View Full Version : 24/7

06-01-2014, 11:29 AM
I haven't been on in awhile. I hope everyone is doing ok!! I'm just curious to know if anxiety can last 24/7 I never ever feel good. I haven't felt like myself since December. I do feel better but not like I used to.

06-01-2014, 11:39 AM
Yes I think it can. I've had months at a stretch going into every experience looking for the 'back door' because maybe through THAT door is peace.

Its futile of course but hard to break.

06-01-2014, 01:26 PM
Hi Meli,

Welcome back. Sorry you aren't feeling like yourself. I know and understand the feeling.

Question for you , how's your diet? Do you eat well or live on coffee, sweets or salty things? Just asking cause I'm finding out that other things than emotional distress current or in the past can cause unrelenting anxiety.

It's just a thought however.


06-02-2014, 04:03 PM
Thank you all for responding:) it scares me so much. Almost once a week there seems to be a new symptom of some kind. I have gone through all the tests blood work, ultra sound, EKG, X-rays, mri, and everything comes back fine but I just don't see where the anxiety came from or how it even is anxiety. I'm not stressed or anxious. I have developed health anxiety now. This week my arms and legs hurt, go numb and twitch. I am a coffee/soda drinker I don't have the healthiest diet I could eat better but my diet hasn't changed. Just confused!!

06-02-2014, 05:09 PM
Suggestion for you Meli,

Cut out the soda and try to eat better. It's amazing what the body and brain can do when it's fed well. Takes some effort but worth it.

A well fed body and brain can cope with stress and anxiety better.

Good luck

06-02-2014, 06:50 PM
Eating well is important! Think back to December and see if anything stressful happened at that time. It's possible you had health anxiety and it was dormant, but got triggered somehow.

06-02-2014, 07:42 PM
In my experience anxiety can be unrelenting and 24/7. My symptoms have also changed, it is like my anxiety has evolved. Funnily enough this happened to me in December like yourself. For as long as I can remember I have experienced the "classic" anxiety symptoms but i too now experience muscle twitching, numbness, pins/needles and severe pain. I have an MRI done and it came showing no brain abnormality what so ever. I even had to change my medication from Lexapro to amitriptyline for the pain relieving properties of the latter. I did try this in conjunction with pregabalin (an anti epileptic) with is also prescribed for Generalised anxiety disorder and pain. unfortunately pregabalin can also cause pain as well as treating it, so I am considering using gabapentin with the amitriptyline.

My heart race always seems to be about 110 now instead of the late 80's. I only drink tea when I wake up and don't drink anything stimulating throughout the day. I barely sleep and when I do I have nightmares about my health because of the symptoms I have experienced. Even when I am asleep I am evidently anxious and not getting a break from it, but yet I feel so awake like I have taken a stimulant.

I imagine like myself you are quite perplexed at how anxiety can change so quickly and severely. I am aware of which potential experience could of potentially triggered this dramatic change, but some days I feel that the change has been so severe that there must be an underlying cause with my health and not just my anxiety. <<<< That will obviously be viewed as a textbook statement from someone who has "health anxiety". But such a severe change for me would produce thoughts such as that and to me they are not irrational. I have experienced anxiety since I was a child and my experience has always been the same, but now I am being told that what I am experiencing is just anxiety manifesting itself in a different way.

I guess I now have a Somatization disorder (hysteria) , where I experience symptoms that can be associated with various illnesses but are psychosomatic and do not have an organic cause.

11-08-2014, 01:37 PM
as we get older the things we eat and drink affect us differently-for sure trying to cut out most caffeine. Over the years my attacks have changed, sometimes mild but recently they are off and on for the last 3-4 days especially at night

11-08-2014, 01:55 PM
I had 24/7 anxiety and symptoms for over 4 years. So it can most certainly last a prolonged period. Look to your diet, exercise, reducing stress etc. Simple changes, but changes you must stick to if you wish to see results. Also go and download a torrent of Calm Clinic. Watch the videos and you'll find some real good info for overcoming anxiety/depression.


11-08-2014, 06:33 PM
Is there a way I can post a message to get responses, or just jump in to already started conversations? New at this and Ive had horrible insomnia so my brain isn't functioning so good to figure it out

11-09-2014, 03:32 AM
Jump in wherever. Some people quote what other's have said to address specific questions and such like.


11-09-2014, 03:40 AM
Is there a way I can post a message to get responses, or just jump in to already started conversations? New at this and Ive had horrible insomnia so my brain isn't functioning so good to figure it out

If you go to the forum home page, then click on a forum, like 'General Discussion' then you'll see a button like this: 1475

That allows you to start a new thread as you like. Or, as Ed said, just chip in wherever. Some forums are a bit arsey about it, but this one seems very relaxed, which is nice.