View Full Version : Advice

06-02-2014, 04:49 PM
Not really anxiety related, but it's causing me anxiety!
So to cut a long story short I have a text that could help someone out a lot. But by forwarding it to this person I could get other people in trouble that are helping me.
Me and the person ultimately want the same goal as someone wronged our children and we want them to pay. I'm content to leave it at just sorting two people out but the other person wants the whole organisation to pay. The organisation is helping me but didn't help them.
What should I do?
I really want to help, but don't want to get myself into trouble or anyone else that doesn't need to either.

06-02-2014, 06:46 PM
Well, if it was me, I wouldn't do it. For one thing, getting involved like that could cause you more anxiety, it will complicate things, you're trying to accomodate another person who wants someone to "pay", and you say you could get other people in trouble "that are helping you".

06-03-2014, 02:09 AM
Thanks Anne I think I will follow your advice :-)

06-03-2014, 06:57 AM

Please let it be. Let the club deal with their internal issues. They seem to have started cleaning their own house.

Think of how Luke will feel if his mum gets involved in something which causes her more stress and anxiety. Better yet, why don't you ask him since this whole ado rose up around him.

Yes, you and Will are his parents but it never hurts to get the child's thoughts on a situation.

He may just want the whole episode to just fade into the background.

Either way, you and Will will make the right decision for your family.

Cheers love,

06-03-2014, 07:16 AM
Thank you pam. I have been keeping the whole thing away from Luke and so has the club. But it's really bothered him.
There is a disciplinary hearing in Thursday so I have been asked to submit all grievances which I did yesterday.
Yeah I'm definitely going to take a step back now. I've done all I can and its in their hands now.

Thanks again Pam your advice is spot on and I'm grateful for all your support.
