View Full Version : Hi everyone. Does anyone know if this claim works? I can't afford to pay for it so

Marisa Tuffin
06-03-2014, 04:49 AM
I can't afford to pay this amount for something which may not even work. So am thinking its a scam? And if it really was that good then surely someone would post this so called secret around somewhere. The vid basically claims that you use a visual and use your thumb and index finger to relieve symptoms, but doesn't say what exactly cos they want money. Vid is very long so am more interested for ppl to see if they recognise it, rather than sit through it and let me know if any of you have tried this???
Sorry wouldn't let me post link as am under 25 posts. :( but its called 60 sec solution to panic attacks and anxiety by a lady called Anna Gibson Steel.

06-03-2014, 05:59 AM
I can't afford to pay this amount for something which may not even work. So am thinking its a scam? And if it really was that good then surely someone would post this so called secret around somewhere. The vid basically claims that you use a visual and use your thumb and index finger to relieve symptoms, but doesn't say what exactly cos they want money. Vid is very long so am more interested for ppl to see if they recognise it, rather than sit through it and let me know if any of you have tried this???
Sorry wouldn't let me post link as am under 25 posts. :( but its called 60 sec solution to panic attacks and anxiety by a lady called Anna Gibson Steel.

Listen to your gut.

I just listened to the sales pitch, and personally I would wait for more feedback here. In the meantime you can post questions or ask for help from members.

Marisa Tuffin
06-03-2014, 06:21 AM
Listen to your gut.

I just listened to the sales pitch, and personally I would wait for more feedback here. In the meantime you can post questions or ask for help from members.

Ok thanks. Will do. I just personally think if it was that good and worked lots of ppl would know about it.

06-03-2014, 06:30 AM
I am a firm believer there is no quick fix for panic and anxiety. It takes a long time for it to show it's ugly head to the point where it's noticeable, so how can a quick fix take it all away with a magical snap of the fingers? And plus, I honestly think it never goes away. You just have to manage it so the episodes becoming few and far between.

I've been going to CBT for almost a year now, and let me tell you the strides I have made are incredible, but I still get episodes. Granted, they are nowhere near as painful and debilitating as before, but I still get them. I have learned how to manage them so they go away faster and aren't as bad.

I would stay away from that link. Sounds like BS to me.

06-03-2014, 07:10 AM
Hi Marisa

I would say that if something sounds too good to be true, then it generally isn't true.

There are tons of methods you can use as an anchor to alleviate anxiety. There have been many fashionable ones (snapping elastic bands, tapping and so on).

It's basic CBT and I would hazard a good guess that you can find similar techniques on You Tube for free.

That said, if you are prepared to spend hard earned cash, I would opt for a therapist (one that someone can recommend to you and has had success with).

Whilst anxiety presents similar physical symptoms in people, the resulting behaviours, thoughts and histories differ and vary immensely. (What works for one doesn't work for someone else).

As for "one cure fits all" there simply isn't one.

06-03-2014, 09:12 AM
Your instinct is right on the money. My brother's therapist told him to take Deplin along with his antidepressant for anxiety. I asked my doctor if I needed it too, and he said, "If Deplin really did make a big difference in depression, you can bet that the word would spread and everyone would be taking it."