View Full Version : Help, I'm not computer savvy

06-05-2014, 09:46 AM
Today I sent a few private messages to a few people, but I don't know if that had anything to do with what just happened. Here's what happened and I need for someone to tell me what that was, and has my computer been hacked in some way? What to do?

I was reading this forum and I heard a ping noise. I looked down and it was like I had a message from someone with a screen name? It said "Is there something you would like to get off your chest?" I never saw that before. What is that? Is my computer at risk?

Thanks so much for all of you who are younger than me, and know more about this than I do!

06-05-2014, 12:13 PM
Anne I am not sure what happened but the messaging system here does a strange things. Some time ago whoever Jesse was writing I was receiving it too. :)) it was fun. My advice is to do first the clearing of cashe. It is easy:) clear your cookies in your browser, Scan the computer with
run the scanner, it is free and you can trust it. I am using it for over 5 years. It will show the findings and you have the option to remove if there is something. "Run Esset online scaner" on left hand side :)

06-05-2014, 02:23 PM
Thank you so much! Very helpful. I later today realized it came from someone new on this forum but the message was "is there something you want to confess?" Very strange and weird indeed. I don't communicate with anyone like that.

06-05-2014, 03:39 PM
Hey Anne I use the chat with a bunch of members here so that "pinging" noise is normal when you get a message back from someone you sent a message too. Now someone sending a message back "did you want to confess" Might be a little weird but I dont think you got hacked I think it was just a weird message response.

Did any other "windows" open while you were on this site? If not most likely it was someone sending you a random message.

06-05-2014, 06:02 PM
I use the private messages but haven't used the chat yet. So that's what that noise was! No other windows opened so I think I'm safe. Thank you!

06-05-2014, 08:37 PM
I am here a long time and nothing like that ever happened. when someone wants to chat is shows on the lower bar on right side, and shows red color....anne do not worry too much about it. :)