View Full Version : Dont read if you're gonna judge me

05-30-2014, 10:49 PM
So.. I've been asked out on a date.. To the beach!! :) I sadly said no though.. It's probably about 1-2 hrs away & I'm just afraid my anxiety will act up & look crazy in front of this guy..

Anyone have success with Klonopin & far away trips?? I wondering if I take one, if I'll be good to go..

05-31-2014, 12:31 AM
So.. I've been asked out on a date.. To the beach!! :) I sadly said no though.. It's probably about 1-2 hrs away & I'm just afraid my anxiety will act up & look crazy in front of this guy..

Anyone have success with Klonopin & far away trips?? I wondering if I take one, if I'll be good to go..

Lucky for you being a girl, most guys may find your anxiety cute and want to be supportive of you. A lot of guys love little "flaws" in girls. I know its not really a flaw, but you know what I mean. You shouldn't drive taking Klonopins, but it will mellow you out. I should know, I was hooked on them. But you could get a little loopy and slur your words and stuff depending on how much you take. Don't drive under the influence of them. Maybe when you talk on the phone, you can tell him you get anxiety sometimes, and you're working on getting it better, but you do get it. See how he reacts. If he judges you and is a dick then you know he's not the right guy. He most likely won't care and see it as an opportunity to pounce on you. haha. Really is amazing how much better relationships could be if women didn't expect men to be mind readers and were just open and honest.

Good luck!

05-31-2014, 08:32 AM
yes take 0.5 klonopin and enjoy the time;))

05-31-2014, 08:37 AM
yes take 0.5 klonopin and enjoy the time;))

Thank you!!!! :)

05-31-2014, 08:39 AM
Lucky for you being a girl, most guys may find your anxiety cute and want to be supportive of you. A lot of guys love little "flaws" in girls. I know its not really a flaw, but you know what I mean. You shouldn't drive taking Klonopins, but it will mellow you out. I should know, I was hooked on them. But you could get a little loopy and slur your words and stuff depending on how much you take. Don't drive under the influence of them. Maybe when you talk on the phone, you can tell him you get anxiety sometimes, and you're working on getting it better, but you do get it. See how he reacts. If he judges you and is a dick then you know he's not the right guy. He most likely won't care and see it as an opportunity to pounce on you. haha. Really is amazing how much better relationships could be if women didn't expect men to be mind readers and were just open and honest. Good luck! Lol!! Oh he knows!! I've told him about my anxiety. He said it doesn't bother him at all!! & that if I'm not okay with the beach, we can go somewhere else close & then work our way to the beach.. He was actually very understanding which is amazing! :)

05-31-2014, 06:11 PM
How long before should I wait to take the klonopin?? & I've never taken one.. It won't make me all weird, right?? Lol I don't wanna be loopy.

05-31-2014, 06:38 PM
Hey Brooke!

Love the hair color change! That's great you've been asked out! Must be a really nice guy, you deserve it. Anyway about the klonapin, can you split the tablet in half? That way you won't get too dopy, if you find you need it then take the other half. I do this with the Valium I take and that little tiny bit is enough to take the edge off.

Good luck Hun, any have fun!


05-31-2014, 06:56 PM
How long before should I wait to take the klonopin?? & I've never taken one.. It won't make me all weird, right?? Lol I don't wanna be loopy.

My advice to you, is to not take it. They are so incredibly addicting, that if you can get by without them, do not start with the Benzos. I spent so much time trying to get off them, and the withdrawal was horrible. It is your choice, and I respect whatever decision you make, but if you start using these drugs to cope, soon you will use various excuses to take them and you risk this becoming a bad thing. Also, they are only a temporary relief, so you can't take them forever. Actually, after about 6-8 weeks they lose the same mental effects, and then you need to increase the dosage. I was doing 2 mg at once which is high, but not even as high as some people. If one were to get addicted to Zanax or Klonopins, the withdrawal is not any less than heroin. You see what this can turn into if you're not careful. Klonopins and Zanax offer temporary relief but no cure. They have their place and use, and some people may need them, if they use it as a temporary thing, while they truly heal themselves, but what happens 2 months from now? Anxiety needs to be healed and that involves a long process healing your mind, and body and taking serious action on your part to heal yourself little by little. Benzos do not offer that.

Of course, a Benzo here and there is not going to hurt anyone, but will you really be able to maintain it at that level? I don't think any addict predicted they would be an addict. At the time, I took them so I could go to work and even leave my home. But I worked very hard on healing my anxiety in it's totality rather than relying on meds only.

This guy is exactly as I suspected, he could care less about your anxiety, as guys are not turned off by "weakness". I know you are not weak, just lack of better words. That is great you told him over the phone, that is a great way to screen guys. Please, do not take Klonopins if you are driving! Especially your first time!

Good luck. You can always just go some place and drink tea and talk. Like mint or chamomile tea. I still take girls on a first date to drink tea sometimes, as it is a good place to talk, without alcohol. There are some tea places near me that have these relaxing herbal/flower blends and you can talk and get to know each other. If the person sucks, you didn't invest too much time or effort into it.

