View Full Version : quick advice. breathing difficulty

06-03-2014, 10:53 AM
Im having breathing difficulty Ill tell you how it came along.

Okay so about a month ago I used cannabis to a point where I couldve even function properly (please dont judge me, we all do stupid things in our lives). So the next day I was resting because I guess I had a some sort of weed hangover because I was still feeling as if I was high. I noticed that I wasnt breathing right. So I would constantly take deep breathes. This breqthing difficulty continued for a week after I used cannabis. Then I didnt really notice it anymore and the breathing difficulty went away. Then just recently during the week of my final exams for school it came back and came back worse. I believe it was the stress that worsened my anxiety which in turn brought about the breathing difficulty. And to top it all off I was even more stresses becquse my family and I were forced to move because we couldnt afford rent. I had one day to move everything out of my UPSTAIRS apartment, and I said I because I was the only one moving things bcause my mom wasnt there, my dad wasnt there because my mom and dad divorced, and my 2 younger siblings were too lazy to do anything becuz theyre kids and all they wanted to do was play outside. So I had to move furniture, tv, etc down a flight of stairs for about 12 hours. Plus it was about 95 degrees outside ! Because i was under these conditions i was constantly takung a deep breath because i felt like i wasnt getting enough oxygen in my lungs. My lungs also felt as if they werent expanding enough to allow all the air i would like. And when i say constantly taking deep breathes i mean i was taking deep unsatisfying breqthes every other breath haha. So I think its my anxiety causing the breathing difficulty. If so how do I fix that because im not panicing to a point where I need to go to a doctor. Any advice?

06-03-2014, 01:09 PM
Can you read up and learn about how to relax yourself by using breathing techniques? Meditation might calm you down too.

06-04-2014, 01:57 AM
My little cousin has recently been having panic attacks and will constantly try to take deep breaths when he feels anxious or uncomfortable. My aunt who happens to know a lot about anxiety told him that continuing to breathe heavily only makes things worse because as you think you're getting more oxygen into your lungs, you really aren't. She said something about your lungs and body being so enlarged from taking those deep breaths that you can't get anymore air in. Her advice for him was to take a very small breath in and then breathe out for as long as possible... then take a very small breath in again and breathe out for as long as possible. Repeat this for a few minutes and you should feel normal again.

I know your post was from yesterday but hopefully this makes sense for you and anyone else reading the next time you feel like you can't catch your breath during a panic attack.

06-04-2014, 04:34 AM
Her advice for him was to take a very small breath in and then breathe out for as long as possible... then take a very small breath in again and breathe out for as long as possible. Repeat this for a few minutes and you should feel normal again..

I can't come up with any reason why you would want to blow out so much CO2? Unless you are just overall breathing less, but why exhale for so long?

Read this that explains the O2/CO2 balance and it's role in anxiety.


06-04-2014, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the info but when I tried this I sort of felt lightheaded lol. But yeah paniccured's link is absolutely ob point and makes sense. Thanks anyways though for the reply