View Full Version : Shortness of breath? Must eat to go away? Advice?

06-05-2014, 08:25 PM
Im 23 year male and very healthy life style and don't smoke. All day I get shortness of breath where breath doesn't go all the way down. It seems to go away when I eat like crazy as in full my stomach.EVEN WHEN IM NOT HUNGRY I EAT FOR NO REASON WHICH IS RUNING MY DIET I did a surgrey tummy tuck 2012 and it kidna started from there but has gotten worse. Checked with surgeon and it had nothing to do with surgery he said. Can it be anxiety. Got a chest and lat xray showed no lung problem and checked oxygen which was normal doctor said... I have a over thinking problem where I think all day non stop worrying about things? any ideas?

Bhargav Sanketi
06-05-2014, 10:04 PM
Dear BIGG12X,

What you are feeling is consistent with an anxiety disorder. It is perfectly normal how you feel. Come to terms with your condition and situation. If you feel like you are going to have an attack, calm down. If you worry about your attacks hurting you, it will only accentuate it. Sit down if possible and breathe. You have been through this before and you know the worst it can do. You know that you can take it. Affirm yourself that you are alright. A sense of optimism goes a long way. The more you think about anxiety, the more it will affect you.


you can speak to Sangeeta Narayana Swamy. She is a nutritionist with a special aptitude for Anxiety care. You can contact her here:

Hope this helps :)

06-06-2014, 10:13 AM
Im 23 year male and very healthy life style and don't smoke. All day I get shortness of breath where breath doesn't go all the way down. It seems to go away when I eat like crazy as in full my stomach.EVEN WHEN IM NOT HUNGRY I EAT FOR NO REASON WHICH IS RUNING MY DIET I did a surgrey tummy tuck 2012 and it kidna started from there but has gotten worse. Checked with surgeon and it had nothing to do with surgery he said. Can it be anxiety. Got a chest and lat xray showed no lung problem and checked oxygen which was normal doctor said... I have a over thinking problem where I think all day non stop worrying about things? any ideas?

Please read this entire page about proper breathing mechanics: http://www.patrickmckeown.net/panic-attacks.php

Can you really not breathe or does your breath feel unsatisfying? They are very different. A real lung problem where it can't take in air or an air hunger yet you can physically take in air? In any case, you probably need to understand why you should not overbreathe so you can keep from exhaling too much CO2. Actually, I wish everyone here would read that page.

06-06-2014, 10:40 AM
nice, its like the breathing doesn't go all the way down and I get nervous when that happens.... I tend to eat right away idk why but I do and im never hungry.... once the stomach is full it goes away (VERRY WERID) it happened since after my surgrey but I don't know why it happened after and not before.... maybe im tighter in abdominal area.... maybe not?

06-06-2014, 04:09 PM
but why and how did I get this?

06-06-2014, 05:39 PM
but why and how did I get this?

More like what can you do to get it better.

06-06-2014, 08:25 PM
ok.... but if it is air hunger or anxiety... why is it that I tend to full my stomach to get an escape from shortness of breath?

06-06-2014, 08:44 PM
ok.... but if it is air hunger or anxiety... why is it that I tend to full my stomach to get an escape from shortness of breath?

I don't know. Maybe you will figure it out and maybe you will never know. You may very well get an answer but sometimes you never find out why. What is important is becoming anxiety free. But shortness of breathe means you can't take in a proper breath or hard to breathe. You physically can't do it. Your doctor should determine if it is a physical problem or anxiety. Has he told you yet it is just anxiety?

I know for me, if I start hyperventilating or breathe really hard, eventually I can't breathe as much like my body is trying to limit my breathing to balance out all of the over breathing. But I still am able to physically take in a proper breath if I try. When I had anxiety I felt like I couldn't take in enough oxygen everyday, but I was actually breathing ok if you looked at me. When I understood the O2/CO2 balance and learned Buteyko breathing techniques, I was able to fix this problem.

06-07-2014, 10:23 AM
no dr diasgionus yet but breath feels like it doesn't go all the way down like its supposed to.

06-07-2014, 04:53 PM
no dr diasgionus yet but breath feels like it doesn't go all the way down like its supposed to.

All you can do is go get everything checked out at the doctor, and if all test are normal and he says you have anxiety, then you know what to do. You are obviously still here so you are breathing enough oxygen at the moment. Try to breathe in a calm and light manner with the O2/CO2 balance in mind like in that link I showed you and see if that helps. It's healthy to do anyway. So go get it checked out and go from there.

06-07-2014, 08:24 PM
thanks will do!

07-17-2014, 05:36 PM

07-25-2014, 06:29 AM
PanicCured, thanks for the article & the recommendation to try Buteyko... It really helped! It's funny... Mentally I feel pretty good (thoughts not as strong in my head, feeling optimistic) but my breathing is tight & shallow?!