05-31-2014, 07:42 PM
Oh stop scaring her and do not talk about benzo , you are not qualified enough, I am on benzos for so many years, off and on. I can quit it anytime, I do just to see about the evil benzos. The best is maybe to meditate before going out to calm yourself Brooke but if you are really nervious about it, take the klonopin; only if you got it from doc. 0.5 mg you will not even feel it. You will be calm. The other thing is he knows about your anxiety and why should you hid it. Just be yourself he will be as anxious as you are :)
For years I was using benzos in extreme situation like drivers license road test, or important interview.
Panic is right about something; the guys like to take care of weak woman they have it in their DNA :)) let him,

Telling her that benzos are as difficult as quitting heroine, means that you know ; sorry about it: you know shit about it

05-31-2014, 07:59 PM

Your tirade on Benzos however true was very misplaced in this instance. Yes , Benzos are addictive they also serve as a useful tool when used correctly.

Brooke, listen to Dahila and me, we've been with you through this whole roller coaster ride and your huge huge successes. We have never steered you wrong.

Luv ya sweetie!

05-31-2014, 08:21 PM

Your tirade on Benzos however true was very misplaced in this instance. Yes , Benzos are addictive they also serve as a useful tool when used correctly.

Brooke, listen to Dahila and me, we've been with you through this whole roller coaster ride and your huge huge successes. We have never steered you wrong.

Luv ya sweetie!

Brooke, I had anxiety real bad, now I don;t. I was addicted to Klonopns, now I am not. Why would a sane person just dismiss what I say? I don;t know why I bother on this site. Everytime I try and help someone, I am blocked.

I told her the absolute truth with facts and the best advice she has been given here. If you guys can;t comprehend what I write and are in denial of the widespread Benzodiazepene addiction epidemic, than that is your problem. Claiming you can stop anytime, so do you deny the millions of others who can;t stop anytime without suffering extreme withdrawals?

Can you not comprehend English when I wrote:

" It is your choice, and I respect whatever decision you make, but if you start using these drugs to cope, soon you will use various excuses to take them and you risk this becoming a bad thing."

She has never taken a benzo ever, so should just blindly begin it without knowing the risks her doctor most likely didn't tell her? She used it now for a date, tomorrow for work, next time for a speech she has to do, it has to be a bad thing. Not always but it can.

I said:

"They have their place and use, and some people may need them, if they use it as a temporary thing, while they truly heal themselves, but what happens 2 months from now? Anxiety needs to be healed and that involves a long process healing your mind, and body and taking serious action on your part to heal yourself little by little. Benzos do not offer that.

Of course, a Benzo here and there is not going to hurt anyone, but will you really be able to maintain it at that level? I don't think any addict predicted they would be an addict. At the time, I took them so I could go to work and even leave my home. But I worked very hard on healing my anxiety in it's totality rather than relying on meds only. "

If you can't see I offered here excellent advice you got issues! I think she is smart enough to read what I wrote and understand what I meant.

"Panic is right about something;"

No, I am right about almost everything that I type on this forum.

05-31-2014, 09:24 PM
I told her the absolute truth with facts and the best advice she has been given here. If you guys can;t comprehend what I write and are in denial of the widespread Benzodiazepene addiction epidemic, than that is your problem. Claiming you can stop anytime, so do you deny the millions of others who can;t stop anytime without suffering extreme withdrawals?

What millions , please provide a name of the person who got so addicted to klonopin that could not quit. I can provide many nicks who were on it for years......stop it
quit talking all nine times eight

05-31-2014, 10:13 PM
Let me just say, I have xanax & have had xanax for about 3 months & I never take it. It's almost still full. I took 2 a day for maybe 2 weeks while I was dealing with starting up my Paxil..

I know you're trying to help so that I don't addicted but I'm super smart. I just got out of a relationship where I helped my bf get clean off heroin.. I know the damage & because of that, I have a fear of drugs..

I would only take the klonopin this one day to ease myself into leaving town.. Thank you for the advice though..

05-31-2014, 10:15 PM
Hey Brooke! Love the hair color change! That's great you've been asked out! Must be a really nice guy, you deserve it. Anyway about the klonapin, can you split the tablet in half? That way you won't get too dopy, if you find you need it then take the other half. I do this with the Valium I take and that little tiny bit is enough to take the edge off. Good luck Hun, any have fun! Pam

Thank you!! I'll be pink soon!! Lol love changing the hair!! Lol

& yes, this guy is amazing!! Who takes a girl to beach on a first date!? Lol im smitten :)

& okay, I'll probably just split & take the other half with me..

Thanks ladies!!

05-31-2014, 10:24 PM
PancCured, Your tirade on Benzos however true was very misplaced in this instance. Yes , Benzos are addictive they also serve as a useful tool when used correctly. Brooke, listen to Dahila and me, we've been with you through this whole roller coaster ride and your huge huge successes. We have never steered you wrong. Luv ya sweetie!

Thanks Pam!!

