View Full Version : Freaking Out Over The Littlest Things

06-01-2014, 02:31 AM
Ok, so I've had anxiety for the last 5 years or so (possibly longer) but lately it's been worse due to being unemployed (I am actively looking for work but nothing has come up in the last 2 months) and basically sitting around doing nothing all day (no money to do anything = not being able to do much).

This means the littlest things cause me to panic. The latest thing? I was reading some urban legend about some poor girl that died, anyway at the end it said "If you read her story, she will come to you within a month" seeking vengeance, that kind of thing..... Silly stuff, right! (right on par with those silly chain emails that did the rounds a while ago) But it's FREAKING ME OUT!

So now I'm having this internal tug-of-war because I know deep down that everything's fine and it's just a story but there's that darn little niggling voice that's trying to convince me otherwise.

Cue the downward spiral of freaking out over it, trying to convince myself that everything will be OK, and feeling stupid over letting something so silly almost paralyze me with fear.

Does anyone out there have any words of wisdom, or advice for helping kick these feelings to the kerb? I don't really want to be feeling like this for a whole month

06-01-2014, 03:14 AM
I hate those things! They are stupid and silly and meaningless and yes, you should kick those ideas to the curb!

06-01-2014, 04:12 AM
I wish it was so easy. I feel like a complete fool because I know that they are just stories made up to scare people but there's just always that tiny little voice saying "what if, what if, what if..." And then when I finally start to feel better it's there again reminding me that I am worried about something and it starts again. I feel helpless because there's nothing I can do to confront this issue....

06-01-2014, 06:59 AM
I highly doubt you'll die from being unemployed. Work will come eventually and then you'll laugh at all the silly things you read that cause you fear and anxiety. If you aren't working, try to stay busy by doing things like chores around the house, hanging with friends and getting outside for some exercise. Don't let the things you read online consume your thoughts and make you feel crappy about yourself. Let it be motivation for you to work harder. Good luck with finding a job :)

06-01-2014, 06:25 PM
Hi Pumpkin. The "fear" isn't dying from being unemployed, it was the "fear" of being visited by a vengeful ghost looking to kill people.... Yea, stupid stuff. As I'm typing it I know how ridiculous it sounds. Then I start the internal battle of trying to convince myself that everything's fine bit still having that annoying little voice in my head that goes "yeah but what if...." And when I start to feel better that same voice is there pulling me back, reminding me I'm stressing about something.

06-01-2014, 06:34 PM
You are quite intelligent, funny, and insightful! For me bc i have anxiety, my magical magnifying mind can think up just about anything! To kick thoughts to the curb I immediately say a repetitious phrase or prayer and of course it stops the other thinking. Music changes the thought patterns. Free meditation apps on your phone are HUGE relievers of anxiety and need to be practiced and enjoyed every day. Those meditations are little insurance policies against future stress and anxiety. I have handled stressful situations miraculously since practicing these. It's an important tool for me. Google natural things to curb anxiety!

06-01-2014, 08:01 PM
I can understand the thinking behind the "little silly things". For example I am not really a superstitious person and not a big believer in things like Friday the 13th or that picking up a knife when I have dropped it will give me bad luck.... those type of things. But when my anxiety is high or things are not going the way I would like them to be I will do things that a superstitious person would do.

I will purposely avoid walking over three grates, or not pick up a knife that I have dropped. The thinking behind it at the time is I don't really believe in stuff like this but I'm not willing to take the chance because things aren't going my way so I do it anyway. As irrational as it sounds in my head or as "silly" as it seems these little things feel like I am influencing my luck or I have a little bit of control by doing them, they are kind of a psychological crutch.

If you are currently unemployed the best advice I can give you is try to make use of your time, keep yourself busy or do something productive. I know that during my times of unemployment I felt very frustrated, I was stressed because I felt like I was in a rut and most importantly I had too much free time to sit there over thinking things and increasing my anxiety.

So whether it be learning something new, exercising or even reading a book keep your body/mind busy. I'm also not an advocate of avoidance but if your anxiety is at the level where it is causing a reaction to something you yourself describe silly I would try to stay away from them for the moment and do something productive. As mentioned above something like meditation or mindfulness would be great uses of your time

06-01-2014, 08:51 PM
Well, you nailed it in your post....your anxiety is worse now because you're not working. That has taken away your distractions. Maybe you could join a group...any group that gets you out and around other people. Just the act of talking to others will help you stay more grounded.