View Full Version : Palpitations... Getting really uptight over it

06-02-2014, 01:27 PM
Okay ive been having palpitations daily and i have a really bad fear of having heart attacks so im up late on the nights as well thinking im going to die and having palpitations... They are getting worse and more scary an i dont know what to do? Any advice because the palpitations are really scaring me!

06-02-2014, 04:05 PM
Breathe deeper and don't shallow breathe, they can be caused by anxiety for sure. Get your electrolytes checked to be sure.

06-02-2014, 04:33 PM
Breathe deeper and don't shallow breathe, they can be caused by anxiety for sure. Get your electrolytes checked to be sure.
Im really sorry but how do you get electrolytes checked... Probably a dumb question but im 15 so i have no idea

06-02-2014, 04:51 PM
Okay ive been having palpitations daily and i have a really bad fear of having heart attacks so im up late on the nights as well thinking im going to die and having palpitations... They are getting worse and more scary an i dont know what to do? Any advice because the palpitations are really scaring me!

Relax, they're normal. Get it checked with your doc though. Although, most of the time, it's just anxiety or stress causing it. Just try to not care about them. Being scared is not going to make them go away. Being scared is not gonna stop a heart attack. The danger is there, but fear is just a feeling.