Love ya too :)

05-31-2014, 10:49 PM
I was thinking that strange place for a first date! but hell who cares as long as you have a good time. I hope you have lovely time he sounds like a good sort to me. :D

05-31-2014, 10:52 PM
I was thinking that strange place for a first date! but hell who cares as long as you have a good time. I hope you have lovely time he sounds like a good sort to me. :D

I know!! Lol I feel special haha..

Thank you!!!

05-31-2014, 11:11 PM
So.. I've been asked out on a date.. To the beach!! :) I sadly said no though.. It's probably about 1-2 hrs away & I'm just afraid my anxiety will act up & look crazy in front of this guy..

Anyone have success with Klonopin & far away trips?? I wondering if I take one, if I'll be good to go..

No one is judging you, especially not me. I think it's so amazing that this guy fully understands your anxiety and is willing to work around it so you feel comfortable. I've been feeling so self conscious lately and i've been so negative that I don't even think i'd be able to push myself to go if I were you. I've pretty much turned down all invitations from friends to go out places that I think will make me feel uncomfortable. I refuse to do clubs and rarely any bars. I just want to hang out along or in groups with close friends. I feel like i'm such a boring person now wasting all of my teen years. I'm just in such a lame down state right now and i'm having trouble shaking it. I'm also really bad with far away trips and don't do them often so I understand the anxiety there. My mom and aunt sometimes take lorazepam which helps with their anxiety and fully calms them down. I think you should give it a shot and see how it goes. I think you'll be okay and you never know, you might really like it seeing as the beach is a sunny and fun place!! Good luck :)

05-31-2014, 11:26 PM
No one is judging you, especially not me. I think it's so amazing that this guy fully understands your anxiety and is willing to work around it so you feel comfortable. I've been feeling so self conscious lately and i've been so negative that I don't even think i'd be able to push myself to go if I were you. I've pretty much turned down all invitations from friends to go out places that I think will make me feel uncomfortable. I refuse to do clubs and rarely any bars. I just want to hang out along or in groups with close friends. I feel like i'm such a boring person now wasting all of my teen years. I'm just in such a lame down state right now and i'm having trouble shaking it. I'm also really bad with far away trips and don't do them often so I understand the anxiety there. My mom and aunt sometimes take lorazepam which helps with their anxiety and fully calms them down. I think you should give it a shot and see how it goes. I think you'll be okay and you never know, you might really like it seeing as the beach is a sunny and fun place!! Good luck :)

Thank you so much! :) I think I'll give it a try!!

& aw.. Take it slow.. I at one point couldn't even leave the house.. I slowly got out. I am on meds but I believe half of it was help of the meds & the other half from me.. Don't waste your years!! You'll regret it! Just take baby steps.. Once you go one place & you do fine, you'll wanna keep stepping out of your comfort zone! :)

05-31-2014, 11:39 PM
Thank you so much! :) I think I'll give it a try!!

& aw.. Take it slow.. I at one point couldn't even leave the house.. I slowly got out. I am on meds but I believe half of it was help of the meds & the other half from me.. Don't waste your years!! You'll regret it! Just take baby steps.. Once you go one place & you do fine, you'll wanna keep stepping out of your comfort zone! :)

I just need to work on being more confident in my own body. Being so negative and self conscious is probably my biggest issue.. That and trying to have everything planned out so well. I feel that if I go out with my friends at night and have something important planned the next day such as school or work, I can't enjoy myself because the whole time i'm so worried about getting home so I can shower and get to bed and be up on time the next day for whatever I have to do. I'm hoping to get to see a doctor soon and talk about low dosages of meds so I can stop worrying and being so worked up all the time. I appreciate your kind words and advice :) I'll give it a try!!

06-01-2014, 12:11 AM
I just need to work on being more confident in my own body. Being so negative and self conscious is probably my biggest issue.. That and trying to have everything planned out so well. I feel that if I go out with my friends at night and have something important planned the next day such as school or work, I can't enjoy myself because the whole time i'm so worried about getting home so I can shower and get to bed and be up on time the next day for whatever I have to do. I'm hoping to get to see a doctor soon and talk about low dosages of meds so I can stop worrying and being so worked up all the time. I appreciate your kind words and advice :) I'll give it a try!!

That's a good idea!! Meds are life savers in our times of need.. Some can do it without meds but some can't & there's nothing wrong with that :) I also see a counselor which I love so much!!

06-01-2014, 12:22 AM
That's a good idea!! Meds are life savers in our times of need.. Some can do it without meds but some can't & there's nothing wrong with that :) I also see a counselor which I love so much!!

