View Full Version : Weird feeling ...new symptom?

06-02-2014, 07:00 PM
Had an attack today first full blown one in a few months .. I experienced a new symptom that freaked me out even more !! And the best way I can describe it is that my blood felt cold ?? Like I felt weird inside aloud with a bunch of other symtoms .. Anyone else experience this feeling ?

06-02-2014, 07:17 PM
So you was bleeding and the blood felt cold or parts of your body felt really cold as if you was "cold blooded"

can you recall the other symptoms?

06-02-2014, 09:32 PM
It's amazing what our anxiety can so to us!! I haven't experienced that sensation 'knock on wood' but I can say I have had many weird ones .. Like feeling like there is a blood vessel in my brain that's broken and it feels like blood is spilling everywhere inside my body.. Or itching in my ribs or the worst was the itching in my brain ., went to the hospital and the docs thought I was on street drugs! Not pleasant considering I don't even drink.. What I'm trying to say is tell yourself .. This is just anxiety ., it won't hurt you ,, just scare the daylights out of ya .. Before I joined the forum and started meds I was terrified and dreading every day .. Now I can look back and say it's all just my anxious mind.. New sensations can come and go .. If you feel a concern about some it is best to see your doc for reassurance that everything is ok

06-02-2014, 10:41 PM
Anxiety creeps up on us in many different ways.. can't say I've had this exact symptom but it sort of made me think about getting the chills/goosebumps. If anything worries you, I agree with nikki about going to see a doctor because that reassurance from the doctor telling us that we're okay allows your mind to be put to rest.