View Full Version : Think I found myself at rock bottom..and pretty scared.

05-31-2014, 03:48 AM
First off, yes, I'm one of those first ever posts, so hello.

Reason I am doing this is I've really just hit rock bottom with my anxiety, and have became worried about myself.
Since my late teens I have always struggled with anxiety, it started off as not being able to go out and eat in places, public settings, not every single time, but most of the times, or if knowing about having to go out in advance, my mind did the circular thoughts of dread and it become impossible, then leading to the usual excuses or reasons for me to not make that event.

Some of this can be put down to home life, my mom could be a bit extreme in her reactions, now don't get me wrong, she was a very good parent and continues to be, but it seems anytime she is annoyed at something, even though its definitely not directed at me, I take it on board and my emotions and anxiety are the first things to start shooting off. I also cant seem to separate the logic speaking part or voices in my head from the pure over whelming emotion of my anxiety, that dread, fear, like a loss of knowing who I am, what I should be doing?. Im also very much a creature of habit, get up go to work, go to the gym, come home, eat sleep repeat, many things that change from that, can ping off some anxiety, but usually manageable. Im still also able always to go out with friends to the pub, or cinema etc , typical things like that. Now im 34, and yes living at home, with the way the world economics went and losing jobs over the years ( being made redundant) its didn't become viable to leave home as I wanted to)

However, some things have been changing at home, my father retiring, which leaves an uncertain future about where we live, though noting I don't believe we can work on with some planning.
This and of course part of the nature of anxiety is to worry about the future in most cases anyways I suspect Its all came crashing down this past Wednesday night, I couldn't stop myself, I literally went to my room, curled up and just felt my whole world collapse in, mom and dad have been doing what they can ( despite how my mother can be she can be a real help when she sees what im gong through). I managed to get an emergency appointment with m y doc the next day, levelled with him completely and he put me on Cipralex ( taking half a one for the first few days), Propranolol ( 40mgs) and some Diazepam ( 2mg) tablets, as well as being referred to counselling.

The worry I have is that I have not eaten..and I mean nothing except half a banana and half a slice of toast for about 3 days now, though keeping lots of water in me and sugary tea, im a pretty big fella (muscular) so its not like their's nothing to waste of me, but it seems a worry. The funny thing is my dad is a Pharmacist, he has some practise in this and says it can be completely normal to loose all apatite between the anxious feelings, and the tablets taking effect.

Right now, in this time, I feel caught, between sitting about and not wanting to do very much, even though its a lovely day out side right now, feel a bit drowsy form the tablets, or perhaps I should mope about and let the tablets take on a positive effect before making any real moves.

Thing is I became very sacred for my well being for a couple of nights, my mind literally went to a very VERY dark place where I couldn't see ANYWAY out, and Im worried about finding myself in that position again.

Sorry for that being a bit long!

05-31-2014, 04:42 AM
First off, yes, I'm one of those first ever posts, so hello.

Reason I am doing this is I've really just hit rock bottom with my anxiety, and have became worried about myself.
Since my late teens I have always struggled with anxiety, it started off as not being able to go out and eat in places, public settings, not every single time, but most of the times, or if knowing about having to go out in advance, my mind did the circular thoughts of dread and it become impossible, then leading to the usual excuses or reasons for me to not make that event.

Some of this can be put down to home life, my mom could be a bit extreme in her reactions, now don't get me wrong, she was a very good parent and continues to be, but it seems anytime she is annoyed at something, even though its definitely not directed at me, I take it on board and my emotions and anxiety are the first things to start shooting off. I also cant seem to separate the logic speaking part or voices in my head from the pure over whelming emotion of my anxiety, that dread, fear, like a loss of knowing who I am, what I should be doing?. Im also very much a creature of habit, get up go to work, go to the gym, come home, eat sleep repeat, many things that change from that, can ping off some anxiety, but usually manageable. Im still also able always to go out with friends to the pub, or cinema etc , typical things like that. Now im 34, and yes living at home, with the way the world economics went and losing jobs over the years ( being made redundant) its didn't become viable to leave home as I wanted to)