Yeah.. I used to be against them mainly because a lot of people were negative about them and looked down upon them but i've been a lot more open to the thought of going on a small dosage now. I really want to talk to some sort of therapist or counsellor as well. In highschool I talked to my guidance counsellor and the child and youth worker for most of grade 12. I did see one psychologist a few months ago outside of school but didn't get into anything personal because once I arrived she realized I just turned 18 and thought I was too young for the rest of the group. She referred me to a child/family clinic where it was mandatory to bring my mom to the first meeting but I was uncomfortable with that and wanted to do everything on my own seeing as I had just turned 18 which is considered an adult. Even though i'm not 19 until October I think i'm still going to push myself to finding another counsellor/therapist of some sort. I just feel the hardest part is taking that one big step towards getting help.. I feel that everyone on this forum is giving me that big push I need :)

06-01-2014, 12:27 AM
Yeah.. I used to be against them mainly because a lot of people were negative about them and looked down upon them but i've been a lot more open to the thought of going on a small dosage now. I really want to talk to some sort of therapist or counsellor as well. In highschool I talked to my guidance counsellor and the child and youth worker for most of grade 12. I did see one psychologist a few months ago outside of school but didn't get into anything personal because once I arrived she realized I just turned 18 and thought I was too young for the rest of the group. She referred me to a child/family clinic where it was mandatory to bring my mom to the first meeting but I was uncomfortable with that and wanted to do everything on my own seeing as I had just turned 18 which is considered an adult. Even though i'm not 19 until October I think i'm still going to push myself to finding another counsellor/therapist of some sort. I just feel the hardest part is taking that one big step towards getting help.. I feel that everyone on this forum is giving me that big push I need :)

Yea I totally understand where you're coming from!!

& we just wanna see everyone succeed :) good luck with everything! You'll be good as new soon!

06-01-2014, 03:10 AM
Yes, Pumpkin, you are right, we are giving you that big push...can you feel it? If BrookeLynne has found help with meds and a counselor, maybe you can too. Good luck!

06-01-2014, 06:55 AM
Yes, Pumpkin, you are right, we are giving you that big push...can you feel it? If BrookeLynne has found help with meds and a counselor, maybe you can too. Good luck!

I really appreciate it :) Thanks a lot!!

06-01-2014, 08:57 AM
BrookeLynne, Let us know how it goes!

06-01-2014, 09:01 AM
BrookeLynne, Let us know how it goes!

I will!! It's not til Tuesday :)

I'm still contemplating on telling him the beach is a yes or just keep the plans we made after I said I didn't feel comfortable going..

06-01-2014, 09:08 AM
Well, if you start to feel too, too anxious about the date, and it's really weighing on you, you might want to move it to a more comfortable place and go to the beach later. A first date is really about getting to know someone and talking and seeing what you have in common. The good news is he wants to spend some time with you, so he would be okay with either place. If you have to take Klonopin to go on the date, maybe you could choose a more comfortable setting. I'm curious, what beach? What area do you live in? how far is the drive?

06-01-2014, 09:18 AM
Well, if you start to feel too, too anxious about the date, and it's really weighing on you, you might want to move it to a more comfortable place and go to the beach later. A first date is really about getting to know someone and talking and seeing what you have in common. The good news is he wants to spend some time with you, so he would be okay with either place. If you have to take Klonopin to go on the date, maybe you could choose a more comfortable setting. I'm curious, what beach? What area do you live in? how far is the drive?

You're totally right.. Thank you :)

& we didn't even get that into yet because I immediately said no but any beach is about 2 hours away. I live in northern ca.

06-02-2014, 12:51 AM
What millions , please provide a name of the person who got so addicted to klonopin that could not quit. I can provide many nicks who were on it for years......stop it
quit talking all nine times eight

Are you joking? You are incredibly ignorant to not know the millions addicted to Zanax and Klonopins. You have no business here giving people ridiculous and wrong information. My god you can't be this ignorant are you? Asking me to give you names? Get an education! You are a danger here! You really do not know Zanax is one of the most addictive pharmaceuticals due to it's incredibly short half life? Dependance can set in in as little as 8 weeks for some which can eventually leads to addiction. Meaning if they stop they get insane withdrawal symptoms. or they need to up the dose to get he same effect. Then eventually in between doses of Zanax it causes anxiety. You need to learn the facts before you spew dangerous advice here. Since you are too lazy to research this yourself read here:

"Like other benzodiazepines, Klonopin can become physically and physiologically addictive. After taking the drug for a period of time, your body may develop a tolerance."


There are rehab detox programs for them:

"At Mount Regis, we’ve treated men and women just like you who are struggling to overcome an addiction to benzodiazepine such as Klonopin. Our top-of-the-line detox program and rehab center can help you get off the clonazepam and reclaim your life as your own."

Another rehab:

"Klonopin is a central nervous system depressant classified as a benzodiazepine. It is used to slow the brain down and is commonly used to treat anxiety, panic disorders, epilepsy, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, Tourette syndrome, schizophrenia and depression. Klonopin has a high risk of being abused and long-term use always leads to low-dose dependence."

