View Full Version : Increased Heart Rate

05-23-2008, 02:27 PM
I’ve recently been having a very rapid heart rate, even when not particualy anxious or stressed.

It seems to be beating above or around 100 beats a minute pretty much from the moment I get out of bed. It also feels as though it speeds up and slows down every so often for no reason.

I take beta-blockers to try and manage it, but even a dose of Pornanolol seems to not be enough at times.

I was just wondering if this was normal and whether anyone else has experienced this?

I understand that and increased heart rate is what to expect when panicing or your stress levels are higher, but as I said this is happening even when I fell as though I’m relativly relaxed.

05-24-2008, 03:01 PM
I’ve recently been having a very rapid heart rate, even when not particualy anxious or stressed.

It seems to be beating above or around 100 beats a minute pretty much from the moment I get out of bed. It also feels as though it speeds up and slows down every so often for no reason.

I'm new to the board... and this is the first message I've read. What's funny is that this exact problem is what brought me to the board!

Although I'm not on medication, I think the both of us are having panic attacks that just last all day. It seems like no matter what I do, I can't get the feeling to go away! My normal de-stress exercises don't even work :(

I guess I don't have any advice for you... but it does feel nice that I'm not the only one with this problem :)

05-25-2008, 05:52 AM
A noticeable increase in heart rate is probably the most commonly reported thing related to anxiety.

I've been dealing with anxiety for about the past 8 months, and I feel as though I can "feel" my heart within my chest, and I also felt as though it was beating abnormally fast.

So here's how anxiety works... it'll start with a symptom, such as, a slightly increased heart rate; when you notice this, you become nervous, and slightly fearful. This cause your heart rate to increase more, and the cycle continues.

You may feel as though your heart is beating really fast, but it's just a reaction to your anxiety. As hard as it may seem, the less you worry about it, and the calmer you stay, the less it will bother you and become noticeable.

Are you taking any anti-depressants for your anxiety? I can say Lexapro has been working great for me... and for the occasional panic attack, some Klonopin does wonders.


05-25-2008, 05:35 PM
Your heart-rate is supposed to increase when you're anxious. It's the way we've evolved so we don't have to think about pumping more blood to our arms and leg muscles (our most valuable assets in times of danger). It just happens automatically.

The same happens in every animal with a reasonably developed nervous system. Don't fear it, it's not a fault.


06-03-2008, 03:42 PM
I'm so glad that you posted this. That is exactly the same problem that I had. I went through a bunch of heart tests and nothing is wrong, so of course they say it's anxiety/stress. I don't know if you're female, but getting off of hormonal birth control has helped me a lot! We with anxiety have a heightened awareness of what goes on in our body, especially cardiac awareness. Each time our heart rate increases it freaks us out. I know going to the doctor and getting tested helped set my mind at ease. Other things that have helped me are eliminating caffeine from my diet, taking B complex and magnesium supplements and exercise. I know it's hard, but you have to trust that this doesn't harm your heart.