View Full Version : Nightmares!

06-04-2014, 10:07 PM
The past few nights I've been having these awful nightmares. They're always revolved around the same things and leave me absolutely terrified of sleeping, in fear of the nightmares. They wake me up in complete panic around 1-3am.

The first night I had a nightmare, it was of me standing in the school hallway. I had a bottle of pills in my hand and I just collapsed to the floor. I saw myself laying on the school floor, bottle still in my hand, pills all over the floor, and white coming out of my mouth. It all looked so real, I woke up in panic. The next night, the nightmare was of me, again, with my family this time. Everyone was crying and looking at me and I didn't know what was going on until they all faded away and I was left in some kind of..mental hospital? Then I'm assuming they were doctors, came in and seemed to be surrounding me with an awful look on their faces, again, I woke up in panic. The night after that, my nightmare was of me sitting somewhere, and someone came up to me and said "what are you doing?" and I looked down at my hands and legs amd saw I had cuts lined up down my leg, which I had done myself. I woke up in panic yet again. The last nightmare I've had so far was of me being strapped down on a strecher and being put into an ambulance. I woke up and thought I was strapped to my bed and again ended up in complete panic trying to "get out" of the straps, which weren't even there.

These nightmares seem so real. None of these events have ever actually happened, and I don't see them ever happening. I'm always waking up in panic and freaked out. Can anxiety cause nightmares? If anyone has any advice for me it would be much appreciated!

06-04-2014, 11:04 PM
Yes.. your nightmares can be caused from anxiety. When you goto sleep, make sure you are as comfortable as possible in a dark and quiet room. Try not to eat atleast 1-2 hours before bed and don't have anything with caffeine in the evening as these things can make your brain more alert and not fully relaxed.

06-05-2014, 05:55 AM
The past few nights I've been having these awful nightmares. They're always revolved around the same things and leave me absolutely terrified of sleeping, in fear of the nightmares. They wake me up in complete panic around 1-3am.

The first night I had a nightmare, it was of me standing in the school hallway. I had a bottle of pills in my hand and I just collapsed to the floor. I saw myself laying on the school floor, bottle still in my hand, pills all over the floor, and white coming out of my mouth. It all looked so real, I woke up in panic. The next night, the nightmare was of me, again, with my family this time. Everyone was crying and looking at me and I didn't know what was going on until they all faded away and I was left in some kind of..mental hospital? Then I'm assuming they were doctors, came in and seemed to be surrounding me with an awful look on their faces, again, I woke up in panic. The night after that, my nightmare was of me sitting somewhere, and someone came up to me and said "what are you doing?" and I looked down at my hands and legs amd saw I had cuts lined up down my leg, which I had done myself. I woke up in panic yet again. The last nightmare I've had so far was of me being strapped down on a strecher and being put into an ambulance. I woke up and thought I was strapped to my bed and again ended up in complete panic trying to "get out" of the straps, which weren't even there.

These nightmares seem so real. None of these events have ever actually happened, and I don't see them ever happening. I'm always waking up in panic and freaked out. Can anxiety cause nightmares? If anyone has any advice for me it would be much appreciated!

You must understand that repressed emotions will be expressed one way or another. It is natural for your subconscious to give you information during sleep that your normal waking self would normally block, and/or, give you the information that you your self have been looking for, but consciously could not gather.

If you are repressing, then you will have explosive dreams, in your terms, highly charged and emotional, releasing some stress on the rebuilding asleep body but also giving you a picture, and they all have a common theme, to work with.

Put your dreams side by side for they are not willy nilly but painting a clear atmosphere of your psyche and its thought patterns.

The psyche is such as to paint you a portrait of what needs work for you to feel good, if you cannot see this awake, then the energy will be released when asleep. As constructive psychic moving pictures.

As for the nightmares, they are not to kill you, they are meant, if you understand me, as therapeutic, period, no exceptions.

When these issues in your life are resolved, there is no longer any use for this type of learning at night (that you interpret fearful) and your dreams may be more pleasant. Direct your dreams before bedtime issuing statements toward what you wish to know.

That is all.