxiety issues relating to a few extra heart beats and broken nails really shows just how sad a state we have come too from our side, however that does not really help them does it. SIGH ...

I think it's best just to say what you can to them, rather than say nothing - some need a kick in the ass, but not a beating. Unfortunately religion and politics have screwed up an individuals right to step in make some of the real trouble makers pull their heads in - and I'm not just talking scruffy kids - I mean toffee nosed over educated lazy fucks who think there better than others. They are the wort kinds - like many of the teachers generation Z have to be subjected to.

What to do - they are in here as well as you we know - I think I just broke a nail ... love to quote and bitch about who is right and wrong - tit for tat - another quote ... we have gone from the texting generation into the quoting generation. SIGH - How long before someone can't resit and quote me on this. LOL

Nice to see ya again Cully - I have been popping in a few time to see if any of you are on for a chat ... no luck so far, but will keep looking. I guess I am back to raving and ranting again. :)

06-06-2014, 02:09 AM
Hey Cully ... MATE ... Hope all is well man.

Yea - but we can't go too hard on em. Friggen schools are like Nazi training camps now. The teacher are no better with wanting to take the elevator on hard ball issues and how easy that pass them onto the counselors who in turn are swamped with the same attitudes - Parents made to feel guilty who in turn pass that on to the damn kids and next thing you know the doctors who live off kickbacks superscribe the synthetic without as much looking the kids in the eye.

We are all a part of this mess. BUT HEY MAN - I hear ya. I was kind of just kidding around with this post, but your right - I did so, because of sooooo many lame tittles ...

BUT - I know it's a real issue for some of these kids man ... so therein lay the problem. A quick going over some of the anxiety issues relating to a few extra heart beats and broken nails really shows just how sad a state we have come too from our side, however that does not really help them does it. SIGH ...

I think it's best just to say what you can to them, rather than say nothing - some need a kick in the ass, but not a beating. Unfortunately religion and politics have screwed up an individuals right to step in make some of the real trouble makers pull their heads in - and I'm not just talking scruffy kids - I mean toffee nosed over educated lazy fucks who think there better than others. They are the wort kinds - like many of the teachers generation Z have to be subjected to.

What to do - they are in here as well as you we know - I think I just broke a nail ... love to quote and bitch about who is right and wrong - tit for tat - another quote ... we have gone from the texting generation into the quoting generation. SIGH - How long before someone can't resit and quote me on this. LOL

Nice to see ya again Cully - I have been popping in a few time to see if any of you are on for a chat ... no luck so far, but will keep looking. I guess I am back to raving and ranting again. :)

There ... take that ... Beat them to it ... I feel like Jim Carrey in that movie Liar Liar "I hole myself in Contempt!" hahahahahahaaaaaa

I might do another workout - feel like I need it . :)

06-06-2014, 02:11 AM
lastly I go a ND fliter for my wide angle lens Cully - I completely forgot about the perspective with my other lenses so will have to order an 58m one OR I might see if there is a step down bracket. Will post a pic in my Blog soon - I hope

Best you you and yours mate. ;)

You can quote me on that ... hehehe

06-06-2014, 07:47 AM
Dave you are so right, it is terrifying :)

06-06-2014, 09:22 AM
Hi Guy's and young lady,
I have three kids that i have to put limits on there electronic games ( wife is just as bad ( hope like hell she does not read this, LOL ) I agree with you Dave on the way the schools are it's fricken crazy! I can't even help my kids with math because they are teaching it a different way then what i now.

06-06-2014, 10:27 AM
John I am with you on the math don't them make them do everything the fucking hard way. Mine come home with it then you show them a easy way! and they tell me i am wrong because some snotty cow just out of uni told them something else. It doesn't matter that it works and is easier and you get the same fucking result! look out the ranting is contagious.

06-06-2014, 11:18 AM
Lol, I know what what you mean. I get so dam mad when i know the answer but can't tell them how to do there math but the schools got these kids under so much pressure. hell, almost every weeknight is spent trying to help the two youngest ones with homework. Thank God that my oldest is very smart and is now able to do it own her own and my middle daughter will be able to as well, my son not so well. He is like me and likes to build things.

