View Full Version : Tapering Off Remeron

06-02-2014, 04:54 AM
Hi all,

3rd day into taking a half tab of my 45mg medication. I got hit with the biggest panic attack of my life to date at work earlier. Started with dizziness. That's been an on and off symptom for a week. Nothing new but then I checked my pulse as the dizziness was bad and my pulse was through the roof. Instantly this made me panic and before I knew it I was trembling, dry mouth, unable to breath and felt like I was going to pass out.

Wasn't my longest panic attack but it lasted over half an hour. Manager wouldn't let me go home. I've calmed down now. Don't really feel as on edge but it's certainly drained my body. Planning on staying with a half tab for a week then drop down to either 15mg or 7.5mg. Going to go for the lower dose and see if I can cope with that for a week. Then drop down to a tab every other day for a week. After that i'll try 1 tab every 3 days for a week before stopping entirely.

Could be because I drank last night which caused this bad bout with anxiety this morning. I actually drank last night because I was getting bad symptoms and I wanted a distraction. It worked, always does. But alcohol isn't good when you have anxiety. It's a depressant and hangovers are always full of pains and aches with anxiety. It's horrid.


06-02-2014, 11:41 AM
The best thing to do is cut back slowly. Every time I make the mistake of cutting back too fast, I regret it.