View Full Version : Thought experiment - tips on how to cause panic attacks in a healthy person.

06-02-2014, 08:25 AM
This is a bit tongue in cheek but I think it would be an interesting list. I'll start

1. always make sure to process all your problems in parallel as opposed to sequentially
2. make sure you are living in the future most of the time, if you don't, you might miss something and fail miserably
3. spend as much time as you can doing activities that require you to respond quickly, this will put your amygdala in overdrive
4. ignore your emotional needs and just shove everything down deep inside so that it can all come out at once
5. don't ask for help as this may relieve pressure, keep all your problems to yourself
6. rather than eating healthy, consume a lot of caffeine and alcohol so that your body becomes a yoyo between stimulation and relaxation
7. never ever enjoy the present and remember that if you do and something goes wrong, you caused it by relaxing and letting your guard down
8. only feel good about yourself if you have done all of the above, any less is just not good enough and will cause you to underperform
9. seek praise and validation only from the outside, particularly from people who are totally wound up and also pursuing a panic attack

06-02-2014, 09:54 AM
This is a bit tongue in cheek but I think it would be an interesting list. I'll start

1. always make sure to process all your problems in parallel as opposed to sequentially
2. make sure you are living in the future most of the time, if you don't, you might miss something and fail miserably
3. spend as much time as you can doing activities that require you to respond quickly, this will put your amygdala in overdrive
4. ignore your emotional needs and just shove everything down deep inside so that it can all come out at once
5. don't ask for help as this may relieve pressure, keep all your problems to yourself
6. rather than eating healthy, consume a lot of caffeine and alcohol so that your body becomes a yoyo between stimulation and relaxation
7. never ever enjoy the present and remember that if you do and something goes wrong, you caused it by relaxing and letting your guard down
8. only feel good about yourself if you have done all of the above, any less is just not good enough and will cause you to underperform
9. seek praise and validation only from the outside, particularly from people who are totally wound up and also pursuing a panic attack

I love it ! It should be framed and hung in my room ! #7 is classic ! 

And #3...ahaha

Anxiety, autism, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and phobias are suspected of being linked to abnormal functioning of the amygdala, owing to damage, developmental problems, or neurotransmitter imbalance...All me !!