06-06-2014, 01:49 PM
Hi ya Dave sorry to hear I have been missing you, stuff is good with me thanks and thanks for all your kind comments on my pictures in flickr. I posted in your blog thing last night but managed to mess it up somewhere and it never got there. It's good to hear your healthy eating is still going strong I think when doing something like that it has to be an all or nothing thing, you must be really starting to feel the results now. I am really looking forward to seeing some shots with ND filter is it a fader? I think that's what they are called. If it goes well I might treat myself to one! it will be interesting to see your results and get your opinion of it. It would be good to have chat with you again sometime here I will keep a weather eye out for you.

John it's good your son is practical I think too much emphasis is placed on academic achievement, over here there are loads of graduates in debt and unemployed. What sort of stuff does he like to build?.

06-06-2014, 01:58 PM
Hi Cullingford,
He is really into the robotics and some video game called mine-craft. I guess they build houses or forts or something. Right now he is only 8 so his building medium is cardboard and duct tape. He will also disassemble anything electronic that he can find (i have to watch his ass on that ). My dad bought him a whole tool set last year so now nothing is safe, lol.

06-06-2014, 02:29 PM
My kids play that mine craft thing I can't get what the big deal is all about it doesn't look very good to me but they love it. Obviously he has a very inquiring mind but this is coming from the bloke who aged six dismantled the television! my dad went mental ;).

06-06-2014, 02:51 PM
That's hilarious about the Television but if my son did that i would be right there with your dad

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:18 AM
I find trying meditation is a must (meditation...not medication) :)

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:18 AM
Also, valarian root is a natural supplement...great for calming the mind :)

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:19 AM
Dr. George Grant from Toronto has some very insightful things to say about depression...Academy of Wellness is his website

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:20 AM
One of the greatest books (in my opinion) ever written on calming the mind is, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I find this a must read for anyone trying to rest their minds and anxiety.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:21 AM
"A New Earth" is also an amazing book by the same author...Eckhart Tolle. Both books are must reads. They are a little hard on the head but once read and implimented, they are amazing!

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:21 AM
For anyone struggling with stress/anxiety that is triggered by other people a good read is, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:22 AM
Another good book by Don Ruiz is, "The Voice of Knowledge"...he is different than the typical styles of writing on stress and anxiety but his work has the ability to transform someone's life :)

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:23 AM
Dr. Effie Chow out of California has helped thousands deal with anxiety and depression. I have witnessed her work first hand and was amazed. Deepak Chopra (if you're familiar with him) calls her one of the greatest energy healers on earth.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:24 AM
From my research and reading "Qigong" is definitely an amazing artform to look into. It's one of the best forms of cardio and also an amazing way to calm the mind which will release stress/anxiety/depression.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:25 AM
"The Shadow Effect" by Debbie Ford (Deepak Chopra is also in this) is an amazing documentary and book talking about inner feelings that we try to surpress that we should 'not' which are causing anxiety. Great documentary and book!

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:26 AM
"The Secret" book and documentary, I find, is another book/documentary that has shed so much light on the power of thoughts. I think it's a must see for anyone going through stress or anxiety...and depression!

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:27 AM
Another book I highly recommend is, The Answer by John Assaraf. Even though it's a book about business the first half of the book is all about re-conditioning the subconscious mind. He talks about how to rewire the mind to basically live a more fulfilling life.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:27 AM
John Assaraf is also in, The Secret.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:30 AM
"What the Bleep do we Know!?" is also another AMAZING documentary about the astonishing power of thoughts and how to rewire the brain. It's more sciency :)

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:30 AM
There are (I believe) five different versions of this documentary.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:31 AM
Deep, daiphamic breathing has been shown to be amazing at reducing stress.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 08:41 AM
"Concentrating" on the breath is important too...because when you concentrate on the breath you do not "think" at the same time and this is relaxing.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 08:42 AM
Tai Chi is always a great way to relax the mind and reduce depression

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 08:42 AM
For anyone living in the Ontario region, Dr. Stanley Ngui is great at treating depression/anxiety/stress.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 08:43 AM
Also, check out The World Organization of Natural Medicine...amazing doctors using completely natural ways of reducing stress/anxiety/depression.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 08:43 AM
The World Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine Congress is another medical congress to check out :)

06-08-2014, 10:04 AM
Interesting stuff but couldn't you just put that in one post?.

Bhargav Sanketi
06-09-2014, 04:13 AM
Healtheminds is an amazing site for the same. Totally helped me out.

06-09-2014, 09:08 AM
Jeremy you are spamming and please stop, cause I will report it. Bhargav stop spaming and posting links to your f*****site, we are not buying. What worms you are :sick:

06-21-2014, 02:34 AM
That was something strange happening with you, yes over sweating is cause...