"As potential drugs of abuse, short-acting benzodiazepines seem to be preferred among addicts because of the rapidity of their onset of action. Tolerance to all of the actions of benzodiazepines can develop, although at variable rates and to different degrees. Tolerance to the hypnotic effects tends to develop rapidly, which may be beneficial in daytime anxiolysis but makes long-term management of insomnia difficult. Benzodiazepine therapy can give rise to physiologic and psychologic dependence based on the drug's dosage, duration of therapy and potency.1 Thus, dependence will develop sooner (such as in one to two months) in a patient who is taking a high dosage of a high-potency agent such as alprazolam than in a patient who is receiving a relatively low dosage of a long-acting, low-potency agent such as chlordiazepoxide. As a result of physiologic dependence, withdrawal symptoms emerge with rapid dose reduction or abrupt discontinuation of the drug."












So yeah, go ahead, pop these things as much as you want since Dahlia claim she knows people who can stop. Ignore all facts and science. There is a time and a place for meds, and not everyone will be addicted and obviously occasionally is ok, but let's be realistic here. most people who end up in rehab for Banzos didn't expect to become addicted to them. They all said they could stop anytime.

06-03-2014, 07:57 PM
That shut you up quickly, Dahila, didn't it?
"please provide a name of the person who got so addicted to klonopin that could not quit."

Rehabs with people addicted to Klonopins should have made my case.

As I said:

"There is a time and a place for meds, and not everyone will be addicted and obviously occasionally is ok, but let's be realistic here."

06-03-2014, 09:21 PM
Very nice young man, nothing shut me up, I just do not come here for more than 5 minutes, and not every day. I would not use my time to read long, longgggggggg and kind of naive posts. I am sorry, I am too old to pick up a fight on forums:)

06-03-2014, 09:42 PM
Very nice young man, nothing shut me up, I just do not come here for more than 5 minutes, and not every day. I would not use my time to read long, longgggggggg and kind of naive posts. I am sorry, I am too old to pick up a fight on forums:)

haha that is your excuse? You do not have the attention span to read for 5 minutes? You tell a girl who never took Klonopins before to take it and not think twice about it, then say nobody has ever been addicted to it So I give you proof, but you don't have time to read it? Keep giving people advice before you learn the facts. Or do you simply not have the attention span to learn facts?

06-04-2014, 12:44 AM
So.. I've been asked out on a date.. To the beach!! :) I sadly said no though.. It's probably about 1-2 hrs away & I'm just afraid my anxiety will act up & look crazy in front of this guy..

The more you fear your anxiety, the greater the possibility than it will manifest itself. Just relax and let everything go it's own way. If you will feel anxious just explain it to the guy. If he will not understand than he is a bad guy, not worth your time. Only a good person can understand and not think of you as crazy.

So just let it be, don't resist anxiety! And you will find how helping is such approach.

A lot of people resist, fight, fear their anxiety. As soon we accept it, we will make a huge step towards getting rid of it!

06-04-2014, 12:58 AM
haha that is your excuse? You do not have the attention span to read for 5 minutes? You tell a girl who never took Klonopins before to take it and not think twice about it, then say nobody has ever been addicted to it So I give you proof, but you don't have time to read it? Keep giving people advice before you learn the facts. Or do you simply not have the attention span to learn facts?
Yeah, I agree with you, that medication can cause strong addiction. And can't lead to remedy, as I think.

But if you want to bring that important truth to people (You want it, aren't you?). Do it more gently. The more aggression intolerance you have, the less people are able to listen to you. Their Ego protection mechanisms will be triggered by your aggression, and they will not listen to you even if your words are true.

Be more polite, do not tend to insult person only if she or he doesn't share your opinion. And don't be surprised if a person doesn't want to discuss some serious problem with you after you offended he or she so aggressively. It doesn't mean he or she has nothing to say. It means he or she doesn't want to speak with you by certain case.

06-04-2014, 04:41 AM
Yeah, I agree with you, that medication can cause strong addiction. And can't lead to remedy, as I think.

But if you want to bring that important truth to people (You want it, aren't you?). Do it more gently. The more aggression intolerance you have, the less people are able to listen to you. Their Ego protection mechanisms will be triggered by your aggression, and they will not listen to you even if your words are true.

Be more polite, do not tend to insult person only if she or he doesn't share your opinion. And don't be surprised if a person doesn't want to discuss some serious problem with you after you offended he or she so aggressively. It doesn't mean he or she has nothing to say. It means he or she doesn't want to speak with you by certain case.

But they wouldn't have listened to me anyway. She acted like I was nuts to suggest you could get addicted to Klonopins. That is dangerous advice. I prove it to her and her excuse is she can't read a long thread. I gave sound advice and then people are like listen to me not him. haha The people here who are open to suggestions will listen to what I say. Those who are convinced they can never get better and need to only cope, won't get it anyway. Anyone that is motivated to get better and goes full speed ahead towards anxiety free, will get there. I care about helping those that are open to it. Remember, many more read here than post. The girl was asking if she should take Klonopn for the first time to go on a date. I said do what you want but know the risks. Then people tell me I am full of shit.

"A lot of people resist, fight, fear their anxiety. As soon we accept it, we will make a huge step towards getting rid of it!" Yeah I agree. But I don't say accept it, I say allow it to pass.