However, some things have been changing at home, my father retiring, which leaves an uncertain future about where we live, though noting I don't believe we can work on with some planning.
This and of course part of the nature of anxiety is to worry about the future in most cases anyways I suspect Its all came crashing down this past Wednesday night, I couldn't stop myself, I literally went to my room, curled up and just felt my whole world collapse in, mom and dad have been doing what they can ( despite how my mother can be she can be a real help when she sees what im gong through). I managed to get an emergency appointment with m y doc the next day, levelled with him completely and he put me on Cipralex ( taking half a one for the first few days), Propranolol ( 40mgs) and some Diazepam ( 2mg) tablets, as well as being referred to counselling.

The worry I have is that I have not eaten..and I mean nothing except half a banana and half a slice of toast for about 3 days now, though keeping lots of water in me and sugary tea, im a pretty big fella (muscular) so its not like their's nothing to waste of me, but it seems a worry. The funny thing is my dad is a Pharmacist, he has some practise in this and says it can be completely normal to loose all apatite between the anxious feelings, and the tablets taking effect.

Right now, in this time, I feel caught, between sitting about and not wanting to do very much, even though its a lovely day out side right now, feel a bit drowsy form the tablets, or perhaps I should mope about and let the tablets take on a positive effect before making any real moves.

Thing is I became very sacred for my well being for a couple of nights, my mind literally went to a very VERY dark place where I couldn't see ANYWAY out, and Im worried about finding myself in that position again.

Sorry for that being a bit long!

I have bolded your beliefs and the reason for the anxiety. Your beliefs are not hidden from you. Your mother now, in what she does not verbalize, is that she has anxiety as well. You pick this up as a feeling, being a family you feel each other, so to speak, as the emotions and thoughts are by and large telepathic.

She is afraid for you and to some degree she believes the world is a scary place, not to be trusted, rather chaotic and unsupportive at times. Countering her inner turmoil (not verbalized) she became overprotective, when you were a little child. Taking on moms world view is natural, as the child is building its identity.Its bewildering to you therefor why you feel as you do because you cannot pinpoint it to any spoken words, period.

Your father believes in the nature of illness, for doctors (all in that field of work) do not believe in health you see. Your fathers beliefs, telepathic now, and some verbal, coupled with your mothers anxious nature became an explosive cocktail for you. You have dependency issues, you feel safe with them and thereby any change to the arrangement, leads to severe abandonment feelings. You cannot put aside your children's beliefs because you are still within the framework that put them there. Even though most of these beliefs are not valid any longer as you have grown up, so to speak, physically.

Your psyche is your own, yet continues to be stunted within your family framework. This would have naturally passed long ago as a child gains independence from the parents and moves on to develop their own world view.

Naturally, any shakeup to the family net will be met with anxiety for your wellbeing both emotionally and physically depends on it.

You will need to work on yourself, friend, about face now, period. And begin to look in the mirror, before its too late !!

I have given you enough here, for a message board.

05-31-2014, 04:49 AM
Don't worry where you are now, focus on where you want to be. I found eating yogurt was easy to do when I had no appetite. Others told me this and it worked. It has protein, carbs and you can get lowfat or whole milk to have fat. Make sure you are getting enough calories to feed your brain and body or you will feel worse. Try not to sit there drowning in your thoughts. Really focus on progressing forward. What I did was I followed the advice of those who overcome their anxiety and kept moving forward until it was gone. I documented my techniques I used here:


Maybe you could get inspiration from it.

I recommend you check out this video of the 10 step anxiety healing plan: http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

When I had anxiety I took that Calm and Relaxed remedy and the other things he sells, but had to get it all separate at the time. But this video here is new.

Good luck to you!