06-04-2014, 05:14 AM
haha that is your excuse? You do not have the attention span to read for 5 minutes? You tell a girl who never took Klonopins before to take it and not think twice about it, then say nobody has ever been addicted to it So I give you proof, but you don't have time to read it? Keep giving people advice before you learn the facts. Or do you simply not have the attention span to learn facts?


First of all I let's take a look at this particular situation, not generalizing. There are a few of us here who have been along with the original poster of this thread since the beginning of her debilitating situation. For months we have worked with her and seen an incredible transformation. We happen to know her outside of this particular forum.

So, this being the case, and the fact that she has klonapin prescribed by her physician, why is it so wrong to suggest to her to try it in a situation for which it is intended?

No one disputes the fact that Benzos are addictive when abused. Used responsibly they are a useful tool to battle what can be absolutely debilitating anxiety. You can't dispute this.

I am troubled that you don't seem to want to accept positions other than your own. Not only in this thread, but in other threads as well. You definitely have some very useful tools and tips, but the same things don't work for everyone.

Some of the senior members, and by those I am referring to those with 1000+ posts have been working at helping people here for a long time, and have been quite successful. The truth of the matter is, we too suffer burn out and compounded with our own life issues sometimes don't have more than 5 minutes to spend here, much as we would like to. To tell someone that they don't have the attention span to read something for 5 minutes is unfair, unproductive and rude.

What I am asking of you is to continue with your suggestions, you have some very good ones, but when you get an opposing point of view, which may just be equally valid as your own, don't be so quick to dismiss that suggestion and defend your own position.

Each tread is about the original poster, not about the validity of your position, and this has occurred in at least a couple places where you have had strong opinions.

We are here to help, and we do, but making this a personal debate doesn't help anyone and we lose sight of the original purpose of the thread.


06-04-2014, 05:26 AM
Great post Pam! :)

06-04-2014, 05:41 AM

Sorry I can't see the picture, but I'm not sure I understand your intention.

06-04-2014, 05:53 AM
Really, hmm...let me play around with it a bit

Tell me something....

Do you really think this type if bating is really helpful to anyone?

06-04-2014, 06:06 AM

First of all I let's take a look at this particular situation, not generalizing. There are a few of us here who have been along with the original poster of this thread since the beginning of her debilitating situation. For months we have worked with her and seen an incredible transformation. We happen to know her outside of this particular forum.

So, this being the case, and the fact that she has klonapin prescribed by her physician, why is it so wrong to suggest to her to try it in a situation for which it is intended?

No one disputes the fact that Benzos are addictive when abused. Used responsibly they are a useful tool to battle what can be absolutely debilitating anxiety. You can't dispute this.

I am troubled that you don't seem to want to accept positions other than your own. Not only in this thread, but in other threads as well. You definitely have some very useful tools and tips, but the same things don't work for everyone.

Some of the senior members, and by those I am referring to those with 1000+ posts have been working at helping people here for a long time, and have been quite successful. The truth of the matter is, we too suffer burn out and compounded with our own life issues sometimes don't have more than 5 minutes to spend here, much as we would like to. To tell someone that they don't have the attention span to read something for 5 minutes is unfair, unproductive and rude.

What I am asking of you is to continue with your suggestions, you have some very good ones, but when you get an opposing point of view, which may just be equally valid as your own, don't be so quick to dismiss that suggestion and defend your own position.

Each tread is about the original poster, not about the validity of your position, and this has occurred in at least a couple places where you have had strong opinions.

We are here to help, and we do, but making this a personal debate doesn't help anyone and we lose sight of the original purpose of the thread.


The problem is you guys read 2 sentences and then argue with me. You don't even know or can't comprehend what I said. I said to her I respect whatever decision she makes. I also said there is a time and place for meds and can have some use. I explained myself very clearly, and you don't read everything I wrote so you argue points I didn't make. It is not my business if you do not read the entire post. Do I really need to explain this for a 5th time to you? If anyone cares, they can go back and read what I wrote. If not I don't care. But don't debate me on things I didn't say or neglect half of what I said. My advice was sound!

It is utter ridiculous to tell me Benzos can never cause addiction and challenging me to name someone who has become addicted WHEN I WAS ADDICTED, I listed proof and she tells me it is too long to read. It is also irresponsible to tell a girl who never took Klonopins ever to just go ahead and take it and have fun, without pointing out the risks. What I said was true, now it is for a date. Next it is for a speech. Next it is for work. Next she take sit for a job interview. There will always be a new excuse to take a Benzo. Will she become addicted? Nobody here knows as no addict ever knew they would become an addict and they all said they had it under control. Will she be able to do it once in a while and never suffer any damage and be responsible? Maybe she will. But these are a valid questions and concerns to ask someone planning to take it for the first time.

06-04-2014, 06:22 AM
You are right Panic, but isn't it reasonable to think that the doctors in charge of her have advised her of the dangers?

I'm sorry you got addicted to the stuff, and I agree it can happen without noticing it, my 82 yr old mother in law got herself addicted to it last year and the withdrawls and entire situation was nothing less than ugly, so I have seen first hand what it can do.

You have good reason to advise and caution against it, however not everyone will have the same reaction as you.

Advise as you have done, it's a good thing. But if someone differs with your opinion, it doesn't make your opinion less valid, and you don't have to defend your position. Your opinion is yours, theirs is theirs. It is up to the original poster to decide what direction to take.

06-04-2014, 06:24 AM
The problem is you guys read 2 sentences and then argue with me. You don't even know or can't comprehend what I said. I said to her I respect whatever decision she makes. I also said there is a time and place for meds and can have some use. I explained myself very clearly, and you don't read everything I wrote so you argue points I didn't make. It is not my business if you do not read the entire post. Do I really need to explain this for a 5th time to you? If anyone cares, they can go back and read what I wrote. If not I don't care. But don't debate me on things I didn't say or neglect half of what I said. My advice was sound!

It is utter ridiculous to tell me Benzos can never cause addiction and challenging me to name someone who has become addicted WHEN I WAS ADDICTED, I listed proof and she tells me it is too long to read. It is also irresponsible to tell a girl who never took Klonopins ever to just go ahead and take it and have fun, without pointing out the risks. What I said was true, now it is for a date. Next it is for a speech. Next it is for work. Next she take sit for a job interview. There will always be a new excuse to take a Benzo. Will she become addicted? Nobody here knows as no addict ever knew they would become an addict and they all said they had it under control. Will she be able to do it once in a while and never suffer any damage and be responsible? Maybe she will. But these are a valid questions and concerns to ask someone planning to take it for the first time.

This is the only information needed for the OP among 5 pages of chatter, if she has the ears to hear.

Most often a Dr will not advise of dangers/risks. Unfortunately. Unless ofcourse you ask.

06-04-2014, 12:26 PM
haha that is your excuse? You do not have the attention span to read for 5 minutes? You tell a girl who never took Klonopins before to take it and not think twice about it, then say nobody has ever been addicted to it So I give you proof, but you don't have time to read it? Keep giving people advice before you learn the facts. Or do you simply not have the attention span to learn facts?

I had never said that no one was addicted to it. People get addicted to cigar , alcohol, shopping, cleaning even to writing on forums and insulting others. Do not change the facts. BTW a lot of copying my dear, you are like thick, ............
I will not answer any of your insults so be free to say whatever you want :)) Have a nice time on forum, sorry only 5 minutes ; must go to work..........

06-04-2014, 04:43 PM
You are right Panic, but isn't it reasonable to think that the doctors in charge of her have advised her of the dangers?


Absolutely not! Most doctors do not talk about this and if they do, it may be like, "Yeah this stuff can get addicting so be carefl." And that is it. Many still do not even believe SSRIs are addicting and call the withdrawal "Discontinuation Syndrome" instead of withdrawal. Pharmaceuticals are the 4th leading cause of death in the US, from what I read, and we do not need anxiety about them, but we need to know the facts. Not that a Benzo will kill you, but we can;t just blindly trust doctors without knowing the facts when it comes to drugs.

I once went to doctor asking for something to help with airplane fear. This was before I had serious anxiety. He said, "I'll give you some Klonopins. Take 1. If you really need to you can take 2. I wouldn't take more than 2." Grabs pen and paper, "I'll give you 30.".

He gave me a bottle of 30 Klonopins! At the time I didn't have anxiety and was only asking it to ease the plane flight!

Then when I had anxiety I was told to take 2 mg twice per day!

I am ok now. Its fine. But I said nothing utterly crazy to attack me for here.

06-04-2014, 04:49 PM
I had never said that no one was addicted to it. People get addicted to cigar , alcohol, shopping, cleaning even to writing on forums and insulting others. Do not change the facts.

You said"please provide a name of the person who got so addicted to klonopin that could not quit. I can provide many nicks who were on it for years......stop it"

You clearly here are saying that stating Benzos being addicted is rediculous. I have you facts and links in which you probably never even opened, 2 being rehabs for people to go with Banzo addiction. You are comparing Benzo addiction to cleaning and shopping addiction? I didn't change any fact. I gave you facts. There are rehabs that have people in their for Klonopins for PHYSICAL ADDICTION! Not the same as shopping. WOW!

See it is asinine comments like this that cause me to rebuttal. When I read crazy things like this, it is very hard to not respond in utter confusion.

06-04-2014, 05:01 PM
I am addicted to xanax and really do not give a crap! been taking them for thirteen years. I do not abuse them nor do i take more than the recommended dosage. I just know that the NON STOP daily panic attack almost ruined my life. I do not know what else to say about that. All the trips to the ER put me in a financial hardship. I'll take the pills for now. Cigs are just as addictive as heroin and just as hard to get off but we do it. Maybe someday i will have to go through detox or rehab but for right now i choose to live life with pharmaceuticals, as bad as that sounds it's the truth.
If you do not need them please do not take them but if you do it should be between you and your doctor.

06-04-2014, 08:13 PM
I am addicted to xanax and really do not give a crap! been taking them for thirteen years. I do not abuse them nor do i take more than the recommended dosage. I just know that the NON STOP daily panic attack almost ruined my life. I do not know what else to say about that. All the trips to the ER put me in a financial hardship. I'll take the pills for now. Cigs are just as addictive as heroin and just as hard to get off but we do it. Maybe someday i will have to go through detox or rehab but for right now i choose to live life with pharmaceuticals, as bad as that sounds it's the truth.
If you do not need them please do not take them but if you do it should be between you and your doctor.

I respect whatever decisions you make in your personal life, John. but to come here and say that Benzos is not addicting and refusing to acknowledge this is not ok. Letting someone who plans to take Klonopins for the first time of the risks is responsible. The fact that I was challenged on the fact if Benzos are addicting, shows how poorly some doctors are educating their patients. I am sure you think people should know what they are getting themselves into.

The problem with Zanax is it can eventually cause anxiety in between doses. You may want to consider doing a type of healing plan like I did that I documented in my Techniques thread up at the top of the stickies. I went from severe anxiety taking Klonopins to anxiety and med free. I hope it gives you some inspiration. Eventually as your anxiety improves you can do a very slow taper to get off Zanax but you will probably have ot go to a detox program at this point Regardless meds or no meds, the path to healing anxiety is a long process and takes some serious initiative on the person's part. But it is possible for everyone to achieve!

06-04-2014, 08:30 PM
I am not suppose to say anything here, but people who abuse benzos get addicted, not the one who use them in time when they can not function. I do not care about my addiction to 0.5 mg daily of Clonazepam, I am so old that I can get addicted. I know people here who take klonopin for 18 years and never up it.
If you have such personality that you get addicted easily avoid life and all the consequences....I prefer to be addicted to the smallest dose, (I am not adicted on weekends :)) ) than not function at all

Panic do you have a sister the fruity?

06-04-2014, 09:01 PM
HockeyRules..I just want to say hello. It would be nice to see you come back. I can't PM you because it won't accept PM.

06-05-2014, 02:37 AM
I am not suppose to say anything here, but people who abuse benzos get addicted, not the one who use them in time when they can not function. I do not care about my addiction to 0.5 mg daily of Clonazepam, I am so old that I can get addicted. I know people here who take klonopin for 18 years and never up it.
If you have such personality that you get addicted easily avoid life and all the consequences....I prefer to be addicted to the smallest dose, (I am not adicted on weekends :)) ) than not function at all

Panic do you have a sister the fruity?

WOW! You are so misinformed. So you went on and on how you can't get addicted and now you say you are addicted? I have no idea what sister the fruity means. But I think you should not be in a position to give advice here.

"I know people here who take klonopin for 18 years and never up it. "

And that is a good thing? Oh sounds like a great plan! We should all aspire to take Klonopins for 18 years. Now that sounds like a mighty fine cure for anxiety!

Ok since Dahila knows people who never up their Klonopins, that means we now have solid proof addiction does not exist. I mean, she told us she knows people. That is all the facts we need. Forget about Peer Review and science. She knows people who never upped it. And as we all know, if you never increase your dose, there are no side effects and that is not addiction.

Basically Dahlia knows people should be all the information anyone needs it. Those other people who are addicted, suffer side effects, or are in rehab for klonopins and Zanax, who cared about them when we have Dahlia to tell us how it all is.

I am going to go to an AA meeting and stand up and scream, "Hey you idiots! I know people who drink wine every day and never more than 2 glasses. You idiots are not addicted! Go home!"

So when someone asks, "Should I take Klonopins for the first time?" Make sure you do not tell her any risk. Tell her, yes take it and love it, have fun and dive right in. Ignore all potential risks because Dahlia has friends who are on it for 18 years and never upped it

06-05-2014, 08:20 AM
PC I started to wonder about you..............your reactions and changing the meaning is incredible...Man you have a problem and I think, maybe you need some help..........I am not talking about benzos.
You hacked Brooke thread, and sit here like you are the owner of the world, hours on forum and writing and writing. Where Brooke in all this? You selfish SOG
I do not fight with people like you. I prefer to fight with my problems alone and in real life. Get a life man
If you had read my post carefully you would get the meaning; the word ADDICTED was sarcastic. How someone can be addicted to the evil benzos 5 days in a week sometimes 4?
Are you suffering with OCD Panic?
You do not have enough attention to read two sentences?

06-05-2014, 11:43 AM
Hey Brooke what kind of anxity do you have is distance a problem? Same here its tough to deal with, try the klonopin its helps me! Have fun

06-05-2014, 12:42 PM
Hey Brooke what kind of anxity do you have is distance a problem? Same here its tough to deal with, try the klonopin its helps me! Have fun

Agoraphobia :(

It's gotten so much better with my ssri but I still have trouble with long distance..

06-05-2014, 08:46 PM
Brooke step by step, have you read Frankie thread about her struggling with agoraphobia? She gave a lot of advice, very good advice. It is in Agoraphobia subforum:)